Telangana better than AP in providing basic amenities: K T Rama Rao

  • 2 years ago
Telangana Minister KT Rama Rao inaugurated the 11th edition of Credai Hyderabad Property Expo Show held at Hitex in Hyderabad on April 29. While addressing the event, KTR said that Telangana was better at providing its citizens with basic amenities like electricity and water than the state of Andhra Pradesh. While addressing the gathering at the Credai event, KTR said, "Recently, one of his friends who went to his native village in AP, after returning to Telangana, called him and requested him to arrange for buses from each village of Telangana to AP. My friend said that there is no power, water and roads in AP. Send people to AP so that people living in Telangana will understand the situation in AP.” “A BJP MP visiting from North India said that he reached the destination where he was participating in a program within minutes in Hyderabad. He said as there were flyovers and there was no traffic, so reached early. He also said that he didn't have flyovers in his state", he added.