India expresses concern over UNGA’s International Day resolution to combat Islamophobia

  • 2 years ago
India on March 15 expressed concern over phobia against one religion being elevated to the level of an international day after the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Tuesday proclaiming March 15 as International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

Reacting to the adoption of the resolution, India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador T S Tirumurti at United Nations General Assembly said, "There are growing contemporary forms of religiophobia, particularly anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, and anti-Sikh phobias. We condemn all acts motivated by anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, or Islamophobia. However, such phobias are not restricted to Abrahamic religions only."

“These contemporary forms of religiophobia can be witnessed in the increase in attacks on religious places of worship like gurudwaras, monasteries, temples, etc,” he added.