00:01:50Good afternoon.
00:01:51Mr. Wright?
00:01:52Who's calling?
00:01:53Just a moment, please.
00:01:54Mr. Wright, from your printing on the line.
00:01:57Tower of Model Agency.
00:01:58Good afternoon.
00:01:59Good afternoon.
00:02:00I'm sorry, Mr. Fitzgerald isn't in yet.
00:02:02You're welcome.
00:02:03Good afternoon.
00:02:04Good afternoon.
00:02:05What do you want, please?
00:02:06I'd like to have a job.
00:02:07Are you registered here?
00:02:09Well, no, I'm not.
00:02:10I've never been.
00:02:11We're not registering any new girls.
00:02:13Tower of Model Agency.
00:02:14Good afternoon.
00:02:16You have the wrong number.
00:02:17I'm sorry.
00:02:18I'm sorry, too.
00:02:19Good afternoon.
00:02:20Tower of Model Agency.
00:02:22Just a moment.
00:02:23Mr. Wright.
00:02:24Good afternoon.
00:02:25Tower of Model Agency.
00:02:26Tower of Model Agency.
00:02:27Here you are.
00:02:28Have a seat, please.
00:02:29Good afternoon.
00:02:31How can I have a job here tomorrow?
00:02:33Are you registered?
00:02:34Oh, yes, yes.
00:02:35I'm registered.
00:02:36Did you get a call from Mr. Wright's office?
00:02:38I don't know.
00:02:39Mr. Wright?
00:02:40Guess there's nothing for you then.
00:02:42I'm sorry, too.
00:02:54This is Mr. Wright's office.
00:02:56I came to see about being a mother.
00:02:57Did Mr. Wright call you?
00:02:58Oh, yes, yes.
00:02:59I got a call from Mr. Wright.
00:03:01Go right in.
00:03:07I want him to put his OK on it before we print one of them.
00:03:10He's putting up all the money for this deal,
00:03:12and he has a right to know what's going on.
00:03:14Now, don't argue with me.
00:03:16Send the proofs in right away.
00:03:18I'll be with you in a minute.
00:03:22Get me Mr. Trevi's address.
00:03:23Yes, sir.
00:03:27Did I call you?
00:03:28Oh, yes, yes.
00:03:29You called me.
00:03:30What was it for?
00:03:31Well, I don't know.
00:03:32To be a mother?
00:03:33You're French, huh?
00:03:34Yes, I'm French.
00:03:35But the accent won't show on the picture.
00:03:37No, no.
00:03:38Of course not.
00:03:39Let me see.
00:03:40It must have been this, sir.
00:03:42Yes, that's it.
00:03:43Now, this is where you go.
00:03:44Mr. Trevi's address, sir.
00:03:47This man is a first class photographer.
00:03:49He will pose with drapes.
00:03:53With drapes.
00:03:55Oh, drapes.
00:03:57And what else?
00:03:58Nothing else.
00:04:01Oh, you mean you want me to pose with?
00:04:04Just with?
00:04:06What do you think I am?
00:04:07I've never...
00:04:08You don't want to do it?
00:04:10No, I'll never do it.
00:04:11All right.
00:04:16You, come in please.
00:04:17Yes, Mr. Wright.
00:04:18I have a job for you to pose with drapes.
00:04:20For how much?
00:04:21$2.75 an hour.
00:04:22He'll want you three hours a day for about ten weeks.
00:04:25That's no job.
00:04:26That's a career.
00:04:27Oh, there's one thing I want to warn you about.
00:04:29He's a very impatient man.
00:04:31Don't keep him waiting because he's likely to throw things at you.
00:04:34I'll be there on time.
00:04:35Well, make sure you are.
00:04:36Go right into his studio and get ready.
00:04:38Here's the address.
00:04:40His name is Karen Decker.
00:04:41Thank you, Mr. Wright.
00:04:43Here are the proofs for Mr. Trevor.
00:04:44Oh, yes.
00:04:45Well, send them right down to...
00:04:52I asked you for Mr. Trevor's address a half hour ago.
00:04:54Where is it?
00:04:55Yes, Mr. Wright.
00:04:56I put it right here under the...
00:04:57Now, don't argue with me.
00:05:00Everyone in this place wants to argue with me.
00:05:02Well, I'm so sorry, but I...
00:05:03Get me that address.
00:05:04Yes, sir.
00:05:07But, Mr. Wright...
00:05:08Get it.
00:05:13Right over there.
00:05:14Thank you very much.
00:05:15Going up.
00:05:18Mr. Trevor's office, please.
00:05:20See a secretary, please.
00:05:21This one?
00:05:22Yes, that one.
00:05:26Oh, wait a minute.
00:05:27I am to see Mr. James Trevor.
00:05:29Take this to the mail room right away.
00:05:30Mr. Trevor wants you to get the 3 o'clock plane and have it registered.
00:05:32What do you want to see him about, please?
00:05:33I am from Towers.
00:05:34Oh, from Towers.
00:05:35He's expecting you.
00:05:36Go right in.
00:05:37Ah, yes.
00:05:38In here?
00:05:39Yes, right in that door.
00:05:40He'll be there in just a minute.
00:05:42Make yourself comfortable.
00:05:43Yes, yes, of course.
00:05:44Right away.
00:05:59I'm off about 800,000 copies, and I don't want any argument about it.
00:06:09Jim, that'll stand us over a quarter of a million dollars before we even start.
00:06:12But, listen, that isn't your money, Ed.
00:06:13So, will you be good boys and do as I tell you, please?
00:06:19Who is it?
00:06:20Well, it's... it's a...
00:06:26You are Mr. James Trevor, no?
00:06:29I'm Mr. James Trevor, yes.
00:06:34How do you do?
00:06:36How do you do?
00:06:37I'm sorry, I'm not ready.
00:06:39I know you are very impatient.
00:06:40No, I'm just curious.
00:06:41Would you mind telling me what this is all about, or is that asking too much?
00:06:46What is this all for?
00:06:47$2.75 an hour.
00:06:51Oh, for $2.75 an hour.
00:06:54Is... is it too much?
00:06:56Oh, no, no, no.
00:06:57As a matter of fact, it's quite reasonable.
00:06:59I was just thinking that it's worth that to find out what happens next.
00:07:03Oh, I cannot get this.
00:07:09May I help you?
00:07:11Oh, no, no, no, please.
00:07:13I think I can do it myself.
00:07:20Here's your plane ticket, sir.
00:07:21Mr. Eddington will meet you in Chicago at 10 o'clock, and he wants you to bring...
00:07:28Oh, pardon me.
00:07:30I beg your pardon.
00:07:32Pardon me.
00:07:36You are the certain Mr. James Trevor, no?
00:07:38I am Mr. James Trevor, but not very certain.
00:07:40But don't let that stop you.
00:07:41Go right ahead.
00:07:42Don't bother about me.
00:07:46Where are the drops?
00:07:48The what?
00:07:49You have the drops?
00:07:50I don't know.
00:07:51I've had the measles.
00:07:52What are the drops like?
00:07:53Where's your camera?
00:07:54My camera?
00:07:55Oh, my camera.
00:07:57Oh, that's a long, sad story.
00:07:58I lost it.
00:07:59You lost it?
00:08:01Lost it last winter in Florida.
00:08:02Put it in the back of my car, and somebody stole it.
00:08:04And it's the only camera I've ever been able to make pictures with.
00:08:06You're a photographer, no?
00:08:08That's where you've got me.
00:08:09I'm a photographer, no.
00:08:10And what are you?
00:08:11I'm a model from Towers.
00:08:14You're a model from Towers?
00:08:15But what are you doing here?
00:08:16Yes, sir.
00:08:17Get out of here.
00:08:18Get out of here.
00:08:19Get out of here.
00:08:20Get out of here.
00:08:21Get out of here.
00:08:22What are you doing here?
00:08:23Yes, sir.
00:08:24Get me Towers on the phone.
00:08:30Don't call them up.
00:08:31It's all right.
00:08:32You know, I'm not supposed to be here.
00:08:33They didn't send me.
00:08:34They told me about the drops, and I came here.
00:08:35Please don't do that.
00:08:36I thought you was a photographer, but you have no camera.
00:08:37Never mind about Towers.
00:08:38Yes, sir.
00:08:39There seems to be something wrong.
00:08:40Oh, no.
00:08:41No, nothing is wrong.
00:08:42I promise you.
00:08:43I just wanted to make a little money.
00:08:44That's what I was afraid of.
00:08:45Yes, Mr. Trevor.
00:08:46Yes, Mr. Trevor.
00:08:47Yes, Mr. Trevor.
00:08:49Gentlemen, don't you think this looks a little haywire?
00:08:51What do you mean by haywire?
00:08:53I'm a model, I tell you, for $2.75 an hour.
00:08:56Well, that's undoubtedly a bargain.
00:08:57But you see, we have no possible use unless any of you gentlemen
00:08:59happen to be photographers or painters.
00:09:02Oh, I get it.
00:09:03It's the same everywhere.
00:09:04Take it to America.
00:09:05All men are pigs.
00:09:06It's funny to watch a woman undress.
00:09:07It's funny.
00:09:08It's spiritual.
00:09:09Of course, it's the stupidest way ever.
00:09:17Well, gentlemen, there must be a moral in this somewhere.
00:09:19So will you all go back to your offices and try and find out what it is?
00:09:23That'll be all.
00:09:26Don't bother to go upstairs, Frenchie.
00:09:29There's a lock on your door.
00:09:32You're not going to let me in my room?
00:09:34I'm not going to let you in, and I'm not going to let you close out
00:09:38till you've paid your rent.
00:09:40But I don't owe you so much.
00:09:43I can take a few things.
00:09:44You can't take a thing.
00:09:46That's the law.
00:09:47Now out you get.
00:09:49Go on, out.
00:09:50No, I won't.
00:09:51You won't.
00:09:52It's not fair.
00:09:53I'll get a job tomorrow.
00:09:54On your way.
00:09:55But you can't do this.
00:09:56You must help me.
00:09:57If you want help, get it from Washington.
00:09:59Washington's dead.
00:10:01Haven't you heard?
00:10:02Oh, Gloria, please talk to her.
00:10:04You keep out of this, Miss Patterson.
00:10:07I pay $7 a week in this fire trap, and if there's any fun going on,
00:10:10I want to be in on it.
00:10:12Stop this clatter.
00:10:13I'm trying to think.
00:10:14It's all right, Grumpy.
00:10:15The queen is trying to slip Snow White the apple again.
00:10:17She's four days behind in her rent.
00:10:19And you're two weeks behind with your hot water.
00:10:21I have to live, too, you know.
00:10:24Don't you talk to me like that.
00:10:26I'll do better than that.
00:10:27I won't even talk to you at all.
00:10:29And I'll pay her rent.
00:10:32People, they just need to shut up.
00:10:39Why are you always so good to me?
00:10:41Oh, I suppose you have to be good to something,
00:10:43and my dog died a week before you moved in here.
00:10:47I must get a job tomorrow.
00:10:49I've been telling you for months that the only job for a woman is marriage.
00:10:53Who wouldn't marry me?
00:10:55There's nothing wrong with you that a nice, rich husband couldn't cure.
00:10:59Did you marry a rich husband?
00:11:01I married a hooker.
00:11:03All he had was a time step and a shovel off to Buffalo.
00:11:06Late in life, he became ambitious.
00:11:08And got rich?
00:11:10And got 20 years.
00:11:13Please don't feel sorry about him.
00:11:16Please don't feel sorry about him.
00:11:19But when I married that heel beater, I turned down a man who had millions.
00:11:23Every time I think of it, I want to cut my throat.
00:11:26Oh, I could have married anyone then.
00:11:28But you loved the hooker.
00:11:30My luck.
00:11:32We used to go to Rise and Webbers every night after the show.
00:11:35I could have had anyone there from the millionaire Johns down to the busboy.
00:11:39Yeah, what a funny kid, that busboy.
00:11:44Say, he's at the Savoy Grand right now.
00:11:47He'll give you a job.
00:11:49Oh, you think so?
00:11:51I know so. He'll do anything I ask him.
00:11:54And I'll ask him tonight.
00:12:03Where are you going?
00:12:05But this is the Savoy Grand, no?
00:12:07Yes, I know, but let's go around the back and surprise them.
00:12:15In here?
00:12:17Sure, where do you expect to find the head waiter in the bridal suite?
00:12:20Come on.
00:12:27I beg your pardon.
00:12:31Tomatoes Mediterranean, $1.25.
00:12:33I beg your pardon, sir.
00:12:35Flank steak, peas, olive cream, $5.95.
00:12:37That's an outrage.
00:12:39I beg your pardon.
00:12:41Oh, I'm looking for Mike Lebedevich. He's a captain.
00:12:43Mike Lebedevich is...
00:12:45$2.16, $2.86.
00:12:47He's in the dining room. You'll have to wait.
00:12:49Chicken a la king salad, $4.25.
00:12:51Would you mind sitting down a moment, please?
00:12:53Salad, please.
00:12:59Yes, sir?
00:13:01What's the idea?
00:13:03The garlic must be just...
00:13:07I don't believe it.
00:13:10Oh, it's not you.
00:13:12Oh, but it is you, and you look so good.
00:13:14I thought you were back at Reisenwebers.
00:13:16I was the busboy then.
00:13:18But when Gloria's Gloria used to come in after the follies,
00:13:20who, who, I ask you, cooked her eggs and bacon?
00:13:22I want to know...
00:13:24And I'll tell you who it was. It was me, Mike the busboy.
00:13:26Is this your daughter?
00:13:28Oh, no, this is my friend, Mr. Corteon.
00:13:30Oh, on it, on it.
00:13:32How do you do?
00:13:34It was Gloria Patterson in lights then.
00:13:36Mike, I'd like to talk to you when you're not so busy.
00:13:38Oh, I'm never too busy to talk to a pal.
00:13:40This kid wants a job.
00:13:44Yeah, she's one of those rare people who really want to work for a living.
00:13:46Well, I can't put anybody on right now.
00:13:48This is the bad season, you know.
00:13:50Oh, yeah?
00:13:52What do you do in the good season? Hang them on the chandeliers?
00:13:54When it gets better, I can't put her on
00:13:56because I won't be here myself.
00:13:58I'm going to open my own restaurant.
00:14:00Oh, really? When?
00:14:02Soon. I found the place.
00:14:04But not the money, eh?
00:14:06I've got the 3,000 to put on the line.
00:14:08Oh, as soon as I open it, I'll put her on, probably.
00:14:10Hey, Mike.
00:14:12Your wallet upstairs. Mr. Duncan just checked in.
00:14:14Room 1452.
00:14:16Okay. Excuse me, please, but as my best customer, you always want my personal service.
00:14:18I'll be right back. Sit and wait for me, huh?
00:14:20Excuse me.
00:14:24That's too bad.
00:14:26It would be so nice to work here.
00:14:32Look at those girls in there.
00:14:34That's where you belong, not in the kitchen.
00:14:36The way to a man's heart is through his eyes, baby.
00:14:38That's the modern version.
00:14:40He believes what he sees
00:14:42and takes bicarbonate of soda for his indigestion
00:14:44instead of a wife that can cook.
00:14:46Those women spend $3 billion a year
00:14:48in beauty parlors
00:14:50and not for cookbooks.
00:14:52Sure, very hard to understand sometimes.
00:14:5470% of all the money in America
00:14:56is in the hands of women.
00:14:58You understand that, don't you?
00:15:00And if the boys don't look out, the girls will get the other 30%.
00:15:02Gee, kid.
00:15:04If I looked like you and knew what I know now,
00:15:06I'd be in there brushing caviar
00:15:08off a mink coat this minute.
00:15:10But you were very beautiful once.
00:15:12I saw the pictures.
00:15:14Oh, sure, I was a Lulu, but with the brains of a butterfly.
00:15:16And by the time I had sense,
00:15:18I looked like somebody's aunt.
00:15:22Well, maybe I'd better do this very soon, no?
00:15:24Now you're talking, honey.
00:15:26All we need is some clothes, a decent place to live
00:15:28where you'll meet the right kind of people
00:15:30and some money, not very much.
00:15:34I'm so sorry, but Mr. Duncan is such an important man.
00:15:36Mike. Please, about the car, Mike.
00:15:38Mike, you need more money for your restaurant, don't you?
00:15:40Well, with another $2,000,
00:15:42I could have the most beautiful...
00:15:44You wouldn't want to go in on a deal, would you?
00:15:46I'd like to talk to you a little about it.
00:15:48You want to talk to me? Well, come right in.
00:15:50Come. Can you imagine you and I being partners?
00:15:52I have a little place for you.
00:15:57We can rent the clothes.
00:15:59We'll give her a great big build-up.
00:16:01We'll provide you in the hotel where you can keep your eyes on your investment.
00:16:03It's crazy. It's insane.
00:16:05It's my $3,000.
00:16:07What are you talking about, $3,000?
00:16:09When she's the rich Mrs. Hoos, she'll back you with the biggest restaurant in town.
00:16:11Look at her.
00:16:13Can you imagine what she'll look like when she's all dressed up?
00:16:15Oh, come on. Take a chance.
00:16:17I'm no gambler.
00:16:19I save this money dime by dime.
00:16:21I'm not going to do it even if it does mean a hole in the wall
00:16:23instead of a great big restaurant.
00:16:25No. My answer is no.
00:16:27Definitely no.
00:16:31Do you think it would work?
00:16:39Right this way, please.
00:16:41I know you're going to like this apartment.
00:16:43It's the finest one in the house, really.
00:16:45Well, then that's the one we want.
00:16:47I understand there was a brilliant season in Paris this year.
00:16:49Oh, yes. A brilliant season.
00:16:51Oh, how wonderful. Gay Paris.
00:16:53The queen of all the cities of the world.
00:16:55Entrez, madame. Mademoiselle.
00:16:57Southern Exposure.
00:16:59All newly decorated.
00:17:01Oh, it's lovely.
00:17:03She means it'll do.
00:17:05Now this way, please.
00:17:07This, madame, is the sleeping chamber.
00:17:09Nicole, the bedroom.
00:17:15Oh, this is very...
00:17:17It's all right.
00:17:19You'd better start unpacking the few things we brought along.
00:17:21Over there, madame, is the other bedroom.
00:17:23Now, if there is anything the madame requires in the way of special service,
00:17:25we shall be all too happy to arrange it for you.
00:17:27We want your stay with us to be a memorable and enjoyable one
00:17:29because we feel that there isn't a hotel in America
00:17:31so well-equipped as ours to make you as comfortable
00:17:33as you were in the home you just left.
00:17:35What a sweet thought.
00:17:37Well, well, well...
00:17:39Uh, well, does madame wish to order some, uh...
00:17:43Isn't it a little early for luncheon, captain?
00:17:45Oh, no, no. We always like to order it early.
00:17:47Oh, I see.
00:17:49Well, madame, if you don't mind,
00:17:51we always like to order it early.
00:17:55Madame, if you need a maid to help you unpack,
00:17:57you wanted to telephone the clerk at the desk.
00:17:59I think my niece and I can manage that.
00:18:01And remember, we're all ready to serve you at any time.
00:18:03All of us. No service too great, no service too small, thank you.
00:18:05I thought he was going to stay for the weekend.
00:18:07I'm going to get settled.
00:18:09Gloria, my, look!
00:18:11Look, it's beautiful.
00:18:15Oh, it's like a dream.
00:18:17It costs $30 a day to rent this coat.
00:18:19It's no dream, it's a nightmare.
00:18:21Do you think it's better with the color up?
00:18:23Well, what do I know?
00:18:25Not very much.
00:18:27Why did you engage this suite?
00:18:29Because Bill Duncan lives across the hall.
00:18:31And who is Bill Duncan?
00:18:33He has $10 million and owns half of Canada.
00:18:35Oh, in that case,
00:18:37we're going to dedicate this little number to him.
00:18:39Try it on, darling.
00:18:41Look out for the cigarette!
00:18:43Oh, I'm so off. I didn't see it.
00:18:45She didn't see it.
00:18:47We have to buy the coat. We have to buy the coat.
00:18:49We have to go to jail.
00:18:51And if we go to jail, you'll get a pardon because you're so cute.
00:18:55Try it on, darling.
00:18:57She's such a child.
00:18:59And while she's growing up,
00:19:01it's costing me $60 a day for the suite.
00:19:03And that's a little over four cents a minute.
00:19:05If you lose one penny on this deal,
00:19:07I'll give you my right eye.
00:19:09And I'll take it.
00:19:11Oh, if I only had $10 left,
00:19:13I'd go to a doctor and have my head examined.
00:19:15Well, isn't that enough?
00:19:17Maybe we could do better than that.
00:19:19Oh, Mrs. Patterson, I have your credit card for...
00:19:23I... I don't know.
00:19:25It feels all right to me.
00:19:27May I ask the meaning of this?
00:19:29The lady complained about the chairs.
00:19:31They feel a bit hard. I was just trying them out, sir.
00:19:33Yes, I think it must be stuck with feathers from a...
00:19:37Personally, for me...
00:19:39Never mind.
00:19:41Oh, it's all right once you're in it.
00:19:43Yes, I understand.
00:19:45Captain, you're wrong. There is a decided shock.
00:19:47How are the others? Try that one.
00:19:49Yes, sir.
00:19:53It's just like being a test pilot.
00:19:55How is that one, madame?
00:19:57Oh, this is divine.
00:19:59See? Oh, if I'd just had my boots and saddle.
00:20:25What's the matter, dear?
00:20:27I'd like to have breakfast.
00:20:31I thought you were frightened.
00:20:33No, I want my breakfast right here.
00:20:35In bed?
00:20:37I want some honeydew melon
00:20:39and some toast with lots of butter.
00:20:41And then...
00:20:43I want some bacon.
00:20:47Some bacon with eggs.
00:20:49Two eggs.
00:20:51And then...
00:20:53I want some sausage
00:20:55and a jelly donut.
00:20:57Is that all?
00:20:59Oh, no, no, no.
00:21:01I want some coffee
00:21:03and a shower.
00:21:05All right, I'll order it.
00:21:07That'll be all.
00:21:09Room service, please.
00:21:15This is 14.60.
00:21:17One toast and one coffee, please.
00:21:25Do we do that Bill Duncan business this morning
00:21:27or have you lost your nerve?
00:21:29Oh, no, no, no. I'll do it.
00:21:31I bet your pussy don't believe it.
00:21:33When he gets a look at you in that new outfit,
00:21:35he'll want to believe it.
00:21:37In the same old setting.
00:21:39Lunch one day, dinner the next.
00:21:41Hockey games, races, nightclubs.
00:21:43Oh, I like that.
00:21:45That doesn't mean a thing.
00:21:47But if he invites you to the opera
00:21:49and sits you in the family box,
00:21:51then, my dear, that's love.
00:22:23I beg your pardon, but I don't know what you're saying.
00:22:29I'm sorry, but I don't understand French.
00:22:31Have you been in a war?
00:22:35Quite well, thank you. How are you?
00:22:37You're not Charlie de Marais,
00:22:39who was so big and played with me in Cannes
00:22:41when we lived next door?
00:22:43Well, I was so big, but I didn't live next door to you
00:22:45and I was never in Cannes.
00:22:47Oh, you're not Charlie.
00:22:49No, I'm Bill.
00:22:51Oh, I'm sorry.
00:22:53Don't be, please.
00:22:55I thought you...
00:22:57Excuse me.
00:22:59Good morning, Mr. Duncan.
00:23:43Hey, Jim!
00:23:45It's a fan of mine.
00:23:47I haven't seen him since last New Year's.
00:23:49Hey, Jim!
00:23:55Hey, Jim!
00:23:57Bill, when did you get in?
00:23:59Didn't you get my letter?
00:24:01I just missed you in Chicago.
00:24:03I know.
00:24:05I phoned your office.
00:24:07Why don't you move into my place?
00:24:09I can't hear a word you're saying.
00:24:11These people are making too much noise.
00:24:13I'll see you outside.
00:24:15Excuse me, I'll be right back.
00:24:17What's the matter?
00:24:19Well, I know his name isn't Bill.
00:24:21Bill, you've also got luck.
00:24:23How's everything in Winnipeg?
00:24:25Well, that's something I picked up when I had the flu.
00:24:27Remember the go-around we had New Year's Eve?
00:24:29Do I? I didn't sober up till Easter.
00:24:31Gentlemen, gentlemen.
00:24:33Who's he talking to?
00:24:35It can't be us.
00:24:37The curtain is about to go up.
00:24:39Look, will you go out and buy yourself a nice pair of long pants?
00:24:41Now, you're getting to be a big boy now.
00:24:43Please go away.
00:24:45Who are you with?
00:24:47An advertiser.
00:24:49Get rid of him and join us.
00:24:51Oh, I wish I could, but he's got a big contract in his pocket.
00:24:53Oh, Jim, she's really something.
00:24:55Two diplomats tried to blow their brains out last year
00:24:57because she wouldn't marry them.
00:24:59Sounds interesting.
00:25:01Interesting? She's marvelous.
00:25:03The rage of Parisian society.
00:25:05Daughter of a French baron or something.
00:25:07Her aunt told me so.
00:25:09Oh, she has an aunt.
00:25:11Old French girls have aunts.
00:25:13Well, never mind the aunt.
00:25:15When do I meet the girl?
00:25:17Do you still like Brunette?
00:25:19Sure, you know me.
00:25:21How do you do?
00:25:23Nicole, this is Jim Trevor.
00:25:25I wanted him to join us later, but he couldn't make it,
00:25:27so I brought him in to say hello.
00:25:37And don't believe a word he says.
00:25:39I wouldn't miss going to your party for the work.
00:25:43What comes next? A little celebs, perhaps?
00:25:45Where's that on the menu?
00:25:47Right over here, monsieur.
00:25:49You hear that, mama?
00:25:51I want ham and eggs.
00:25:53Two ham and eggs, then.
00:25:55I think I'll have a little roast duck.
00:25:57Excuse me.
00:26:03Mrs. Patterson, mademoiselle,
00:26:05monsieur Tomcat, can I have a beautiful table for three?
00:26:07I wish you were right.
00:26:09Make it for four, Mike.
00:26:11Right this way, please.
00:26:13Why four?
00:26:15We're having company for supper.
00:26:17I'll have a table.
00:26:21Sit down, Jim.
00:26:23And does the young lady stay in the hotel, too?
00:26:25Oh, yes, right across the hall from me, with honor.
00:26:27How cozy.
00:26:29A little supper, perhaps? May I suggest some Russian specialties?
00:26:31Shashlik or cutlet de Moscou?
00:26:33Why is he trouble?
00:26:35He knows all about Nicole.
00:26:37Why don't you tell him? The lobster is very nice tonight.
00:26:39No, I don't care if the lobster's in the side.
00:26:41I'd rather tell him you're dope.
00:26:43Dope is right. My money's all gone.
00:26:45Poulet de vinaigrette?
00:26:47What are you ordering, Mrs. Patterson?
00:26:49Oh, a little poulet vinaigrette pour madame.
00:26:51And pour monsieur, perhaps, the two fish?
00:26:53I'll have the same as madame.
00:26:55Your party, Mr. Duncan?
00:26:57Yes, it's a sort of celebration.
00:26:59Oh, in that case, a little champagne with a chanton,
00:27:01lobster cold with a sauce suprême for you, mademoiselle.
00:27:03That'll be fine.
00:27:05Two very nice cold lobsters and two tough chickens.
00:27:07Point out.
00:27:09How long have you been in New York, mademoiselle?
00:27:11Oh, well, uh...
00:27:13Just a week. She arrived the same day I did.
00:27:15A week?
00:27:17I should have said you'd been here much longer.
00:27:19Oh, uh, she fools everyone.
00:27:21I'm sure she does.
00:27:25That reminds me, I don't know why,
00:27:27but the funniest thing happened to me about three weeks ago.
00:27:29A young lady came in and said...
00:27:31Oh, uh, wouldn't you young people like a dance?
00:27:33Oh, yes!
00:27:35Oh, it'd be a great pleasure if I may.
00:27:37Yes, but it's my pleasure first.
00:27:39I'll see you later.
00:27:41You know, Bill's a very old friend of mine.
00:27:43We've known each other...
00:27:45So I gathered when you two boys nearly broke up the opera...
00:27:47Well, ever since we were about...
00:27:49I'd better give her a mickey.
00:27:51Next time I'll keep my money, too.
00:27:53You know, I'm very much interested in your niece.
00:27:55Now, there's a girl...
00:27:57You know, I don't know how that dear child does it,
00:27:59but every man she meets...
00:28:01I'm sorry, but my interest is not romantic.
00:28:03Oh, I'm so glad.
00:28:05Oh, that'll be such a relief to her to know
00:28:07that I'm interested in her.
00:28:09Now, wait. There's one thing I want to ask you
00:28:11before Bill comes back to the table.
00:28:13Moet de Chandon 28, sir?
00:28:15Yes, but serve it later, please.
00:28:17But a glass for my dame.
00:28:19Oh, yes.
00:28:21All right, but make it quick.
00:28:23Would you like some bitters in your wine, sir?
00:28:27Well, some people like it.
00:28:29I do.
00:28:31I don't.
00:28:33Yes, sir. One does, one doesn't.
00:28:35There's one thing about Bill I want to tell you...
00:28:37Would you like to try some first, sir?
00:28:39Will you please serve it and get out of here?
00:28:41But a glass for my dame.
00:28:43One thing about Bill I want you to know...
00:28:45Have it, boy. Keep it up.
00:28:47In a moment, I'll pour it down his neck.
00:28:49A glass for you, sir.
00:28:53Wouldn't you like to pull up a chair and join the party?
00:28:55Oh, thank you very much, sir.
00:28:57But the help is not allowed to sit with the guests.
00:28:59Thank you. Just the same.
00:29:03Now about your niece.
00:29:05Oh, here they come. Come on, let's drink to them.
00:29:07Oh, they make such a lovely couple.
00:29:09You're just in time.
00:29:11The waiter insisted upon pouring the wine.
00:29:13I wish he'd insist on pouring some for me.
00:29:15Immediately, sir.
00:29:17Well, I've had the most wonderful chat with your aunt while you were dancing.
00:29:19Did you tell your funny story?
00:29:21No, I didn't. I wanted to wait till you got back to the table.
00:29:23I thought perhaps mademoiselle would like to...
00:29:25Dance? But certainly, Frank.
00:29:27Oh, my grand idea. It comes just at the right time, too.
00:29:29Remember, don't believe a word he says to you.
00:29:31You and I are great friends.
00:29:33Yes, so he told me, Mr. Duncan.
00:29:35Why don't you call me Bill?
00:29:37If I were 15 years younger, I'd do better than that.
00:29:39Why, Mrs. Patterson.
00:29:41Call me Gloria.
00:29:51Come on, come on, come on.
00:29:53Tell me the whole story.
00:29:55Just pretend I'm your uncle, like you're pretending she's your aunt.
00:29:57Now, listen.
00:29:59I know there's a lot of monkey business going on.
00:30:01All I want to be sure of is that my friend Bill isn't going to be the monkey.
00:30:05No. Now, come on.
00:30:09There's too many people about. We'll go to the bar.
00:30:11No, no, I don't go to the bar.
00:30:13Well, you have to drink.
00:30:15I don't drink anything with you.
00:30:17Well, then, Frank, we go to the table and I tell them the whole story.
00:30:19I'll drink a champagne cocktail.
00:30:27Two champagne cocktails.
00:30:29Yes, sir.
00:30:31Well, I'm all ears.
00:30:35So you won't talk?
00:30:37All right, you're going to have to.
00:30:39I'll do the talking.
00:30:41Now, this whole act is to impress Bill
00:30:43that you're a nice gal from a nice family.
00:30:45You want to marry him, and then in a few months you'll divorce him
00:30:47and then live happily ever after on the island.
00:30:51It's a very cheap, dishonest idea,
00:30:53and I think it looks like one.
00:30:55Shall I go on?
00:30:57Go ahead. I can took it.
00:30:59Good. Well, I can dish it out, too.
00:31:01I want you to lay off Bill.
00:31:03I want you to tell him the truth.
00:31:05Because if you don't, I will.
00:31:07But you don't know anything about me.
00:31:09I know enough about you.
00:31:11You were in my office three weeks ago with another kind of racket,
00:31:13and once Bill hears about that, mademoiselle, you're finished.
00:31:15Mademoiselle, your dinner is already served.
00:31:17Are you here again?
00:31:19Here? Why, yes, sir. I've been in this hotel for 11 years.
00:31:21Well, will you get out of here for five minutes?
00:31:23Of course, mademoiselle. Thank you.
00:31:27Well, have you decided who'll tell him?
00:31:29I'll tell him.
00:31:33Oh, no, no. You've got to tell him right now while I'm here.
00:31:35I started this thing, and I want to be in on the finish.
00:31:37All right.
00:31:39You'll see the finish.
00:31:41Sorry to have been rough on you,
00:31:43but war is war.
00:31:45You said it, Mr. Trevor.
00:31:49That's strange.
00:31:51They're not dancing.
00:31:53Oh, they must be. I just saw them.
00:31:55Oh, there they are.
00:31:59At the bar.
00:32:01Oh, yes. What are they doing over there?
00:32:03Well, I know one way to find out. Let's join them.
00:32:05Nice friend I have.
00:32:07I've heard that man's best friend is always the dog.
00:32:11Here they come.
00:32:13All right.
00:32:15I'll try to do a good job.
00:32:17Remember us?
00:32:19Thank you for a dance, but this is going too far.
00:32:21Oh, Bill, I'm sorry, but we have been talking, and...
00:32:23Shall I tell him now?
00:32:25Certainly. Go ahead. Tell me what?
00:32:27A story. Mr. Trevor wants me to tell you a story.
00:32:29Oh, don't you think you'd better tell me first?
00:32:31No, no, I can tell it to everybody.
00:32:33He wants me to tell you
00:32:35that I once went to his office, and...
00:32:37That's right?
00:32:43Well, he was taking photographs,
00:32:45and I was supposed to be a model to pose with drapes.
00:32:47And... And he says it will be a big joke.
00:32:49Do you think it's funny?
00:32:51Very funny.
00:32:55But don't you see why it's so funny?
00:32:57Because I've never posed for one picture, and he's not a photographer.
00:32:59Everybody knows this.
00:33:01And... And he says... Do you know what he says?
00:33:03He says if I tell you this,
00:33:05he's going to take me out for dinner tomorrow night.
00:33:07You little double-crosser.
00:33:09I beg your pardon, Mr. Trevor.
00:33:11We'd better leave, Mr. Duncan.
00:33:13I'll see you to your rooms.
00:33:15He's a peculiar man.
00:33:17I'm sorry. I just swore he was sober.
00:33:21That'll be $2.50, sir.
00:33:27Take out for the glass, too, please.
00:33:29The glass is on me, sir.
00:33:31I can't understand it.
00:33:33He's changed so completely.
00:33:35Inside a year, too.
00:33:37I knew a man once whose hair turned white overnight.
00:33:39Well, I wouldn't believe it about Jim unless I'd seen it.
00:33:41You know, this man wouldn't believe it about his hair
00:33:43overnight, but that convinced him.
00:33:45Please, Gloria.
00:33:47I was just telling him.
00:33:49Well, don't forget we have a breakfast
00:33:51out on the terrace in the morning. Good night, Mrs. Patterson.
00:33:53Good night, Bill.
00:33:55I promise to find you jelly doughnuts.
00:33:57And if I have to turn the whole of New York inside out,
00:33:59I'll get them.
00:34:01Thank you, Bill.
00:34:03Good night, Nicole.
00:34:05Good night.
00:34:14If little orphan Annie gets out of this, Jim,
00:34:16she'll be a miracle woman.
00:34:18Nice trick you pulled in the bar.
00:34:20Yeah, that's why I'm here.
00:34:22Now, there's something very funny about that gal.
00:34:24She's not what you think she is at all.
00:34:26Well, find a new line, Jim.
00:34:28Oh, but really, Bill, I'm serious.
00:34:30Oh, sure you are. Remember the Bermuda?
00:34:32Sonia wasn't worthy of me, and you finished up with her in Honolulu.
00:34:34Ah, but this is different.
00:34:36And I did the same thing to you at Miami. What was her name?
00:34:38Eloise. Now, let's be sensible about this.
00:34:40I intend to be. I don't blame you for trying,
00:34:42but it won't work.
00:34:44All right, be smart. But I tell you she's a phony,
00:34:46and I'm going to prove it to you if it takes a month.
00:34:48Oh, Jim, Nicole's the wrong girl for your brand of humor.
00:34:58Uh, the young lady in your party forgot her rap.
00:35:00It wasn't my party, and she's not a lady.
00:35:03Oh, I'm sorry, sir, but I'm sure you know your friends better than I do.
00:35:13Who is it?
00:35:15It's her fur coat with me.
00:35:17What kind of a business is leaving fur coats around?
00:35:19What do you think, they draw on trees?
00:35:21Now, now, now, be quiet.
00:35:23We can't just leave it around.
00:35:25We'll be very proud of our little girl tonight.
00:35:27She certainly saved us all.
00:35:29Oh, yes. Yes, of course.
00:35:31The way you got rid of them, that was great.
00:35:33Allowing me to be the first one to congratulate you.
00:35:35You turned the tide of battle.
00:35:37What's the matter?
00:35:39It's the first time anyone has ever said anything like that.
00:35:41He's never said anything like that to me before.
00:35:43Said what?
00:35:46He said I'm cheap.
00:35:48Well, you certainly paid him back for that.
00:35:50In spades.
00:35:52He's got some nerve. Cheap.
00:35:54I figured out just now how much it cost.
00:35:56$87.50 in rental.
00:35:58Cheap. What does he want you to wear, radium?
00:36:04He meant I was dishonest.
00:36:06Darling, all women are dishonest.
00:36:08If they weren't, the world would be divided into two classes of people.
00:36:11Old maids and bachelors.
00:36:13Look, that's dishonest.
00:36:15Plucking your eyebrows is dishonest.
00:36:17The rouge on your cheeks is dishonest.
00:36:19And a fat woman in a girdle.
00:36:21That's highway robbery.
00:36:23If marrying a nice boy like Bill is the wrong idea,
00:36:25don't tell me that starving and waiting for a prince charming
00:36:28to ride up on a white horse is the right one.
00:36:30Of course, it's so simple.
00:36:32When I put parsley on a steak, does anybody eat the parsley?
00:36:34No, it's just for show.
00:36:36Now, what you are doing, you're just putting parsley...
00:36:38Will you stop talking about that?
00:36:40Oh, Nico, don't let that Trevor influence...
00:36:42Leave me alone!
00:36:46Now, look, I'm a partner...
00:36:47Now, leave her alone!
00:36:49You're just a silent partner.
00:36:51Leave her alone.
00:36:52Somebody calls her cheap, then right away she gets unreasonable.
00:36:54But can I get unreasonable? No.
00:36:56Oh, now, Mike, everything's gonna be all right.
00:36:58Sure, it's gonna be great.
00:36:59I started out to get a restaurant,
00:37:01and I'll be lucky if I wind up with a ham sandwich.
00:37:06Just take your tea on, please.
00:37:07I'm calling for Mr. James Trevor.
00:37:10The line's still busy, sir.
00:37:11Just hold on, she'll run out of breath sooner or later.
00:37:13Yes, sir, we all do, sir, sooner or later.
00:37:15I'm still waiting, operator.
00:37:17It's a dangerous business, sir,
00:37:18interfering between a man and a maid.
00:37:20Yes, Rick.
00:37:21I know when I'm in trouble without you telling me.
00:37:22There's a similar situation in my own family, sir.
00:37:24As a matter of fact,
00:37:25that's how my second cousin watches right out.
00:37:27I'm still waiting, operator.
00:37:28Mr. Duncan's my best friend.
00:37:29That's the only reason I'm doing it.
00:37:30It was my second cousin's brother, sir,
00:37:32who knocked out my second cousin's eye.
00:37:35Is this the Rage of Paris at the Pride of Hoboken,
00:37:37or whatever you're calling yourself today?
00:37:38This is Jim Trevor.
00:37:39Where's Bill?
00:37:40Well, you can get Mr. Duncan at his club.
00:37:43He's at a meeting.
00:37:44Oh, he's at a meeting.
00:37:45Well, that's grand,
00:37:46because you're gonna have dinner with me tonight.
00:37:48Oh, no.
00:37:49I don't like you.
00:37:50I'm sorry.
00:37:51Oh, I'm not sorry at all,
00:37:52but you're still gonna have dinner with me at 7.30 sharp.
00:37:56Remember those four men in my office?
00:37:58Well, they remember you.
00:37:59And if you don't come,
00:38:00I'm gonna have the whole quartet down there
00:38:02singing Mammy right in front of your door
00:38:03until Bill comes home.
00:38:12It's not poison.
00:38:18Anything else, miss?
00:38:29Well, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your dinner.
00:38:31Well, I'd rather like to know why I'm here.
00:38:34Well, I thought there might be a chance for us
00:38:36to find a nice, friendly way of calling off hostilities.
00:38:41Ending our little war.
00:38:44You can serve the coffee now.
00:38:46Yes, sir.
00:38:48Isn't there any way I can stop you from marrying Bill?
00:38:53Now, you're not gonna tell me you're madly in love with him.
00:38:58Is that French wine?
00:39:01Do you love him?
00:39:05I would like to leave now, please.
00:39:09You're a very smart girl.
00:39:11Oh, I don't think so.
00:39:13Oh, yes, you are.
00:39:14Because if you told me you were in love with him,
00:39:16I wouldn't believe you.
00:39:17But by refusing to answer,
00:39:18you get the credit for being honest.
00:39:22Bill is very lucky.
00:39:25To get you?
00:39:27To have a friend like you
00:39:29who fights so hard for him.
00:39:31Come on, now, why don't you be regular
00:39:33and just drop the whole thing?
00:39:37I wouldn't need money.
00:39:39That's what I thought.
00:39:43Uh-huh, $3,000.
00:39:46Did you hear that, Wrigley?
00:39:47You want me to, sir?
00:39:48I do.
00:39:49I did? Good.
00:39:50And remember it when I bring Mr. Duncan back here.
00:39:54No, you can't do that.
00:39:55I didn't want you to give it to me.
00:39:57It's a trick. It's terrible.
00:39:58I know it's terrible, but it's my turn.
00:40:00Now, you just sit down and relax.
00:40:01No, I go now.
00:40:02Please, let me go.
00:40:04Yes, sir?
00:40:05If this young lady is not here when I get back,
00:40:06you're fired.
00:40:07Thank you, sir.
00:40:08But this is not fair.
00:40:09You can't do this.
00:40:10All's fair in war, and this is a little bit of both.
00:40:11You can't do that.
00:40:12I'm sorry about myself,
00:40:13but the age of chivalry is dead.
00:40:15And when I come back, I'll take you to the funeral.
00:40:19You big fool.
00:40:20Will you let me go?
00:40:21This is a precautionary act.
00:40:23You have no right to do that to me.
00:40:24Let me go.
00:40:52How old are you?
00:40:54How old are you?
00:40:56Well, I would just like to know.
00:40:58Never mind how old I am.
00:41:00Oh, don't be nasty.
00:41:02You have to watch me, but we might as well be good friends
00:41:04until they come back.
00:41:10No, really?
00:41:12But you look 10 years younger than that.
00:41:15No nonsense.
00:41:16You're a very attractive young man.
00:41:18You know what you ought to do?
00:41:20You ought to go to France.
00:41:21All the women will be crazy about you,
00:41:23if you know what I mean.
00:41:25You're wasting your breath just talking to me like that.
00:41:28All right.
00:41:29I'll shut up.
00:41:55How did you ever do that?
00:42:17Oh, that's easy.
00:42:23Why, it's marvelous.
00:42:24No, that's nothing.
00:42:25I can do much better than that.
00:42:29You have a watch?
00:42:35Now, watch the watch.
00:42:43Why, that's wonderful.
00:42:46Where's my watch?
00:42:47Right here.
00:42:51Oh, my sincere appreciation.
00:42:53Oh, that's nothing yet.
00:42:54But you should see what I could do with those flowers.
00:42:58What could you do with them?
00:43:00Well, I could make each one light up like a lamp.
00:43:05How could you possibly do that?
00:43:06Well, that's a professional secret.
00:43:08You go in this corner, turn your face to the wall,
00:43:11and count slowly to 25.
00:43:13And then you turn around, and you will see.
00:43:15All right.
00:43:171, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
00:43:31Yes, Mr. Smythe.
00:43:32Did you find out about that train?
00:43:34Yes, sir.
00:43:35I did, sir.
00:43:36There's a train that leaves Grand Central Station
00:43:38and connects with the D&H.
00:43:39I beg your pardon.
00:43:40Just a minute, sir.
00:43:42It leaves New York at 8 PM, and you get to Montreal next morning.
00:43:45Can I stop over at Albany?
00:43:47I'm terribly sorry, but this is very important.
00:43:49Are you a member of this club, sir?
00:43:51No, I'm not.
00:43:52Well, will you kindly wait till I get through?
00:43:55On the noon train, you'll have a four-hour layover in Albany.
00:43:58Four hours?
00:43:59That's the best connection we can make, sir.
00:44:01Very well.
00:44:02Then I won't go.
00:44:03Four hours in Albany.
00:44:04Imagine that.
00:44:05Is Mr. Duncan here?
00:44:07Who, sir?
00:44:08William Jerome Duncan.
00:44:09William Jerome Duncan, a senior or junior?
00:44:13He's at a meeting.
00:44:14Oh, he's left.
00:44:15It was a very short meeting tonight.
00:44:17He said he'd be at his hotel, sir.
00:44:31Oh, Bill, I want you to come up to my apartment.
00:44:33I've got...
00:44:34Oh, good evening.
00:44:38Well, this is a surprise.
00:44:41Well, I think I have to leave now.
00:44:43I'm in a hurry.
00:44:46Good night.
00:45:08How do you do?
00:45:09How do you do?
00:45:10How do you do?
00:45:11How do you do?
00:45:12This is my cousin Teresa.
00:45:13I'm Uncle Edward.
00:45:14How do you do?
00:45:15How do you do?
00:45:16So happy.
00:45:17Captain and Mrs. McMasters.
00:45:18This is Nicole and her aunt, Mrs. Patterson.
00:45:19How do you do?
00:45:20How do you do?
00:45:21My cousin George Morgan and my Aunt Amelia.
00:45:22How do you do?
00:45:23How do you do?
00:45:24Mother, this is Nicole.
00:45:27My dear child.
00:45:29I'm so happy to see you.
00:45:31Thank you, Ethan.
00:45:32It's very nice to meet you.
00:45:34Come on, I want you to meet Father.
00:45:37And you are Mrs. Patterson?
00:45:38Yes, I am.
00:45:39Bill has told me about you too.
00:45:42I've been to Paris several times.
00:45:44My brother Eric has a branch of his business over there.
00:45:47On the Champs-Élysées.
00:45:48You know, I think our niece resembles you quite a lot.
00:45:50Perhaps I should say you resemble your niece.
00:45:53Oh, it doesn't matter.
00:45:54We all look alike in our family.
00:45:57I'm glad we don't in ours.
00:45:59Mrs. Duncan and I want you and your aunt to come up and spend a few weeks with us at Winnipeg.
00:46:04Oh, that's very nice.
00:46:05It'll give us a chance to get better acquainted.
00:46:07And I'm sure you'll like it there.
00:46:09Do you like her?
00:46:15Caviar, pheasant, champagne.
00:46:16This is a celebration.
00:46:17Oh, have I got a restaurant.
00:46:19Have I got a restaurant.
00:46:20I don't know.
00:46:21You don't know?
00:46:22Well, have you?
00:46:23I have.
00:46:24I have the best.
00:46:25I have the most marvelous.
00:46:31Now, you sit over there till I need you.
00:46:32Yes, sir.
00:46:33I can't do this, sir.
00:46:35You do as you're told.
00:46:36You're working on borrowed time anyway.
00:46:37I should have fired you last Tuesday.
00:46:39Why don't you fire me now, sir?
00:46:40Well, if you do a good job tonight, perhaps I will.
00:46:42Oh, thank you very much, sir.
00:46:43And my policy has always been never to see the family except at weddings and funerals.
00:46:48That's true.
00:46:49Well, we must be off.
00:46:51But you've only just arrived, Mrs. Patterson.
00:46:53Well, you see, we're going to ride to the hounds in the morning.
00:46:57It's a tally-ho at dawn.
00:46:58Yes, you're going to get up very early in the morning to catch a fox, what?
00:47:01Yes, and stay up very late at night to catch a mink.
00:47:04This is a surprise.
00:47:05It's always a surprise when someone uninvited shows up, isn't it?
00:47:08Oh, I'm sorry, Jim.
00:47:09I didn't know you wanted to come.
00:47:10Oh, forget it.
00:47:12We've met before.
00:47:13I just can't place you.
00:47:14Oh, you remember good old Wrigley?
00:47:15Oh, yes, sir.
00:47:16How do you do, Mr. Wrigley?
00:47:17How do you do, sir?
00:47:18My man.
00:47:21That's a very funny idea.
00:47:23Make yourself comfortable, Wrigley.
00:47:27Now speak your little piece, Wrigley, and we'll get out of here.
00:47:32Well, I...
00:47:35Speak up, speak up.
00:47:37I can't do this, Mr. Trepper.
00:47:39All right, then I will.
00:47:41Last Tuesday night, your fiancé was in my apartment trying to get $3,000.
00:47:44Sorry, but you asked for it.
00:47:48You big chump.
00:47:50You must go now, sir.
00:47:51Remember my sacred present.
00:47:52Am I fired now, sir?
00:47:55I saw the whole thing, Mr. Duncan.
00:47:56You pulled the knife on me.
00:47:58What's happened?
00:48:00What did they do?
00:48:02Where's Nicole?
00:48:03Now, don't bother, my dear.
00:48:04We'll find her.
00:48:05Oh, that child's always running to fights and fires.
00:48:07All right, please come.
00:48:13Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:48:14I didn't know that would happen.
00:48:16Please come back, and I will make clear what you meant.
00:48:23Something is broken.
00:48:25Oh, we must call a doctor.
00:48:33Where are we going?
00:48:35Oh, take me back.
00:48:37Stop this car.
00:48:38Take me back, you hear me?
00:48:40You can go back when Duncan knows all about you.
00:48:42But I'll tell him everything.
00:48:44You told him everything once before.
00:48:45No, you can come back with me.
00:48:46I'll fix it up.
00:48:47You'll probably fix it so they'll call the police.
00:48:49I'm sorry, young lady, but you're too tricky.
00:48:51But I won't do any more tricks, I promise.
00:48:53From now on, you can do all the tricks you know, but they won't do you any good.
00:48:57What are you going to do with me?
00:48:59I haven't made up my mind yet.
00:49:01Well, I don't go with you.
00:49:02I jump out.
00:49:03Go ahead, it's your neck.
00:49:04Break it if you want to.
00:49:06Oh, you are a...
00:49:09Beast is the word.
00:49:10Yes, beast.
00:49:11That's what you are.
00:49:13Now you turn right back.
00:49:14Look out!
00:49:23Now will you please tell me where you are going to take me?
00:49:26Be quiet and keep still, and you'll soon find out.
00:49:30Well, I don't care, because when I get there, I get back.
00:49:36What's that?
00:49:37I get hitch.
00:49:39You what?
00:49:40I get hitch.
00:49:43You mean hitch-hike.
00:49:44That's what I said.
00:49:47The place where we're going, the only thing that goes by is a milk truck.
00:49:50And that's at four o'clock in the morning.
00:49:53We'll have a lot of practice doing this all...
00:49:57No, that's nothing. Just wait.
00:49:59I'll make a lot of trouble for you.
00:50:02Go ahead.
00:50:03I can took it.
00:50:18Well, here's where we get out.
00:50:20I don't get out.
00:50:21Oh, that's too bad, because I'm going in there, and where I go, my coat goes.
00:50:24So sorry, please.
00:50:25I stay right here.
00:50:27Well, I'd turn up the window if I were you. It's safer.
00:50:31Yes. Well, not that I think anything will happen,
00:50:33but I think it's wiser not to take any chances with so many wild animals about.
00:50:36Oh, I'm not afraid.
00:50:38Oh, you're not? Well, that's fine.
00:50:51Watch your step. It's rough here, and I don't want you to break your neck.
00:50:54I'm sorry. I can't wish you the same.
00:50:56Be right there.
00:50:58Who was that?
00:50:59That's the old caretaker. He used to be a hog-calling champion.
00:51:02What's a hog?
00:51:03Hog's a very big pig.
00:51:05Now I could say something, but I don't.
00:51:12Hello, Pops. It's me, Jimmy.
00:51:16Oh, it can't be true.
00:51:18Say, let me have a look at you.
00:51:20Say, let me have a look at you.
00:51:22Why, it is, Jimmy. Gosh, it's good to see you.
00:51:25And you're looking fine, too.
00:51:27I feel great.
00:51:28It is so long since you've been up here that I was beginning to commence to forget what you look like.
00:51:32Hiya, miss.
00:51:33Say, son, what are you doing up in this neck of the woods?
00:51:36Oh, that's a long story, Pops.
00:51:38Well, it ought to be worth hearing.
00:51:40I'll see you later.
00:51:41Give me your coat.
00:51:43I'll open the house and light the fire.
00:51:45So it'll be nice and warm for you.
00:51:47Come on.
00:51:49Come on.
00:51:54Now I'll go on a sit-down strike.
00:51:56I'd better get you a coat.
00:51:58No, I don't want any coat.
00:51:59I'm going to get pneumonia and die.
00:52:01Then what will you do with the body?
00:52:04I'll show you.
00:52:05Go inside and like it.
00:52:06No, please, don't go.
00:52:08Are you ticklish?
00:52:09Yes, I'm ticklish.
00:52:19Well, here you are.
00:52:20Make yourself at home.
00:52:21By golly.
00:52:23It is about time.
00:52:25Her fetus, lady.
00:52:26She's pretty wild.
00:52:27I'm not.
00:52:28Well, the best to both of you.
00:52:31So you got him in double harness, eh?
00:52:33I always said when he got spliced, he'd pick out a Lollapalooza like you.
00:52:37What did you call me, Lollapalooza?
00:52:39I hope you'll be as happy as two jaybirds in a cherry tree.
00:52:42And I'm mighty glad that somebody as pretty as you is in the family at last.
00:52:48He thinks we're married, Pops.
00:52:50Now, you've got this all wrong.
00:52:52Now, let me explain.
00:52:53Why don't we tell him the truth?
00:52:55I have every intention of telling him the truth.
00:52:58I think we should tell him.
00:52:59It didn't need to be told.
00:53:01I know it at the minute I seen him carry you over the doorstep.
00:53:04It's a custom in these parts.
00:53:06Pops, it may be the custom to do that, but there's also a custom...
00:53:08Don't be mad, Jimmy.
00:53:10You know, it's a secret, but if you have to know, you have to know.
00:53:13Oh, secret, eh?
00:53:14Well, I won't tell a soul.
00:53:16I'll have something for him to eat and two shakes that'll have his face.
00:53:22Why did you tell him we were married?
00:53:24Oh, I didn't tell him. He told me, and I said yes.
00:53:28Stop calling me Jimmy!
00:53:30Well, if you like, I'll call you Mr. Trevor, but I think it sounds funny from a bride.
00:53:34You're not a bride, and you're not going to be.
00:53:36That's why you're here.
00:53:37And you're going to stay here until you make Bill Duncan understand what you are and what you did.
00:53:41But if I stay here and don't say we are married, I'll get a bad reputation.
00:53:44And I'll get a bad reputation if you do.
00:53:49Well, what?
00:53:50Then take me back.
00:53:51Not until you learn to agree with me.
00:53:55Okay, Jimmy.
00:53:58Just some country ham and some country cheese and some homemade bread.
00:54:04If I'd known you was coming up, I'd have cooked a goose and baked a cake for you.
00:54:08Oh, this'll do nicely, Pop.
00:54:09Well, when you get through eating, just ring the bell and come clear out.
00:54:13Where is the bell?
00:54:14Now, son, you know darn well we ain't got no bell.
00:54:17Just give out the old holler.
00:54:19You know.
00:54:21I remember.
00:54:22Yeah, I love you.
00:54:24Hey, ain't you eating nothing?
00:54:27No, thank you.
00:54:28Girls nowadays don't eat no more than a hundred.
00:54:32Ain't feeling poorly, are you?
00:54:34Oh, no, I'm just nervous, I think.
00:54:38Well, I kind of thought it would be a case.
00:54:40Mr. Post.
00:54:42Where's the telephone?
00:54:43Right over there.
00:54:44But it ain't connected.
00:54:45Not connected?
00:54:47Well, can't you make it connected?
00:54:49Oh, sure.
00:54:50I'll notify the company the first thing in the morning.
00:54:52They'll send a man up to fix it.
00:54:54In about a week or ten days?
00:54:56That's what they call service or something.
00:54:58But I got another name for it.
00:55:01I almost thought the French liked to eat.
00:55:03Yes, but they were particular.
00:55:05About their food?
00:55:06No, about who they eat with.
00:55:08With this man.
00:55:10It's my great-uncle.
00:55:11He's a bachelor and rich and he's dead,
00:55:13and so you can't with him either.
00:55:15Why do they all have guns?
00:55:17They were hunting.
00:55:19Hunters, huh?
00:55:20I come from a long line of hunters.
00:55:22Oh, I see.
00:55:23I see.
00:55:24I see.
00:55:25I see.
00:55:26I see.
00:55:27I see.
00:55:28I see.
00:55:29You come from a long line of hunters.
00:55:31Oh, no.
00:55:33No, I think you come from a long line of sourpusses.
00:55:37And you're a sourpuss too.
00:55:38That's natural.
00:55:40Oh, is that so?
00:55:41Why, yes, so.
00:55:43Oh, I'm so sorry you won't eat with me,
00:55:45but of course I understand.
00:55:47What's so funny?
00:55:49Well, you might as well let me in on the joke.
00:55:51I'm not going to...
00:55:52Oh, it's not a joke for you.
00:55:53It's a big joke for me.
00:55:55I'm just thinking what happens when Bill Duncan comes here.
00:55:58Is Bill Duncan coming here?
00:56:00He comes right in here, and he says,
00:56:02you ask for it, demon.
00:56:04Right in the nose.
00:56:05Then you'll fall over there in this direction.
00:56:08Oh, pardon me.
00:56:09I better remove this so you don't cut your head.
00:56:12Because if you cut your head, we will have to put a bandage on it.
00:56:15We don't want to be bothered with that.
00:56:17Naturally not.
00:56:19You think that's the way it'll happen, do you?
00:56:21Why not?
00:56:22It happened that way before, and it happened that way again.
00:56:25And you like the idea?
00:56:26Oh, I think it will be a lot of fun.
00:56:33Well, I'm going to bed.
00:56:36I'm going to bed. I've had a very tiring day.
00:56:38But I don't stay here. I have nothing.
00:56:40You'll find everything you'll need in that room.
00:56:42There are pajamas in the dresser and slippers under the bed.
00:56:44But I want to go back to New York.
00:56:47Well, that's very simple.
00:56:48You just take this road down here, turn to your left.
00:56:50It's 86 miles, and you ought to be able to make it in about four days on foot.
00:56:55If you don't take me back, I'll scream.
00:56:58Go ahead.
00:57:01Pretty good.
00:57:02Try it again.
00:57:07Good night.
00:57:12Come in.
00:57:13Come in.
00:57:14I heard you the first time.
00:57:18It ain't much, is it?
00:57:20More of that Hummingbird stuff.
00:57:25I don't want anybody in there.
00:58:31What is it?
00:58:50You was asleep?
00:58:51No, I was doing a fan dance.
00:58:52I'm very sorry.
00:58:54I suppose you're afraid of that great big room.
00:58:56Now you'll go back and get scared again.
00:58:58No, no, I'm not afraid.
00:58:59Well, I am.
00:59:00So go away.
00:59:01But I can't get the window open.
00:59:04Well, it's very simple.
00:59:05All you do is just lift it up.
00:59:06Yes, but I have lift up, and nothing happens.
00:59:09Well, then just lift up again.
00:59:10And if nothing happens again?
00:59:12Then go to sleep.
00:59:13But I can't go to sleep if the window is not up.
00:59:16I need the fresh air.
00:59:18You know, it's a terrible house.
00:59:20All the fresh air is outside, and inside is nothing.
00:59:23Then I'll get you your fresh air.
00:59:40It's not so easy.
00:59:42Well, it must be stuck down there.
00:59:43The rest of it seems fine.
00:59:46I'll get it.
00:59:54There you are.
00:59:55Thank you very much.
00:59:56Now get to sleep.
00:59:57No, no, not until I lock my door.
01:00:01You don't have to lock your door.
01:00:03I'm locking mine.
01:00:04Well, I'm going to lock my door too, just the same.
01:00:08I really don't care what you lock, but get to bed.
01:00:23Good night.
01:00:45What is it now?
01:00:46Same thing, the window.
01:00:49What's the matter with the window?
01:00:51Oh, nothing the matter with the window.
01:00:53It's you.
01:00:54You shut the door so hard that you bring the window down,
01:00:57and I cannot put the window up.
01:00:59So it's not up.
01:01:01I'll fix your window.
01:01:20I hope that's all.
01:01:22How can I get a glass of water?
01:01:25That's practically impossible to get up here in the mountains
01:01:27because you have to go all the way from here to there.
01:01:30Take the carafe between the thumb and the forefinger,
01:01:32carefully removing the top and laying it gently to the side,
01:01:35then lifting the glass.
01:01:36This is the glass.
01:01:42And then I go out and get you a glass of water.
01:01:44No, no, I don't want some.
01:01:46I think it's too complicated.
01:01:47Well, if there's anything else you want,
01:01:48will you please tell me now or forever after give me peace?
01:01:52No, thank you.
01:01:53I think I'm going to look out of the window,
01:01:56if you don't mind.
01:01:57No, no, it all comes with the dinner.
01:02:00Nothing, nothing.
01:02:01Go ahead, look out the window.
01:02:02Do anything you...
01:02:03Anything you please.
01:02:06The country is nice.
01:02:08Everything is so quiet.
01:02:10And the little animals talk to one another
01:02:13because people are asleep and cannot harm them.
01:02:16Well, I think I'm going to like it here
01:02:19while we are waiting for Bill Duncan
01:02:21to come and knock you down.
01:02:24Oh, it is so lovely.
01:02:41Can you stop kicking?
01:02:44Don't do that!
01:02:55How in the world did you do that?
01:03:02What did you say?
01:03:07Oh, now, wait here.
01:03:09It's all right.
01:03:10Come on, sit down.
01:03:12My back!
01:03:13You killed my back!
01:03:16Hey, hey, hey, hey!
01:03:18Help me!
01:03:19Is it bleeding?
01:03:22No, but it's sort of red.
01:03:24The blood is red?
01:03:25No, no, no, the back.
01:03:27I'll get something to rub on it.
01:03:28Yes, alcohol would be good.
01:03:30Oh, yes, alcohol.
01:03:42Don't make such a fuss.
01:03:43You're not going to die.
01:03:44But I'm going to be a cripple.
01:03:46Oh, oh, it's just a cramp
01:03:49where the window came down on a muscle.
01:03:51What's that?
01:03:54French brandy?
01:03:55Yes, good.
01:03:57Does it sting?
01:03:58Does it what?
01:04:00You know, like a bee.
01:04:02Oh, yes, yes, it does.
01:04:04Is that good?
01:04:05Yes, means you're practically all better.
01:04:08Once the blood gets circulated,
01:04:09you'll forget you ever had a back.
01:04:11Try and straighten up.
01:04:13There we are.
01:04:14You don't think it's broken?
01:04:16Oh, it's not even bent.
01:04:17How's that?
01:04:20Well, I think me and my back feel much better now.
01:04:24I'll get to bed.
01:04:26Yes, please.
01:04:41I remember in the future that bad girls who do bad things
01:04:43always get hurt.
01:04:49Do you want this light anymore?
01:04:55Well, good night.
01:04:57I hope it'll be the last time.
01:04:59Mr. Trimble.
01:05:02I, I have something to tell you.
01:05:08What is it?
01:05:12You think I'm very terrible, no?
01:05:15But I think that some of the things you do aren't very nice.
01:05:18Mr. Trimble,
01:05:19I think there's something you don't know about women.
01:05:23But I'm eager to learn.
01:05:25You know, when a girl gets engaged,
01:05:27her mother doesn't say,
01:05:28I'm happy because Alphonse is so handsome.
01:05:31But she says,
01:05:32I'm happy because Alphonse has such a wonderful job
01:05:35with the gas company.
01:05:37That's true.
01:05:38I never thought of that.
01:05:39And this is very sensible.
01:05:41Because when the children come,
01:05:43it's nice for them to have everything.
01:05:45I know, because I had to get a job in the chorus
01:05:48when I came all the way to America
01:05:50to work in the Casino de France.
01:05:52And when they closed up, I had nothing.
01:05:54Except one good friend, Gloria.
01:05:56And Mike, the head waiter.
01:05:58He puts up the money so I can have nice clothes
01:06:01and maybe meet a nice man.
01:06:03Don't you think it's better to love the man you're going to marry?
01:06:07Not always.
01:06:08Gloria married an off to Buffalo.
01:06:12I don't understand that.
01:06:14Well, maybe you understand this.
01:06:16I don't think I'll marry Bill Duncan.
01:06:19Why not, if that's what you believe in?
01:06:23Every woman believes this.
01:06:25But every woman has a big danger.
01:06:27She meets a boy.
01:06:28She likes the way he talks.
01:06:30The way his hands look.
01:06:31The way he looks when he gets angry.
01:06:33And then she falls in love with him.
01:06:35And she doesn't care whether he has money or not.
01:06:38I see.
01:06:40You've met such a man?
01:06:42I think so.
01:06:48Wouldn't be me, by any chance.
01:06:53Well, tell me one thing more, then.
01:06:55When did you find out I had more money than Bill Duncan?
01:07:06Please, don't.
01:07:51Morning, son.
01:07:53How are you this fine morning?
01:07:55A little tired.
01:07:56I had a rather hectic night last night.
01:08:00Well, I slept like a log all night.
01:08:02Didn't hear anything.
01:08:03But I'm kind of deep, and that sort of helps.
01:08:06Bring lots of coffee.
01:08:08Sure, lots of coffee.
01:08:09And ham and eggs and biscuits.
01:08:12Ham and eggs all right for you, too?
01:08:15Who are you yelling at?
01:08:17Who is it?
01:08:18Well, she's not in there.
01:08:19She's in here.
01:08:23Come on.
01:08:24Time to get started.
01:08:25Is she mad at you?
01:08:29Maybe she's playing possum.
01:08:40I guess she's gone.
01:08:41Well, what are you so glum about?
01:08:43She can't have gone far.
01:08:45Your car's outside.
01:08:46You ain't thinking she's lost, are you, son?
01:08:49Yeah, I think she is.
01:08:51I'll get my coat, Pop.
01:08:53Gee whiz, if she stayed another day, I'd have had the telephone turned on.
01:09:02Bitch hackers are getting better dressed every day.
01:09:05Can't you go any faster?
01:09:08But I ain't allowed to leave the truck.
01:09:11Where do you want me to drop you?
01:09:13To the Savoy Grand Hotel.
01:09:16Savoy Grand?
01:09:18Gee, can you imagine the face on that doorman when he sees you
01:09:21climb down off this load of cow juice?
01:09:23Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
01:09:27I'm sorry, Gloria.
01:09:29Where in heaven's name have you been, child?
01:09:31Well, I...Mr. Trevor took me away.
01:09:34You ruined me.
01:09:35Why did you do it?
01:09:36Mike, I don't know.
01:09:37I just ran out and I...
01:09:39I'm sorry.
01:09:40I'm sorry.
01:09:41I'm sorry.
01:09:42I'm sorry.
01:09:43I'm sorry.
01:09:44I'm sorry.
01:09:45I'm sorry.
01:09:46I'm sorry.
01:09:47I'm sorry.
01:09:48I'm sorry.
01:09:49I'm sorry.
01:09:50I'm sorry.
01:09:51I'm sorry.
01:09:52I'm sorry.
01:09:53I'm sorry.
01:09:54I'm sorry.
01:09:55I just ran out and...
01:09:56You ran out on me.
01:09:58You ran out on $3,000.
01:10:00You ran me out of a restaurant.
01:10:03And then just ran out.
01:10:05Now, now, listen, Mike.
01:10:07I did listen.
01:10:08I listened to you.
01:10:09I listened to her.
01:10:10I listened to everybody.
01:10:11Now, you listen to me.
01:10:13Both of you.
01:10:14I've got something to say to you.
01:10:15Something to say to Duncan.
01:10:16Something to say to everybody.
01:10:26Yes, yes, Uncle Eric.
01:10:31I know you call Paris.
01:10:33Yes, I know all about it.
01:10:35Come in.
01:10:36Why do I have to see your lawyer?
01:10:38What, afraid of a breach of promise suit?
01:10:40All right, you make the appointment.
01:10:42I'll be down in an hour.
01:10:43Of course, I know it's bad.
01:10:45No, I won't talk to anybody.
01:10:55Why are you so upset, Mike?
01:10:56You should have my trouble.
01:10:57I have.
01:10:58We're in the same boat.
01:11:00I saved $3,000 and those women took every bit of it.
01:11:04They did?
01:11:06Well, they're going to take much more than that away from me.
01:11:08Oh, no.
01:11:09I wouldn't let them take anything from you.
01:11:11If I had my money back, I could get that girl out of the country today.
01:11:15You could?
01:11:16Yes, sir.
01:11:17Oh, we can fix the money easily.
01:11:19Then I could have my restaurant.
01:11:21Cashier, please.
01:11:22How much was it you said they took from you?
01:11:24Oh, just $5,000 even.
01:11:27Tell me, Mike, how on earth did you let them blackmail you?
01:11:31Well, you see, once I was married to a midget.
01:11:37Where are you going now, dear?
01:11:39I don't know.
01:11:40Just anyplace.
01:11:41Why do that, darling?
01:11:43I don't know.
01:11:48Feel bad?
01:11:52It was all my idea and everything is my fault.
01:11:57Yes, it is.
01:12:02I couldn't do what I promised to do.
01:12:05You're in love with Jim Trevor, hmm?
01:12:11I thought so.
01:12:12He's a beast.
01:12:16Try and forget him.
01:12:19You're going to hurt an awful lot for an awful long time if you don't.
01:12:25I feel sorry for Mike, too.
01:12:27Oh, I'll give every penny back to him.
01:12:30I'll get a job.
01:12:31I'll do any kind of work.
01:12:33Oh, sure.
01:12:34We'll make a deal with him to pay him back so much a week.
01:12:37To keep him from going crazy.
01:12:45So it's all over but the shouting.
01:12:47Well, that's life.
01:12:48Take a chance and draw a blank.
01:12:51It's finally got him.
01:12:53Who, me?
01:12:54No, I'm a gambler.
01:12:55So I lose.
01:12:56So what?
01:12:57Do I lose my life?
01:12:58Do I lose my health?
01:12:59Do I lose my good looks?
01:13:00No, I just lose my money.
01:13:01And after all, what's money?
01:13:03Oh, nothing, nothing, nothing.
01:13:05It's a good thing they don't have pockets and straitjackets.
01:13:07Now, look, I...
01:13:08I think I'd better go to see Bill Duncan and tell him.
01:13:11Why Bill Duncan?
01:13:12That's finished.
01:13:13Bury him.
01:13:14Forget all about Bill Duncan.
01:13:15I just saw him.
01:13:16He understands everything.
01:13:17He's a very understanding man.
01:13:19Now, you go back to France and marry somebody you love.
01:13:21But I can't.
01:13:22Well, why not?
01:13:23She can't swim that far.
01:13:25Oh, well, we spent so much money already.
01:13:27We might as well spend a little bit more.
01:13:29Here's $100.
01:13:30The boat sails at noon and you keep the change.
01:13:33Oh, Mike.
01:13:35You know, something tells me I'm going in the restaurant business myself.
01:13:47Now, Bill, wait a minute.
01:13:48Before we do anything rash, let's just count ten.
01:13:50Shall we?
01:13:51One, two, three.
01:13:52Jim, you're the greatest pal of color I've ever had.
01:13:53Listen, I can explain everything.
01:13:54Uncle Eric called Paris last night and everything you suspect is true.
01:13:56The girl is a phony.
01:13:57If I'd married her, my family would have cut me off without a dime.
01:14:00Then you don't want to marry her?
01:14:01Marry her.
01:14:02I had to give that waiter $5,000.
01:14:03He put up the money for the whole thing.
01:14:04You're not going to marry her, then?
01:14:05It'll cost you more than that.
01:14:06You kidnapped her.
01:14:07Oh, she's got you good.
01:14:08That'll probably take you for $100,000.
01:14:10Are you sure you don't want to marry her?
01:14:12Oh, forget the marriage business.
01:14:13And don't worry about the money.
01:14:14I'll pay it.
01:14:15You don't have to.
01:14:17Yes, sir?
01:14:18Another suit, quick.
01:14:19Where are you going?
01:14:20I'm going to marry her myself.
01:14:21Do you think that'll be cheaper?
01:14:22I'll let you know in about ten years.
01:14:23Yes, but...
01:14:25Wait a minute.
01:14:26I must stop him.
01:14:27He's my best friend.
01:14:28He doesn't know what I know.
01:14:29Before you do this, sir, let me tell you of an incident in which my second cousin, one-eyed
01:14:32Wrigley, was involved.
01:14:34Let us know if you get married.
01:14:35We bet you a thousand.
01:14:36Let us know if you get married.
01:14:37We bet you a thousand.
01:14:38Let us know if you get married.
01:14:39We bet you a thousand.
01:14:40Let us know if you get married.
01:14:41We bet you a thousand.
01:14:42Let us know if you get married.
01:14:43We bet you a thousand.
01:14:44Let us know if you get married.
01:14:45We bet you a thousand.
01:14:46Let us know if you get married.
01:14:47We bet you a thousand.
01:14:48Let us know if you get married.
01:14:49We bet you a thousand.
01:14:50Let us know if you get married.
01:14:51We bet you a thousand.
01:14:52Let us know if you get married.
01:14:53We bet you a thousand.
01:14:54Let us know if you get married.
01:14:55We bet you a thousand.
01:14:56Let us know if you get married.
01:14:57We bet you a thousand.
01:14:59I've got a name a dish after her.
01:15:02Yeah, what?
01:15:04On a regular dollar dinner in a new restaurant, the frog's legs will always be called Ã
01:15:11la courtillon.
01:15:12Don't forget to name the mashed potatoes after me.
01:15:25Mr. Courtillon?
01:15:28Will you please follow me?
01:15:30But why?
01:15:32Is that your bag?
01:15:34I'll take it along.
01:15:35Oh no!
01:15:36Oh yes, I don't think you'll come back here.
01:15:37But I haven't done anything!
01:15:43In there.
01:15:44But I tell you I've done nothing.
01:15:46You'll have to tell that to the captain, miss.
01:15:47I'm only carrying out orders.
01:15:52But now what happens?
01:15:53I don't know about that, miss.
01:15:54You'll have to speak to the captain.
01:15:57You have the drafts, no?
01:16:27You are the certain mademoiselle de Cotillon, no?
01:16:30Oh, please don't.
01:16:34Don't make fun of me now.
01:16:36Oh, I wouldn't make fun of you.
01:16:38But why do you do all this?
01:16:40Well, you wouldn't want me to get married without changing my shirt now, would you?
01:16:46Wrigley's up there fixing it with the captain right now.
01:16:47In a few minutes, you're going to be the uncertain Mrs. James Trevor.
01:16:54But don't you think I'm very bad?
01:16:55I'll tell you a little secret.
01:16:56I'm pretty bad myself.
01:17:00The captain says he'll marry you in 15 minutes.
01:17:05I'll try and hurry him up, sir.