00:00:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:37According to God's holy ordinance,
00:01:39according to God's holy ordinance,
00:01:42and thereto I plight thee my troth,
00:01:45and thereto I plight thee my troth.
00:01:52I, Mary, take thee, James,
00:01:55I, Mary, take thee, James,
00:01:57to my wedded husband,
00:01:59to my wedded husband,
00:02:00to have and to hold,
00:02:02to have and to hold,
00:02:03from this day forward,
00:02:05from this day forward,
00:02:07for better, for worse,
00:02:08for better, for worse,
00:02:10for richer, for poorer,
00:02:12for richer, for poorer,
00:02:13in sickness and in health,
00:02:15in sickness and in health,
00:02:17to love and to cherish,
00:02:19to love and to cherish,
00:02:20till death us do part,
00:02:22till death us do part,
00:02:24according to God's holy ordinance,
00:02:26according to God's holy ordinance,
00:02:28and thereto I give thee my troth,
00:02:31and thereto I give thee my troth.
00:02:35fire crackling
00:02:38fire crackling
00:02:41fire crackling
00:03:07With this ring,
00:03:09With this ring,
00:03:10I be wed,
00:03:12I be wed,
00:03:13in the name of the Father,
00:03:15in the name of the Father,
00:03:16and of the Son,
00:03:17and of the Son,
00:03:18and of the Holy Ghost,
00:03:19and of the Holy Ghost,
00:03:26Those whom God hath joined together,
00:03:28let no man put asunder.
00:03:33Forasmuch as James and Mary
00:03:36have consented together in holy wedlock,
00:03:38and have witnessed the same before God and this covenant,
00:03:42and thereto have given and pledged their troth,
00:03:44each to the other,
00:03:46and have declared the same by giving,
00:03:48and receiving a ring,
00:03:50and by joining hands,
00:03:52I pronounce that they are man and wife,
00:03:55in the name of the Father,
00:03:57and of the Son,
00:03:58and of the Holy Ghost,
00:04:07God the Father,
00:04:08God the Son,
00:04:09God the Holy Ghost,
00:04:10bless, preserve, and keep you.
00:04:13The Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you,
00:04:16and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace.
00:04:20That is known as a covenant.
00:04:22That in the world to come,
00:04:24you may have life everlasting.
00:05:32Wait a minute.
00:05:35I'm not going to do it.
00:05:50I think we have to leave.
00:05:54Wait a minute.
00:05:58Wait a minute.
00:06:02Wait a minute.
00:06:29I've never enjoyed a wedding so much in all my life.
00:06:31I wouldn't enjoy a wedding.
00:06:32Me too.
00:06:38You know something?
00:06:39What dear, what?
00:06:40I'm a fool about you.
00:06:42Oh darling, you've got nothing on me.
00:06:49Oh dear.
00:06:51Mind you hurry.
00:06:53Mind you do.
00:06:54Fifteen minutes?
00:07:01Fifteen minutes.
00:07:12What do you plan, dear?
00:07:13Sailing at midnight, mother.
00:07:14When are you going back?
00:07:15Oh, early next month.
00:07:16You might better join up for a day or two.
00:07:18That's arranged.
00:07:19By all means.
00:07:20The company wants me to make a yearly trip over,
00:07:22starting next May.
00:07:23So I'll be seeing you regularly, I hope.
00:07:24I hope so, dear.
00:07:25What I should like to know is,
00:07:27am I to be called father or am I not?
00:07:29Yes, father you are.
00:07:31Goodbye Mary dear.
00:07:32Goodbye dear.
00:07:33Thanks for coming and I love you.
00:07:35I really do.
00:07:38Goodbye Vinnie.
00:07:39Bye mother.
00:07:42Good boy.
00:07:43Best you luck, mother.
00:07:44Goodbye daughter.
00:07:45I shan't fret about you two.
00:07:47Don't you do it.
00:07:49Have a good trip, son.
00:07:50Thank you, sir.
00:07:51See you in the autumn, eh?
00:07:52That's right.
00:07:53Come my dear.
00:07:54Let's dance together now and scandalize the guests.
00:07:56We owe it to them.
00:07:58I've just one thing to say to both of you.
00:08:00If at first you don't succeed,
00:08:02don't try it again.
00:08:05Do you second that Helen?
00:08:07No, I do not.
00:08:09Are you coming?
00:08:11She does go.
00:08:19Oh, Tim, how awful.
00:08:22How awful.
00:08:23I know darling, but don't you worry.
00:08:25Oh, let's be careful.
00:08:26We will, sweet.
00:08:28You know what it occurs to me
00:08:29that I've married you under fairly false pretenses.
00:08:32Such as what?
00:08:33I've got a lot of theories about marriage
00:08:34you've never even heard of.
00:08:35But darling, let's save them
00:08:36for the long winter evening, shall we?
00:08:38I'm afraid I'll forget them.
00:08:39Well, how do they go?
00:08:40Well, for one thing,
00:08:41I don't believe much in monopolies.
00:08:44Not for us anyway.
00:08:45We're too fond of people.
00:08:46Well, I'll like you best, ma'am.
00:08:49So will I, you.
00:08:50But the point is that I don't expect
00:08:52never to see another man
00:08:53and I don't expect you never to see another man.
00:08:55I expect you never to see another woman.
00:08:57We must make ourselves useful.
00:08:59Then there won't be any danger
00:09:00of their getting to be...
00:09:01To be novelty.
00:09:02That's it, exactly.
00:09:03Respect each other's privacy.
00:09:06Well, that sounds terrible.
00:09:08Well, darling, all theories are terrible.
00:09:10I know they are, but what are you going to do?
00:09:12One thing would be nice and sensible and modern,
00:09:14aren't we?
00:09:15Oh, we must save them.
00:09:16I mean it.
00:09:17We've just got to be a success.
00:09:19All my life has been nothing but darling,
00:09:21how can we help but be you and me?
00:09:24That's it, isn't it easy in there?
00:09:26That's where everybody makes their mistakes.
00:09:28It takes work and they won't work.
00:09:30I know it takes work.
00:09:33Beads of sweat will be standing out of my forehead.
00:09:40Peter says Noah's party's been a dreadful take downstairs.
00:09:43Oh, Noah's all right.
00:09:44She's just excitable.
00:09:45Come on, Peter, let's get these bags down.
00:09:47Joseph, Joseph.
00:09:48Something radical has got to be done about Noah.
00:09:50Why, what's the matter?
00:09:51Well, I tell you now, it's really frankly, isn't it?
00:09:54Oh, you're talking through your hat.
00:09:56Come on, Peter.
00:09:57Wait a minute, Joseph.
00:09:58What is she doing, Sammy?
00:09:59Laughing hysterically and carrying on in a generally outrageous manner.
00:10:02Pete might go down and take her for a walk around the garden.
00:10:05Oh, I'm trying to.
00:10:06But she wouldn't come.
00:10:08Remember, in hock sickness quenching.
00:10:14Why, I'm afraid it'll end by her making some wretched feet of rubber,
00:10:17and I like those.
00:10:18Of course you do.
00:10:19So do we.
00:10:20Sammy, go down and tell her that Jim wants to see her for a minute before we leave.
00:10:24Oh, now listen, Mary.
00:10:25Oh, you've got to.
00:10:27In the study.
00:10:28I think it's the only thing that'll make her pull out.
00:10:30But I tell you there is...
00:10:31Oh, Jim.
00:10:32What, Jim?
00:10:33I don't want anything unpleasant to happen today.
00:10:34It's been too long.
00:10:35Jim, what on earth can I say to her?
00:10:37Just tell her to snap out of it.
00:10:39But didn't you?
00:10:40Yes, but I'm not usual.
00:10:41Go on, tell her, Sammy.
00:10:42Oh, no, wait a minute.
00:10:43Oh, Jim, I'm asking you to.
00:10:50Thanks, darling.
00:10:51I'll meet you downstairs.
00:10:53You're a good soldier, Mary.
00:10:55So is Noel.
00:10:56Goodbye, if I don't see you again, Jim.
00:10:58Lots of love.
00:10:59Thanks, darling.
00:11:05Well, apparently it's settled.
00:11:07I wonder how you set Jim down to Noel.
00:11:11Well, why not?
00:11:18Well, hello, Nora.
00:11:19Hello, Richard.
00:11:20Hello, Richard.
00:11:21Hello, Mary.
00:11:22I just came up to say goodbye.
00:11:26It sounds so solemn the way you say it.
00:11:28I didn't mean...
00:11:29Never mind.
00:11:30We'll only be gone a couple of months anyway.
00:11:32You look beautiful, Mary.
00:11:34Don't I still, now that I'm an old married woman?
00:11:38You're married, but you will always be beautiful.
00:11:42Sometime I may forget your beauty,
00:11:44yet won't forget the notes of a melody.
00:11:47They will still exist and be recalled on the morrow.
00:11:50Richard, that was sweet.
00:11:53I meant it to be.
00:11:55You know, Jim's father's building me a music room
00:11:57on top of our house in town.
00:11:58Well, that's great.
00:12:00I'll come and see it when you retire.
00:12:02Well, I expect you to come and do some work in it.
00:12:05You don't think we could work together now, do you?
00:12:07Why not?
00:12:08You'll be pretty busy.
00:12:10No, I won't.
00:12:11Try to sketch out something while we're away,
00:12:13and when I get back in the fall,
00:12:14I'll help you to put it down on paper.
00:12:16It'll be marvelous.
00:12:17And don't just get the beginning.
00:12:18Try to get the middle and the finish.
00:12:20Oh, I will, Mary.
00:12:21I truly will.
00:12:22Goodbye, Mary.
00:12:23Goodbye, Richard.
00:12:47Hello, Noah.
00:12:52Fanny said just...
00:12:53Yeah, we, uh, we wanted to see you before we left.
00:12:56That was sweet of you.
00:12:59Where's Mary?
00:13:00Well, she'll be here in a minute.
00:13:02You know...
00:13:04Will you do something for me?
00:13:05Why, of course, Jim.
00:13:06What is it?
00:13:07After you see Mary, uh, quit the party and go on home.
00:13:10Would you like me to go home?
00:13:12After you see Mary, uh, quit the party and go on home.
00:13:15Would you like me to go out the back way?
00:13:18Would you like, Noah?
00:13:19That's very kind.
00:13:22Sorry to have disturbed you.
00:13:23Forgive me, will you?
00:13:24I don't know.
00:13:25Does this matter?
00:13:26No, no.
00:13:27That's all right, then.
00:13:30Do you enjoy it, Jim?
00:13:32Enjoy what?
00:13:33Standing there, kissing me.
00:13:36Noah, are you mad?
00:13:38No, I'm not.
00:13:39It's what you've been doing for a long while now.
00:13:41Each time we've been together.
00:13:43What's it matter that you've never been much closer to me than this?
00:13:46As long as you've thought it and wished it.
00:13:48You've got a good deal to drink, haven't you?
00:13:51But I've been drunker than this before.
00:13:54On no wine at all.
00:13:57And so have you, my dear.
00:13:58Quit it, Noah.
00:13:59Quit it.
00:14:00I love you, Jim.
00:14:01And I'd die hard.
00:14:03There should have been two of you, Noah.
00:14:06One for me.
00:14:07Please, Noah.
00:14:08I think there are two of you.
00:14:10And one is...
00:14:11Listen, have I ever said I was...
00:14:13No, you haven't.
00:14:14You've always behaved with the most praiseworthy restraint.
00:14:18That's been splendid of you, I suppose.
00:14:21Though I rather wish you hadn't.
00:14:23You can't fool anyone as Irish as me about love.
00:14:27I couldn't have felt as I do about you if you hadn't felt much the same about me.
00:14:31It doesn't happen that way.
00:14:33It takes two.
00:14:34Well, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you.
00:14:36You don't have to.
00:14:37Nor need you think that I'm not aware how terribly you love your Mary
00:14:41and how utterly different it is to what you feel for me.
00:14:45I envy her enormously.
00:14:48But she need never envy me.
00:14:51Not if she's wise.
00:14:53What do you mean, wise?
00:14:55She knows.
00:14:57No, I haven't the remotest idea of what you're driving at.
00:15:00I really haven't.
00:15:02Even Moses never was your loneliest, was it?
00:15:05But I ain't done a whole lot of thinking these last three weeks.
00:15:08I've had to.
00:15:09I see that you've got very far.
00:15:10I've gone a tremendous way.
00:15:12I'll tell you where I've arrived, if you like.
00:15:14Well, you needn't mind.
00:15:15I'd rather if you don't.
00:15:17It's my little pleasure to acknowledge now that I'm yours.
00:15:21Hard and subtle.
00:15:23Please, Mo, please.
00:15:24Oh, I wish something actual had happened.
00:15:27Our chances of pulling out of it would be better then.
00:15:31But nothing has.
00:15:33So here we are and here we'll be.
00:15:35And you'd better shun me as you would the devil.
00:15:39When you see me running from someone, you'll know it.
00:15:42That's the voice.
00:15:44Broken like a Yale man.
00:15:45Oh, shut up.
00:15:46You can't be indifferent to me, Jimmy boy, so don't try.
00:16:00Quit it, Noah, quit it, will you?
00:16:01What a handsome groom you were, Jim.
00:16:03I was proud of you.
00:16:06I could feel my heart swell to see you.
00:16:08Really, I could.
00:16:11I didn't kiss you when the others did, did I?
00:16:14Here, I shall.
00:16:17This is my wedding day.
00:16:22You did.
00:16:23You did.
00:16:25We'd had a much better chance if you'd let that go.
00:16:29Well, you do belong to them, honey.
00:16:42Here's to your great happiness.
00:16:45May I share in it.
00:16:59Come in, won't you?
00:17:02Oh, hello.
00:17:04I didn't know.
00:17:05What do you think, Mary?
00:17:07Jim's been having me over the cold for enjoying the party too much.
00:17:10Oh, really?
00:17:11Yes, can you believe it?
00:17:12But I've sworn I'll be a good girl now.
00:17:19I love you both, Mary.
00:17:21I do love you very much.
00:17:23So do we, you know.
00:17:25You know, you have the wisest eyes I've ever seen.
00:17:32Run along now, child.
00:17:33We've got to school.
00:17:36Goodbye, Jim.
00:17:37Have a good trip.
00:17:38Thanks, Mom.
00:17:39Goodbye, Mary.
00:17:40Goodbye, dear.
00:17:41I'll just go and get my wraps.
00:17:50I think that was the right thing to do, don't you?
00:17:53I don't know.
00:17:55Anyway, it's done.
00:17:57Is it...
00:17:58Is it still me, Jim?
00:18:02Mary, I'll...
00:18:03Never mind.
00:18:04You know I'm about ready to start.
00:18:05I'm bugging at the leak.
00:18:06That's what I am.
00:18:07I do hope Peter doesn't knock on the signal.
00:18:09We'll give him just about three minutes, and after that, we'll duck anyway.
00:18:12And in the meantime, let's form a group.
00:18:14Alone, at last.
00:18:16Alone, at last.
00:18:23Darling, let's make just one blanket agreement.
00:18:25What is it?
00:18:28Whatever happens, never quit each other.
00:18:33Never in this world.
00:18:34Never in any world.
00:18:38Oh, come on, Mom, please.
00:18:39Where's my hat?
00:18:40Never mind your hat.
00:18:41Give me your hat.
00:18:42Give me yours. I'm the man.
00:18:43Quit fooling, idiot.
00:18:44What's the rush?
00:18:45I wonder if we don't start.
00:18:46We've got 50 years.
00:18:47Are you coming?
00:18:48To Mary from Jim.
00:18:50With love.
00:18:59Here we go.
00:19:01Oh, good, good.
00:19:16Hi, babe.
00:19:29The heat has upset me a little.
00:19:33Is the heat the only thing that has upset you, my dear?
00:19:36What else do you think would upset me?
00:19:38The whole thing.
00:19:40The sight of your boy being married.
00:19:42Quite as lovingly as you married me.
00:19:44Oh, I only hope they make a better job of it than we did.
00:19:48Youth, health, love, money.
00:19:52They seem to have the odds on their side at any rate.
00:19:57I don't think Mary will make the failure of her marriage you made of yours.
00:20:02The failure I made?
00:20:06Which of us was in the wrong, you or I?
00:20:08You were.
00:20:09I may have committed infidelity.
00:20:11But I never committed divorce.
00:20:15It was for that I left you today.
00:20:17Oh, no.
00:20:18You left me because you found out I had gone with another woman.
00:20:22Found it out.
00:20:24And wasn't that enough?
00:20:26Because of an affair which really was of little or no importance to you,
00:20:31you did me out of my marriage and my home.
00:20:35You destroyed a spiritual relationship that belonged only to us.
00:20:40And after all, where did it land you?
00:20:43Where it really did.
00:20:45Yes, really.
00:20:46I should like to know.
00:20:48Well, I'll tell you where it landed us.
00:20:54Wives should be sorry now.
00:20:59I hope they'll be happy.
00:21:02Everyone seems to think they're so well suited to each other.
00:21:05So are we.
00:21:07Except in certain particularities.
00:21:09Jim is like me in a great many ways.
00:21:14Then I'm sorry for her.
00:21:38Hello, Julie.
00:21:39How do you do, Mr. Huffman?
00:21:40Hello, son.
00:21:41Hello, Daddy.
00:21:42Are you going on the big boat?
00:21:44Yes, Jimmy, I'm going on the big boat.
00:21:46Where have you been?
00:21:47I'm out in the zoo to see the lions.
00:21:51Elephants, darling.
00:21:52The elephants.
00:21:54Well, when I get back, I'll take you to see the lions and the tigers too, eh?
00:21:57Would you like that?
00:22:00Come on, Julie.
00:22:02Is Mrs. Huffman alone, Julie?
00:22:04She was, sir, when I left.
00:22:06All right, son.
00:22:07You go get ready for your nap.
00:22:09All right.
00:22:11Daddy, whistle once like a bird.
00:22:15There you are.
00:22:17You run along.
00:22:18I'll come see you before I leave.
00:22:19Don't forget us.
00:22:20I won't.
00:24:14He's not the kind that makes pastas, is he?
00:24:16Richard, not in the least.
00:24:19Well, if anyone does, haul off and paste him one for me.
00:24:22No one will.
00:24:24I would.
00:24:25Well, most men have more manners.
00:24:30Oh, darling, I'm in love with you.
00:24:34Come along with me.
00:24:37What about my child?
00:24:38Oh, forget it.
00:24:39Come with me.
00:24:40To the boat, darling.
00:24:44Come along.
00:24:45Let's say goodbye to Jimmy.
00:24:46It's almost time for his nap.
00:24:49You sure you want to come down to the dock with me?
00:24:55Get the boat's all leveled up now.
00:24:57All right.
00:25:08Yes, Barry.
00:25:10Oh, here I am.
00:25:11I've been looking all over for you.
00:25:12Oh, I'm glad you made it, fella.
00:25:15Just today for a picnic.
00:25:16Oh, marvelous, Peter.
00:25:18A little hair oil for you.
00:25:19Thank you, sir.
00:25:20It's like buying a chef a sandwich.
00:25:23I had no idea you were coming down, Pete.
00:25:26Well, say, listen, Jim.
00:25:28When you're in Paris, if you see any of those postal cards,
00:25:30send me a message, will you?
00:25:32I'll get them.
00:25:37So long, Pete.
00:25:38Goodbye, Jim.
00:25:39Thanks a lot for coming down.
00:25:41I, uh, I got to say goodbye to Mary now.
00:25:43Oh, OK.
00:25:44I'll see you on the dock, Barry.
00:25:46Bye, Peter.
00:25:57I'm going to cry.
00:25:59Think you're right.
00:26:00Now swallow.
00:26:01That's the girl.
00:26:02Oh, Jim.
00:26:06Next year, you'd better come with me, sweetheart.
00:26:10Oh, think of all the fun we'll have before next year.
00:26:12You'll write to me, won't you, Jim?
00:26:14I will.
00:26:15And cable this.
00:26:16Mind you do, too, darling.
00:26:39Come on.
00:26:48Goodbye, darling.
00:26:49Goodbye, seeing you.
00:26:56Attention, wireless.
00:26:57Come on.
00:28:09Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:11Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:13Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:15Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:17Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:19Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:21Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:23Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:25Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:27Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:29Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:31Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:33Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:35Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:37Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:39Hello, Mr. Jean-Claude.
00:28:50Now imagine meeting you here of all people...
00:28:51Well, I hardly need to ask how you are.
00:28:53You're looking marvellously well.
00:28:55Thanks, Jimmy. How's Mary?
00:28:56Oh, she's perfect.
00:28:58And you should see the young son under here.
00:28:59I know. I haven't announced it yet.
00:29:02He's a darling.
00:29:03Does he look like you, Jimmy?
00:29:04You have about everything, haven't you Jim?
00:29:06Well, not everything, no.
00:29:08Everything I want.
00:29:10Don't you want a cup of coffee or could you buy me one?
00:29:14Oh, surely, surely.
00:29:35Is this it?
00:29:38That's right, that's right, go ahead.
00:29:40Now there's something further along there that had me stumped for three hours before I finally got it.
00:29:58There it is.
00:30:05Oh, no, no, Mary.
00:30:07Now that kills it.
00:30:10Oh, if I could only play the thing.
00:30:13Get up, Mary, get up.
00:30:16Now look, there's nothing subtle about this, see?
00:30:18I want it so simple that a child could understand.
00:30:30Do you get what I'm driving at?
00:30:34Drums, brass, strings, everything.
00:30:50Well, what do you think of it?
00:30:54I don't think it's as good as you do.
00:30:56It's floppy.
00:30:58Well, naturally, Mary.
00:30:59And over.
00:31:00You think I'm lazy.
00:31:02I'm not lazy in your vein.
00:31:04Thanks a lot.
00:31:05Just as welcome as you can be.
00:31:06Oh, we're not going to row, are we, Mary?
00:31:08If you like.
00:31:09Now you give me a pain in the neck.
00:31:10Oh, that's too bad, I'm sure.
00:31:11Such a pretty neck.
00:31:12Mary, listen.
00:31:13Now look here.
00:31:14I've told you that you can have this room and this piano all morning and all alone.
00:31:18And I never come hanging around except when I'm particularly invited.
00:31:22Then when I am invited, I don't see what right you've got to fly into a violent temper when I tell you what I think of yourself.
00:31:29All right.
00:31:31Thanks a lot for your insult, kind friend.
00:31:34But you don't hurt my neck at all.
00:31:37How long is it going to take you to finish this wretched ballet?
00:31:41Oh, two months.
00:31:43Less if you help me.
00:31:44Oh, I will gladly.
00:31:45Jim's off for his trip pretty soon.
00:31:47I'd like to have something to help me stand it.
00:31:49Why don't you go with him?
00:31:51I just never do.
00:31:53Don't you want to?
00:31:55Heavens, yes.
00:31:56You see, I have a notion that married people need a holiday from each other once in a while.
00:32:01So I'm making a firm stand.
00:32:03Six weeks.
00:32:04That's no picnic, you know.
00:32:06You're a funny pair.
00:32:07We're a nice pair, don't you think?
00:32:10Very nice.
00:32:12Still terribly in love, if you want.
00:32:14Oh, yes.
00:32:16Well, I don't suppose you're ever likely to have a break.
00:32:19Unless one of you falls in love with someone else.
00:32:22I don't think Jim and I would break even on that.
00:32:24Not now.
00:32:27Well, you're not likely to anyhow.
00:32:28That is, fall in love, then.
00:32:30I don't know.
00:32:31We might.
00:32:32Jim might.
00:32:33He's rather attractive and strictly deceptible.
00:32:36And you're just rather attractive.
00:32:40There was a time when I used to fall in and out every month or two.
00:32:43Oh, can't believe it.
00:32:44Did, though.
00:32:45Well, that was when you were footloose.
00:32:46You know, getting married puts you in ground grip.
00:32:48Maybe, though.
00:32:50You know you've got a faithful husband, so you can talk.
00:32:54Why Richard?
00:32:56Why your grandmother.
00:32:59I mean it.
00:33:01But what about this rollicking ballet, Mary?
00:33:03Do you really want to help me get it down?
00:33:04I ask for nothing better.
00:33:05Oh, imagine finishing it.
00:33:15Oh, hello, Jim.
00:33:16Hello, Paris.
00:33:17How are you?
00:33:18Jim, who do you think telephoned?
00:33:22She's not here tonight.
00:33:23She's coming to lunch, I hope.
00:33:24Good only.
00:33:25I won't be here.
00:33:26Why will you not be?
00:33:27Well, London first.
00:33:28And then, uh.
00:33:29What do you mean?
00:33:30The French line telephoned.
00:33:31They had a cancellation just this morning.
00:33:32And she's put me up on the parrot.
00:33:34It sails at 1.
00:33:35Julie's packing bags.
00:33:36But 1 o'clock?
00:33:37I've got plenty of time, darling.
00:33:38Father's coming up with some papers in a minute.
00:33:40Well, here I go, Mary.
00:33:41Lunch some other day?
00:33:42Oh, do you mind?
00:33:43Not at all, Mary.
00:33:44Goodbye, honey.
00:33:45Have a good trip.
00:33:47Thanks, old boy.
00:33:48Anything I can do for you in Paris?
00:33:49Well, uh.
00:33:50You might tell the art boys on the left bank
00:33:52not to talk quite so much.
00:33:53All right.
00:33:54I will.
00:34:00I'll telephone you, Richard.
00:34:01Will you do that, Mary?
00:34:10Oh, Jim, I hate it.
00:34:12It was bad enough last year.
00:34:14And this year, it works.
00:34:15Come on with me, darling.
00:34:16It's a big cabin.
00:34:17Oh, I can't.
00:34:19Oh, we'd have fun.
00:34:20Shut up.
00:34:21You know, I think this is rough, this stupid and forced
00:34:24holiday business.
00:34:26Maybe it is.
00:34:30When are you coming back?
00:34:32Oh, by July.
00:34:33The 10th, surely.
00:34:35Where's your party for the anniversary going to be?
00:34:37Here or in the country?
00:34:39I want to keep the townhouse open until the 15th anyway.
00:34:42Oh, do make it in time, Jim.
00:34:43It's important to me.
00:34:45I'm such a fool about Christmas and birthdays
00:34:47and things like that.
00:34:49You leave it to me, darling.
00:34:50I'll be here.
00:34:51I always said it.
00:34:52We got safely past before.
00:34:54It's been a good go, hasn't it?
00:34:56Maybe it hasn't.
00:34:57I'd do it again, wouldn't you?
00:34:59Wouldn't I, though?
00:35:00Kiss me, please.
00:35:01It's very small.
00:35:02I've got a book to catch.
00:35:11You sure you've got everything you need?
00:35:13No, but I'll manage.
00:35:16Oh, that must be the country.
00:35:17I supposed to call in from downstairs.
00:35:19I wanted to tell Jimmy goodbye.
00:35:21Oh, you're sweet, Jim.
00:35:22So is Jimmy.
00:35:25All right.
00:35:29Hello, Sabina.
00:35:32Will you bring young Jim to the telephone, please?
00:35:42Come over here, darling.
00:35:43Don't stand so far away.
00:35:52What'll you be doing all the time, hmm?
00:35:54Music with Richard Mosley.
00:35:56He's got a grand idea for ballet.
00:36:04I'm going off today instead of next week,
00:36:07and I wanted to tell Jimmy goodbye.
00:36:09Is his face clean enough?
00:36:17Hello, Jimmy?
00:36:18Hello, Jimmy?
00:36:19I'm going off on a big boat today, son.
00:36:24I say, I'm going off on a big boat today, son.
00:36:29No, no, no, not this time.
00:36:31Next time, maybe.
00:36:34Paula, I'm awfully sorry, son,
00:36:37but they almost didn't have room for me, even.
00:36:40What shall I bring you?
00:36:53Yes, if I can find one.
00:37:00Yes, is that all?
00:37:03Well, if you think of anything else,
00:37:05tell your mother, and she'll write me.
00:37:09Goodbye, darling.
00:37:12Did you get it?
00:37:13Yeah, so did I.
00:37:16You'll be a good boy, and I will, too.
00:37:21I want to speak to Bina now.
00:37:22Jimmy, Jimmy, call Bina back the phone, will you, son?
00:37:25Your mother wants to tell her something.
00:37:29Goodbye, Angel.
00:37:32No, I won't.
00:37:34I'll bring a bagful.
00:37:41Hello, darling.
00:37:43I'm coming out tomorrow.
00:37:46Oh, no, after your nap.
00:37:51Yes, he understands.
00:37:55Of course he does, Captain.
00:37:57Hello, Bina.
00:37:59Is everything all right?
00:38:02Oh, well, that's fine.
00:38:03I'm coming out early tomorrow afternoon.
00:38:06You're all right, eh?
00:38:07Good girl.
00:38:10Well, I'll just go and see if Julie's got everything set up.
00:38:13Oh, I don't know.
00:38:14I'm sure she has.
00:38:18Is that loose?
00:38:19Yeah, check mostly.
00:38:22I'll go and see if Julie's got everything set up.
00:38:24Yeah, check mostly.
00:38:27Mickey, telephone father.
00:38:29Telephone the country.
00:38:31Sign, check.
00:38:33Kiss Mary.
00:38:37Don't forget passport.
00:38:41Tell Julie plenty of underwear.
00:38:44What to buy for Jimmy.
00:38:45Check, check, check.
00:38:48Tell Mary love her.
00:38:50Love you.
00:38:53Keep out of drafts.
00:38:54Don't eat starchy food.
00:38:55And be a foot off 14th Street at ten minutes to one.
00:39:01Ten minutes to one.
00:39:03Six weeks.
00:39:06Oh, Jimmy.
00:39:07Cut it out.
00:39:08Cut it out.
00:39:09Cut it out, darling.
00:39:10Now, here's father.
00:39:11Are you up here, Mary?
00:39:16Yes, father.
00:39:17Come on up.
00:39:20Jim's here too.
00:39:23Hello, dad.
00:39:24Sorry to have made you rush around like this.
00:39:26It's all right.
00:39:27It's good for me.
00:39:28Uh, there was a young woman on your doorstep.
00:39:30She asked me to announce her.
00:39:31And Miss...
00:39:35I don't believe it.
00:39:36Oh, my dear girl, what fun.
00:39:38You look simply stunning.
00:39:39If that means fat, I'll have your heart out.
00:39:42Hello, James, my boy.
00:39:43How's the book business?
00:39:44Fanny, darling, it's great you're back.
00:39:47Sit down, Miss Chapin.
00:39:48And tell us something of interest to our readers.
00:39:51I'm staying for years.
00:39:53This rock shall serve as a firm base as soon as I...
00:39:57My dear, the papers were full of you.
00:40:00I had a salon.
00:40:01I honestly had a salon.
00:40:04You're not really feeling for that place today.
00:40:06One o'clock, Fanny.
00:40:07Well, you're simply crazy, that's all.
00:40:10How's your baby, Mary?
00:40:11I'm dying to see it.
00:40:12Come out with me tomorrow, and I'll hold a one-man exhibit.
00:40:15Oh, I'd love it.
00:40:16Oh, I'd love it.
00:40:18Oh, I'd love it.
00:40:19Oh, you poor boy going off on a boat trip.
00:40:22Hey, Fanny, were you really presented at court?
00:40:24There was a rumor...
00:40:25James, I was there with ostrich snooze in the air.
00:40:29It was a riot.
00:40:30The queen swooned, and the king was carried out screaming.
00:40:34They say the Whitechapel...
00:40:36I beg your pardon, Mr. Hutton.
00:40:38Your things are all in the car, sir.
00:40:39Well, thank you, Julie.
00:40:40Coming downstairs with me, darling?
00:40:41Oh, wait a minute, Jim.
00:40:43Oh, hello.
00:40:46Pretty presents.
00:40:47These are for you, Mary.
00:40:49That means earrings.
00:40:51Oh, but, child, I could give pearls and never feel it.
00:40:55Oh, you angel.
00:40:56They're simply gorgeous.
00:40:58And these, James, are for you to hold your pants up with.
00:41:02Hand-painted bracelets for the unexpected guests.
00:41:05Uh, I think Christine is from Manor.
00:41:07Fanny, you're a girl after my own heart.
00:41:10No, darling, I was once.
00:41:12Mary was too rich for us.
00:41:13I'll sail in them.
00:41:14You won't sail at all if you go on like this.
00:41:17Oh, what a man.
00:41:18Can I help you?
00:41:19Please, I am.
00:41:20Mary, put those over there.
00:41:23Oh, that's fine.
00:41:24Oh, my goodness.
00:41:25Oh, so nice, Fanny.
00:41:27I wish I could take you all with me.
00:41:29Don't say no, Fanny.
00:41:31A lot of good fellas.
00:41:33Thank you, Fanny.
00:41:34That's perfect, Fanny.
00:41:37That's fine.
00:41:38Look, darling.
00:41:39You sure you don't want to come down to the dock with me?
00:41:41Quite sure.
00:41:42I'll say goodbye here this time.
00:41:46Oh, but you'll walk down the stairs with me.
00:41:48Of course.
00:41:49Hurry up, boy.
00:41:50If you see your mother, give her my love.
00:41:52I'll do that.
00:41:53Come on, Angel.
00:41:54Let's take Jimmy's hand.
00:41:55And away we go to the bottom of the stairs.
00:41:57Goodbye, sir.
00:41:58Goodbye, Fanny.
00:42:00Hurry up.
00:42:01It's 1235.
00:42:02See you when you get back.
00:42:04Mr. Hutton, I'm parked for a cigarette.
00:42:07Well, I don't believe I have one.
00:42:08Let's see what we can do back here.
00:42:13What, dear?
00:42:14Mind you don't miss the boat.
00:42:15I mean, on the way back.
00:42:17You've just got to be here for the anniversary.
00:42:19Darling, I'll be here if I have to swim back.
00:42:45Lovely boy.
00:42:46Lovely girl.
00:42:47Honestly, Mr. Hutton, I don't think
00:42:48I've ever seen two happier-looking people in all my life.
00:42:52I said happier-looking people.
00:43:00Well, we're pretty stuffed just now over this trip of Jim's.
00:43:03Oh, most people I know would be cheering.
00:43:06You know, I'm sure they would.
00:43:08I'm sure they would.
00:43:09I'm sure they would.
00:43:10I'm sure they would.
00:43:11I'm sure they would.
00:43:12I'm sure they would.
00:43:13I'm sure they would.
00:43:14They wouldn't be cheering.
00:43:15You're in luck.
00:43:16You don't realize it.
00:43:17Did you get the basalt at all, Madame?
00:43:19No, it's not.
00:43:21Oh, but I almost forgot to tell you.
00:43:24Zoe Norton was at Cam's.
00:43:26Well, who is she?
00:43:27I don't know her.
00:43:28No, I know you don't.
00:43:29She knows Jim.
00:43:30And she said she saw you and him two or three times
00:43:33at that little place up in the mountains
00:43:35just back of Montez, San Antonio,
00:43:38something or the other.
00:43:39Well, San Antonio there.
00:43:40And she was going to speak to you, speak to you.
00:43:42When was that?
00:43:43May. Only she couldn't get Jim's eye. And you both looked so devoted, she concluded you were there to escape Americans.
00:43:50They thought at the end you were a runaway couple. Zoe said the manager told her you'd taken the sweetest little place, um, the, uh, Villa May at Auntie's.
00:43:58I didn't even know you were over. Why didn't you look me up? Well, it looked as though you were trying to avoid Americans, Vicki.
00:44:07It was the shortest kind of a trip. Oh, by the way, you didn't run into Noah, did you? Someone told me she was down there somewhere on the Riviera.
00:44:15No, we didn't. What time are you going out tomorrow? How's three o'clock? That's fine for me. You sure you want me?
00:44:23I should say I do. It's too wonderful having you back. Are you staying at the apartment? Yes. I'll stop by for you three minutes.
00:44:31I'll be hanging out the window. What time is it now? Oh, good heavens. Goodbye, Mr. Hudson. Do come some night and dine with Mary, will you?
00:44:40I should be glad to. Goodbye, dear. Oh, don't go down with me, dear. Honestly, I'm going on the rock. All right, darling. Thanks a thousand times, dearie.
00:44:56Mary. Yes? I don't think I'd jump to any silly conclusions if I were you. Jim wouldn't have brought a loan last year, Father. You know I wasn't willing.
00:45:15What are you doing, Mary? Plaza 2476. Whom are you calling? Hello, Plaza 2476? Is Mrs. Farley there? Oh, well, perhaps you could tell me.
00:45:38I wanted to ask Mrs. Farley for Miss Noel's address. Yes. Thank you. Mary, this is of no significance. Fanny said the girl Zoe knew him, but she might have been mistaken. And even if she wasn't.
00:45:51Hello? Yes. Yes, I have it. Is that the same place that Miss Noel had last year? Oh, it is. No, no, that was all I wanted. Thank you very much.
00:46:16You know this isn't fair at all. This is... I know Jim, Father, and I know Noel. If they were there together... I suppose they were. Then what? And if it isn't me he wants, what does he want? Her. Good heavens, Mary.
00:46:33What do you think, then? Is it both of us he wants? James loves you as few women are loved. He'd hardly love me and go with her, could he? Couldn't he, Mary? No. It isn't conceivable, is it?
00:46:49If it were, I shouldn't let it be. Oh, I see. I'm not doing any sharing, Father. I'm not going any houses. Oh, I can't even say her name now. You'll never be called upon to share what you and Jim have.
00:47:11I'm going to divorce him, Father. Mary! Mary. Too bad, isn't it? You see, it's all gone now. What is? Your love for him? I don't know about that. I can't tell about that yet. But my life with him, that's gone, all right.
00:47:40Only if you let it go. If his love for me wasn't strong enough... Listen to me, Mary. If you're going to quit, Jim, quit it. But in heaven's name, don't let it do this to you. Do what to me?
00:47:53About your reason. If I mean no more to him, if his love for me wasn't strong enough, really, you of all people to do this kind of second-rate trash, it's about the limit. That's going a pretty stiff, though, isn't it? Yes, it is. And I'm amazed to think you need it. What on earth has one misstep of Jim's got to do with you?
00:48:14It has a great deal to do with me. In any event, I don't feel called upon to share him. I doubt that you've shared anything. And if you have, it's the least important element in your whole relationship. He went from me to her. He chose her over me.
00:48:29Who's your choosing to it? My dear girl, you should know that one's capabilities of attraction are not limited to one man or one woman. They never have and never will be. I don't believe it.
00:48:42Then since you're married, can you honestly say there's never been anyone but Jim for whom you felt the least, what shall I say, vague stirring? Yes, I can say that. You have to stop and think. There hasn't been anyone. There couldn't have been.
00:49:06I could almost wish there had, so that you might see it's possible at least. It has been possible, you know. When Jim came back a year ago, did you sense any change in him? No. Oh, if only he'd told me. If only he'd been honest. It's so insulting.
00:49:31Oh, Mary, I wish you could be 20 years older for one moment. I feel the same. Do it and you're a failure, Mary. A complete failure. Not only in your marriage, but in every last department of your life. That's enough, I think. I'm ashamed of you. I cannot believe it. That's enough.
00:49:51Very well. Good day, Mary. Goodbye. Come in. Oh, I beg your pardon. Am I intruding? I came to get my score, Mary. I want to work on it a while at home this afternoon.
00:50:18Why don't you work on it here, Richard? I'm sure it's much more comfortable. Would you mind? That's fine. Look, Mary, I got an idea about these few passages that you didn't like. We carry the theme in the bass, you see, and increase the tempo of this proceeding to the bars here, and I think it's...
00:50:48I think it's a good idea, Richard.
00:51:12Goodbye. Thanks a lot.
00:59:47Mary, come here to me for a moment.
00:59:52I can't.
00:59:56All right.
01:00:02I expect that when you take me all in all,
01:00:06I'm just a tramp.
01:00:08You're a pretty important tramp, I think.
01:00:11You are to me anyway.
01:00:15That will do nicely.
01:00:27Mary, look at me.
01:00:43Oh, I love you so terribly!
01:00:48I'm sorry.
01:01:01It's not me, it can't be!
01:01:03It is you!
01:01:05For the first time, it's you who...
01:01:06There's just something raging inside me, it isn't me!
01:01:09It's my you, it's the you I know!
01:01:10No, it isn't you.
01:01:11It is you.
01:01:12And you want me to marry...
01:01:14Impossible, it's not possible.
01:01:15Don't you?
01:01:16Don't you?
01:01:17beginning of something it won't it'll be the end this way it's so clean and sharp
01:01:22and final. Oh why won't you see that Mary? I can. All I can see is that I hate this thought of both of us. Oh no. Yes it would just blast everything in all my life. I'd want to die. You don't know dear. I do know. It wouldn't be taking anything from anyone. You have enough love in you to give me you keep making it making it love and more love. This is our life Mary it really is.
01:01:47There's no one else in it but you and me. No one can come into it. Haven't you always said. I've said a lot of things. Well there's no need to say anything more. Just stay close to me.
01:02:00Now stop. Oh keep on talking. You must stop. Talk when you stop.
01:02:08Now let it ring. I shouldn't think you'd want me this way. This way it wouldn't be me at all. It would just be any woman. That's true you know. It is true.
01:02:38I'll leave in a few moments Mary. I'll walk around for a half hour. They won't stay any longer than that. Then I'll come back. No don't come back. If you love me don't. I'll come back. But then you will have had time to think it over. I'll ring three times and you can let me in or not.
01:03:07Now that's fair isn't it. I thought so. All right. Now take a deep breath. Here.
01:03:22You better go to the top of the stairs and call down dear. They're on their way up.
01:03:25Richard. Anyhow I want to tell you one thing. There aren't any anyhows yet my darling. Go ahead. Go on.
01:03:55Hello there. Hello. Oh I can't stand that chatter now. I'm afraid you'll have to. Keep on playing won't you. Sure. How are you? We couldn't be worse. What on earth's the matter? We've grown long grey beards waiting for you down to the bell. Can't you sing up here with the piano going? I've felt the piano out the window.
01:04:26Peter. How ever do you do my dear. Oh heart and happy thanks. Hello Perry. Hello Kippen. Good evening Martha Perry. Hello Peter. Hello Norris. How's the young genius today? How was the show?
01:04:44Oh not bad. Oh very good. Well I nearly gave you up. Well haven't you been? Just think of it. We could flush that if you make it ten. What can you tell me? I've got an idea. What? What? Let's all get. Let's all get conscious.
01:05:07Now don't you start undressing again. We're going along in just one minute. We won't be going down somewhere. Are you coming? Oh Mary. Listening darling? Yes dear what is it? Come along with us will you? Oh it's too hot. Besides I don't want to get too sleepy. So she'll look her prettiest when the great big steamboat brings Danny home tomorrow. Tomorrow. Yes that's it.
01:05:32Any news of the lad? Any news is good news. He lands at nine in the morning. Oh I can't stay up that long. It's impossible. What is that you're playing? Oh listen Mary. Well I do hope we're not shooting. Oh don't be silly. Watch out Mary. The young man's going to crash you roundly. Yes? Yes.
01:05:58Mary if you don't give that party tomorrow I'll die. Not in the house darling. What party is that? Listen to it. What party? You aren't going to let a wedding anniversary pass without a celebration. Why say I ain't so Mary? I haven't any servants in town. I'll rent you a busload with whiskers if you like. Or I'll tell you what. I'll give the party. No you won't darling. What can you do with it?
01:06:24Listening Mary? Yes.
01:06:28Would you mind telling me what it is goes on here? Well I think it's a perfect crime. You could get every single one that was in the wedding.
01:06:39I saw Johnny Scott downtown. It's very new. Hello Johnny said I. How are you Peter? Is that he? All except Noel anyway. Well we went and had a drink. Noel too. She's staying with the Polis I thought for a time. Oh she's back then.
01:06:55Noble Farley. I can see her now. Can you? I never could. Where's she been all the time anyway? Living in a little house by the sea with only her pet for companionship. Noel? What pet?
01:07:17Mary it doesn't seem such a shame. You and Jim can dine alone together for the rest of your lives. And probably win. What I always say is one should share one's happiness with one's friends. It makes for better feelings.
01:07:31Sorry I just can't taste the party. Well that I should say is there. I'm afraid it is. Honestly if you aren't acting clearer than anyone I've ever known. I can't help it Noel. What do you think? Maybe we better just get to go quietly out. Mary would you kindly stop talking like such a fool. Why you salty fool.
01:07:52Come along will you. I can't stand much more of this. Wait a bit. Now look here darling. Who is it you're expecting? I know who I am. It's a telegram most likely. Well I'm going. Oh wait a minute. I have no idea who it can be.
01:08:13Sonny I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. Oh that's all right. It's just so hot. Sure it is. That's what it is. Hot. All I want to know is can we expect a little change after tomorrow. And you I mean. Sonny you can expect a big change. I promise you you can.
01:08:36You want him to come up whoever it is. Because he's coming. Well if it's a telegram. Well if it ain't the most friendly face home again. You little cat you. You come here with your fine clothes and city manners. It's nice you're back. This is that attractive shipping girl.
01:09:04Benny how are you. Need you upstairs. Hello Peter. All the 84 streets together again. Oh boy if it's not. Hello Paris how are you. Good trip. No terrible thanks. How's the baby. He said you wouldn't land until morning Jim. He simply blew me. How'd you work it Jim. Bribery and corruption. I came in on the mail boat. Just cutting thrift that's all. I wasn't above bringing in just a little. But that's against the law. That's against every decency.
01:09:33Where is it. Oh no you don't. That's for tomorrow night to drink the bride's health then isn't it darling. Oh is it to be a party. Of course it's to be a party. Thanks Heather and the militia. You're all invited. How about you Paris can you come too. I'm sorry but I won't be here. Oh you off somewhere. Yes I think so. Stop like that. Jim. That's your luck stand. When did you decide that Christian.
01:10:03I haven't decided yet. How about this ballet you and Mary have been writing. Finished. I've just been playing the ending.
01:10:14Bye bye. I can't see it. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye.
01:10:26Goodbye Richard. Goodbye Richard. Have you changed your mind Mary. No Richard. And it isn't goodbye. No. I'll wait until they've gone then I'll come back. Yes. Come back Richard.
01:10:51You want me to be here when you tell him. No. I'll tell him alone. Now look here Mary I want you to be sure. I'm sure. All right. I'll come back and ring three times. If you change your mind just don't answer and I'll go away.
01:11:07Well. Anyone have a sandwich.
01:11:30Sandwich. How long are these people going to hang around here. They're hopeless. Good night. It's great he's back.
01:11:47Good night. And thanks for the spinach. But my dear it wasn't here you got the spinach. Don't bother to come down with it. No he wouldn't think of it. Well see what you can do about tomorrow. Keep it the catches on the outside door will you. The catch.
01:12:06Well darling. What is it dear. There's something I want to talk to you about. I'm not certain I want to hear it. But. I'm certain I don't want to hear it darling.
01:12:33I'm terribly glad you had that music thing to work on. It must be rotten not to be busy when. When what Jim. You love me Mary. What is it darling what's the matter. Jim you've got to listen to me. I've made up my mind.
01:13:00I don't ever want to hear any. Any bad news. You understand. Remember. There's nothing. Nobody. Ever can affect us. You me.
01:13:28Nothing in this world. In any world. Isn't that so Mary. And say it dear. I want to hear you say it. Say what Jim. Nothing can ever come between us. Nothing.
01:13:57Nothing. I wonder who. Let's not answer it Jim. No. We don't want to see anybody tonight do we darling. No.
01:14:24No. Then there'll never be anything but good news will there Mary. To Mary from Jim. Much. Much love. Much love.
01:14:50How about this party. I haven't done a thing about it. There's lots of time darling. It couldn't be very glamorous. Well it needn't be. Let's keep it small. That's more fun. Where's your wedding dress. It's in the top of my old trunk. Do wear it. It's miles too long. Take a hitch in it. Heaven what are pins for. And all the men in cutaways. I'd steal a thousand.
01:15:18I wish we could bring a baby in.
01:15:21He might jump out of the pie and turn in.
01:15:25Is he really blooming. Oh wait till you see him. Let's go see him now. Where's the road to. It's in the garage.
01:15:31Oh. Well you're an idiot. It's two o'clock. What's the difference darling. Well before the time we got there. Before as early. It certainly is. Where's your rat. It's downstairs. Darling I love to see the kid when he's asleep. Oh honestly. Put something around your head and come on. But I can't. You do as I say. It would be fun wouldn't it. You haven't forgotten anything have you. Not a thing. Only my dignity. Well that's not serious.
01:15:54Who said it was. Give me a hand. Oh give me yours. Here we go.