• 3 years ago
Are you feeling stuck, hopeless, and dejected? You might feel that everything has come to an end and that there is no way to get back your life together. The burdens, failures, and disappointments from the past might have thrown you into an illusion that the future is as dark as the past and there is no way out, but the truth is completely different! The power of your will and intentions in the present shapes your future. The truth is anytime and anywhere, you can change your life! Let go of the past and create the life of your dreams NOW! Hit that reset button and rise like a Phoenix with Affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that rewire our subconscious mind to think and believe in a particular way. This process is so powerful that it can reshape one's reality. You can repeat these affirmations or play them as you do your chores, begin your day, or go to sleep for at least 21 days or more. What you attract is in your thoughts. Reset and Restart! Believe and Manifest!
