Implementation of COTPA Amendment Bill 2021 will destroy Beedi industry

  • 3 years ago
The proposed amendment to the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) puts the livelihood of millions of women in jeopardy. The new insertion [Section 10A (3)] makes it mandatory for persons to obtain licenses, permissions and registrations for manufacturing, selling and distributing any tobacco product. This insertion, if implemented will be an extremely harsh measure for small vendors who do not have the competency or financial means to obtain such a license.

Tobacco products are mostly sold by small vendors and hawkers who have a small-scale set up for selling tobacco products. Most of the sale of beedis takes place from micro shops situated under trees and on pavements which will not be recognized by the municipalities or given licenses. Therefore, the entire sale of beedis will come to a grinding and abrupt halt. If the sale of beedis comes to a halt, then the entire beedi industry will come to a halt.

A study by Vibha Vasuki, a Human Rights Lawyer and Dr. Siva Prasad Rambhatla, Senior Professor of Social Anthropology titled, “A Study on the Status of Alternate Employment Schemes for Women Beedi Rollers” delves into the impact this COTPA amendment will have on millions of women beedi rollers in the country. The report says that until skill-building and alternative employment are provided on a large scale for their livelihood, beedi rolling is the only viable occupation for millions of women across India.


