online war between Elon Musk & Mark Zuckerberg | spacex destroyed facebook's satellite

  • 3 years ago
never-ending fight between elon musk
and mark zuckerberg.

the feud between area rivals elon musk of spacex and jeff bezos of blue origin is understood to all or any.

but there was another one that started
not see you later between the rich person technical school ceos elon musk and mark zuckerberg.

just like with jeff bezos elon musk's
rivalry with mark zuckerberg is additionally a
hot topic for netizens.

both the billionaires keep the competition
alive by sharing their harsh views.

today, you are going to understand all concerning the rich person ceo's feud.
how it all started and wherever it's leading the 2 firms ?

you will additionally comprehend the history of the mark zuckerberg competition
and UN agency is winning the game?

but before we tend to get to the video, welcome back everybody to techcentral a channel wherever you get to understand all concerning elon musk spacex and tesla.
if you're new here take the channel and click on the bell icon therefore you do not miss any forthcoming video.
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now let's get to the

we have talked concerning the area competition
many times however elon musk isn't among those that solely have one arch nemesis.

elon musk more another rival to his
list once in 2016 once a spacex rocket explosion destroyed a facebook satellite.

since then they've clashed over
artificial intelligence facebook's information
collection policies and far additional hot

in 2016 spacex's falcon nine rocket was to require facebook's satellite that was meant to supply web property in Africa.

due to abnormal reasons the rocket exploded on the launch pad with its
cargo that contained the amos vi satellite by facebook.

after the rocket explosion facebook corporate executive mark zuckerberg issued a heated
statement on his facebook page and aforesaid as i'm here in Africa , i'm deeply
disappointed to listen to that spacex's
launch failure destroyed our satellite.

that would have provided property to numerous entrepreneurs and everybody else across the continent.

this was alleged to be facebook's 1st satellite in orbit and was a region of

many people saw zuckerberg's tone in
response to the explosion as a touch of
resentment towards spacex corporate executive elon musk.

however , spacex failed to like a shot
respond to that however once 2 years elon musk replied to cnn communicator carrie flynnflynn.

who aforesaid wait guys keep in mind once elon musk blew up mark zuckerberg's satellite and to the present.

musk said , yea my fault for being AN cretin .
we did provide them a free launch to form up for it .
and i suppose they'd some insurance .
so there it's a late however aggressive reply.
but this can be not all.
now , it seems that the 2 technical school titans square measure debating the influence of a.i on humans.
when folks like musk and zuckerberg name AI.
