Cars will be built in space ! Elon Musk wants to set up Tesla factory on Mars

  • 3 years ago
Cars will be built in space! Elon Musk wants to set up Tesla factory on Mars

Tesla and SpaceX owner Elon Musk is dreaming of settling humans on Mars, but he has set a deadline for it. 50-year-old Musk has already spoken about his plans for Mars. He wants to establish a human settlement on a distant planet. Now he has expressed his desire to set up a manufacturing station on the Red Planet.

Elon Musk spoke about 'Factory from another planet' while speaking at Tesla Shareholder Meeting. A shareholder asked for a deadline for this seemingly impossible thing. In response to which he expressed the possibility of establishing it in his lifetime. According to a Fox Business report, Musk said that we are several years behind Tesla's first 'off-planet factory'. 'I want to see this before I die. It will be fun.'

10 lakh humans will live on Mars by 2050

Earlier this year, Elon Musk surpassed Jeff Bezos to become the world's richest person. The market value of his car maker Tesla and rocket company SpaceX had increased manifold. Elon Musk is very interested in space. He said in February that he wants to send humans to Mars by 2026. Musk claims that once SpaceX is successful in sending humans to Mars, by 2050 one million people will be sent to the 'Red Planet' to live.

Humans will live in glass domes

He is dreaming of habitable 'glass domes' for humans on a harsh planet like Mars. In the race of technology, Musk is preparing to move fast. In the past, he had said that his company is making a humanoid robot and its prototype will be ready by next year. Musk made this announcement on Tesla's AI Day. This robot has already been called fictional comic and film character Iron Man on social media.
