Democracy Day | Democracy in Islam

  • 3 years ago
Democracy is a type or way of government. In a democracy, people who are old enough and entitled to vote, do so. And they choose the leaders who then lead the whole nation.

The Holy Quran (ch42) mentions ‘mutual consultation’. That means asking and consulting with people. So whatever form of government there is, whether it is a democracy or a monarchy, or something else, there should be some mutual consultation as well.

Nowadays voting is considered a form of mutual consultation. It can be in other ways too.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him would ask his companions about certain matters and listen to their opinion. When he governed Medina, he drew up something called a ‘Charter’, or constitution, or set of rules and laws to help govern Medina peacefully. Mutual consultation was a part of this charter, consultation with Muslims and with the Jews living there at that time too.

It was a very successful Charter and shows how the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, used mutual consultation to treat everyone in Medina fairly, no matter what their religion.

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