It is said that mindfulness helps a person increase their self awareness. But who is the self? If a person wants to be really mindful and find solutions to the problems that we face in this world, then we need to consider “Who am I?” “Am I this temporary body, or do I exist beyond the short duration of this material body? The purpose of our existence will depend greatly on the answer to this important question.
For many centuries we can observe that the language that has been used to describe the experience of death is how people viewed the identity of a person. Typically, those who had some spiritual or religious connection would refer to the event of death as “The person has passed away or has passed on, or “The person left and went somewhere else, perhaps to be with God.” Such kind of references imply that there is a continuum of personhood and existence beyond the duration of this current body.
For many centuries we can observe that the language that has been used to describe the experience of death is how people viewed the identity of a person. Typically, those who had some spiritual or religious connection would refer to the event of death as “The person has passed away or has passed on, or “The person left and went somewhere else, perhaps to be with God.” Such kind of references imply that there is a continuum of personhood and existence beyond the duration of this current body.