• 4 years ago
The Mantra we will be using is Gauranga. The meaning of Gauranga is “The Golden One”. It is best to say this mantra out loud quietly. This way your ears will hear your chanting. Then it will be easier for your mind to focus by also hearing the sound. We are also adding the sense of touch in this japa meditation when we touch the beads.
You can use any types of beads. Usually there are either 54 or 108 beads on the japa mala. We will be chanting this mantra Gauranga on each bead. And when you come to the end of the round, you will stop at the larger head bead. We never cross over the head bead. If you want to chant more, you just go back in the direction your finger came from.
When you chant Gauranga on each bead, you just experience the sound. You put your mind on the sound, and over time you will become more and more attracted to the transcendental sound Gauranga.
Try to keep your eyes not completely closed and also not fully open. A little bit open, this is the best way. That way you don’t fall asleep. But then you also don’t have many distractions from outside. If you have some beads with you, you can now join me in this Japa Meditation.
It is recommended to do this Japa meditation in the morning after getting up. You can practice this Japa meditation as long as you like. In the beginning just chant one to two rounds on your japa beads. This will take a few minutes only. And over time, you can increase the time to fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes, however long you like and have time for. Please don’t focus on the time, the most important thing to focus on is the mantra.
And if you like to take walks, you can also bring these beads with you and chant this japa meditation while you are walking. Another good time of day for Japa meditation is before you go to sleep at night so you will feel more peaceful when you go to bed. But you can practice this japa meditation any time of the day.
I find this meditation very helpful when I need to make a decision on something. When I do this Japa Meditation, I have experienced several times, that without even thinking about it, I receive an insight from within what the best decision is.


