Global Report-19-Jan-2009

  • 15 years ago India hands terror evidence to Pakistan The second dossier from India to Pakistan which is likely it hand DNA sample of lone arrested terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab for verification by Pakistani authorities is a welcome move. Other than the fact that it will enable Pakistani authorities to match the sample with his father and establish his Pakistani identity the DNA sample is also accepted as evidence in the court of law. In fact the government should hand over the DNA samples of other nine terrorists too whose names and addresses are available with the authorities. Let the whole world know how they transmit terrorism to the world. V. Prabhakaran's bunker busted Sri Lankan army's latest feat of busting bunker belonging to the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran has added another feather in the former's cap. He may have escaped meeting a brutal end at the hands of the army but then at least Sri Lankans may seek contentment in the fact that the rebel leader faces the biggest challenge of his life. Prabhakaran is a ruthless killer, outlawed around the world as a terrorist kingpin and wanted on charges of mass murder; the international community must help Sri Lanka in bringing this culprit to justice. Legalize Drugs Concerns about the bloody drug war being fought just across the Mexican border led to a short-lived resolution in El Paso Texas asking the federal government to consider legalizing drugs. Mayor John Cook vetoed the resolution hours after it was unanimously approved by the City Council. The nonbinding resolution suggested that legalizing drugs in the United States could help curb a volatile and bloody drug war that killed more than 1,600 in Ciudad Juarez, across the Rio Grande from El Paso, in 2008. Facebook solves burglary The latest incident involving the capture of a burglar by simply displaying the CCTV footage and pictures of him on the Face book shows that the new media has definitely come off age. Who could have imagined that the social networking sites could play ...
