Space Zephyr By Linda Brigden and Miss Champagne A Prelude from something much more Bigger to come in the future!!!

  • 4 years ago
Miss Champagne and Linda Brigden are blazing forward here in a version of “Space Zephyr” first aired with Brio’con productions, then by “Linda Brigden’s” own handwriting it was to go back into her quarters for a prelude version here's a version that’s not the whole thing yielding it orchestra themes and unique musical data but you do see “Miss Champagne’s” distinct, sassy, elegant and beautiful femine manner, flourishing in womanhood beside her mums exquisite creative beauties giving the whole thing direction as we are all individuals expressing ourselves in this urban jungle and Linda Said adequately moving the earth and forces, Watch Miss Champagne break on through like an explosive force of nature a Volcano that has been lying dormant but now explores all kind of elements and fiery womanhood she is actively writing a new song called Be green envy not Black envy it a scorcher of creation but for now we lay back on the universal vibes and energy to the Zephyrs of the universe so big, so yielding it’s sometime uncomprehendable not able to chart and map out the contents as it’s more immersive than the conscious mind can elaborate, That was how “Linda a Brigden” put it, and she quite right as she is playing with the magical elements of Silhouettes marketable as Womanhood moves in first gear to elevate it’s mysteries and secretive subtle giveaways funding itself with an assortment of individual beauty dancing to a metaphor left by “Linda Brigden” which was expressed in her hand writing a month before her passing that we were cubs out in the big wild world finding our footing and battling with natures elements – she wanted us to be ready for Urban Actions and we have so have the rights of passage of her Tigress artist embodiment's, belonging's, treasures waiting to give positive affirmations and artistic platforms in our hearts mind and senses, Golden Hair like yours My Lady, Like your as Crosby and Nash would sing live together making for a truly electrify performance like Tractions In The Rain 0ther priceless expressions in our conscious world and realities waiting for the calving off our souls. Blessed be Out Mother and all that are truly are dear to you! Om!
