The Netwar (2020 Stakeholders Remix)

  • 3 years ago
The Great Reset will serve as a platform..." (Klaus Schwab)

Stakeholders -- “people, groups, or institutions which are likely to be affected by a proposed intervention (either negatively or positively), or those which can affect the outcome of the intervention.” These include the borrower, the marginalized (especially those often excluded due to a lack of power and information, such as indigenous, landless, and other minority populations), and other groups. (The World Bank)

"... today’s dark ways do indeed aim to achieve what amounts to thought-scripting and brain-boxing. With the former, a person’s thinking comes to congeal around increasingly set scripts that the person’s mind runs (and voices) over and over. This goes beyond a common tendency to tell the same story again and again; it makes minds more reactive and programmed, as though a cognitive button is pushed or a lever pulled, and out pops a set script, positive or negative. And if the script is arguable, it is unlikely to be changed through argument.

With brain-boxing (or thought-boxing, or mind-boxing), one’s thinking about the world becomes increasingly boxed within a frame…What people think, and how they think, about the world—their world—becomes increasingly fixed, enclosed, and bounded. Scripts then run within that frame and its boundaries. The well-boxed brain rarely goes looking for new ideas and topics to think about; it prefers reassurance and reinforcement about what is already in the box. Brainboxing is another way by which people become set in their ways. These days, the minds of extremists might not exhibit brainwashing, but brain-boxing is another story—and it is a story that reflects not only current Russian and Chinese practices but also much of American advertising, news, and entertainment programm


