A Conversation with Cometan & David Warner Mathisen | Season 1 Episode 2 | Ancient Astronomy & Astronist Philosophy

  • 4 years ago
The Conversation with Cometan series continues with a second episode featuring David Warner Mathisen. In this episode, David and Cometan explore Ancient Egyptian conceptions of the night sky and how their religious beliefs regarding the astronomical world certainly possess prehistoric origins. Later in the episode, Cometan explains a some fundamentals of the Astronist philosophical worldview of cosmocentrism and David explains his views on the invisible divine world.

Academic article referred to by Cometan during the conversation: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-020-0496-2

Links from David:

"Geology, Mythology, Cataclysms, and the World's Ancient Wisdom"

"There is no member of mine devoid of a god"

"Every fountain has its nymph"

"The gods are always near"

"Enkidu's Quest: What does it mean to us today?"

"The Self: the hidden treasure"

Visit David's website: https://www.starmythworld.com/

Visit The Official Website of Cometan: https://www.cometan.org

Visit The Official Website of Astronism: https://www.astronism.com

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