A Conversation with Cometan | Season 4 Episode 18 | The Mysteries of Astral Ecstasy

  • 10 months ago
From his mid-teenage years, Cometan described experiencing a kind of trance and religious ecstasy following his exposition to the night sky during which he saw visions of the human future among the stars and received revelations in the form of ideations that seemed like they originated from another world. This type of religious experience is what Astronists refer to as an astral ecstasy and it is these ecstasies that have since been responsible for Cometan's ability to write the Omnidoxy and other Astronist texts. In this brand new lecture, Cometan provides an insight into what experiencing an astral ecstasy is like, what the mental and physical aftereffects of an astral ecstasy include and the significance of these experiences in Astronist approaches to epistemology (i.e., theory of knowledge), revelation and theology. Astral ecstasies form a central part of the Astronist experience and are a key type of altered state of consciousness in astrospirituality but still remain somewhat of a mystery as to why, when, how and to whom they occur.

Thank you for watching Episode 18 of Season 4 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for the finale of Season 4 when Episode 19 premieres Monday 7th August.

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