A Conversation with Cometan | Season 4 Episode 17 | The Astronist Prophecy

  • 10 months ago
Prophecies exist in almost every religion and Astronism is no different. In fact, the Astronist religion is full of prophecies about the future of humanity among the stars and in his brand new lecture, Cometan provides some insight into the complex relationship between the collection of prophecies in the Astronist belief system and how they work together. The Grand World is one such Astronist prophecy which foretells of a spacefaring human species building a civilisation among the stars in search of the path to transcosmisation to complete transcension. Transcension itself is a prophecy and thus, Astronism is built on the prophetical mystery of salvation among the stars by escaping this cosmos and ending all limitation. Cometan explores the function of prophecy and its cruciality to Astronism and includes an overview of analiptic prophecies which are mainly positive and focus on the fruits of transcension as well as degradational prophecies which often manifest as warnings of the consequences if transcension is not completed.

Thank you for watching Episode 17 of Season 4 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for Episode 18 coming Monday 31st July.

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