• 2 years ago
Prophecies exist in almost every religion and Astronism is no different. In fact, the Astronist religion is full of prophecies about the future of humanity among the stars and in his brand new lecture, Cometan provides some insight into the complex relationship between the collection of prophecies in the Astronist belief system and how they work together. The Grand World is one such Astronist prophecy which foretells of a spacefaring human species building a civilisation among the stars in search of the path to transcosmisation to complete transcension. Transcension itself is a prophecy and thus, Astronism is built on the prophetical mystery of salvation among the stars by escaping this cosmos and ending all limitation. Cometan explores the function of prophecy and its cruciality to Astronism and includes an overview of analiptic prophecies which are mainly positive and focus on the fruits of transcension as well as degradational prophecies which often manifest as warnings of the consequences if transcension is not completed.

Thank you for watching Episode 17 of Season 4 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for Episode 18 coming Monday 31st July.

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00:00 [MUSIC]
00:29 Hello everybody, welcome to season 4, episode 17 of A Conversation with Comitam.
00:35 I'm really excited for this one today. The lecture today is called The Astronist Prophecy.
00:41 And so, of course, that means that we'll be delving into all of those kind of
00:45 prophetical aspects of astronism, looking at transcension, the Great Departation,
00:52 all these great different philosophical, prophetical aspects of the astronist religion.
00:58 OK, so, of course, this is one of the lectures of this series,
01:03 and it's one of the final lectures. And I'm really excited to be presenting it to you today.
01:11 OK, so let's get started. The role of prophecy in astronism is quite curious and interesting
01:20 because it's similar to other religions in the sense that it does have that sort of
01:27 prophetical tradition in a way, and it does form a core part of the astronist discourse,
01:36 the astronist religious discourse. So, of course, a prophecy is a certain prediction
01:43 or vision of what will happen in the future, and it can present sort of different potential
01:51 scenarios for humankind. And, of course, astronism follows this same kind of pattern
01:59 or structure for its own prophecies. Particularly in astronism, we find sort of,
02:07 well, you could divide them into two categories, I suppose. You could divide prophecy
02:11 into positive prophecies. So these are things, these are prophecies based on human activity.
02:20 And then you could categorise other prophecies as negative prophecies.
02:25 So these are prophecies based on human inactivity. A lot of what astronist philosophy
02:33 kind of focuses on is human action or human inaction. Harnessing scope, harnessing opportunity,
02:41 or not harnessing that opportunity, not harnessing the scope. And so it makes sense then
02:47 that there would be this kind of two aspects of prophecy in astronism, the positive
02:52 and then also the negative. Of course, the negative focus on kind of punishments,
03:00 but not necessarily punishments, but kind of consequences for human inaction,
03:06 particularly regarding the progression of transcension. So astronism, you know,
03:12 the role of prophecy in astronism is very important. We're going to get into why that is today.
03:19 But certainly, astronism follows that very traditional idea of what prophecy is.
03:24 And prophecy can either be good or it can be bad. So there is those kind of,
03:30 there are those kind of two aspects to prophecy. So, of course, prophecy serves as kind of
03:38 special knowledge, really, doesn't it? And it's conveyed by divinity often, oftentimes.
03:44 And of course, through astronism, it's conveyed by divinity through the astronomical world.
03:51 So I think I might have mentioned this in previous lectures, but the whole astronist epistemology,
03:58 so the astronist theory of knowledge, mandates that knowledge for astronists comes through the astronomical world,
04:07 through a form of knowledge called afflation, which comes from divinity through the astronomical world
04:16 and then is received by the sapient being. Of course, that includes human beings or any other intelligent species.
04:25 So that's how we get knowledge in astronism. And prophecy is no different in that regard.
04:32 Prophecy is a kind of special kind of knowledge. It is a special kind of what we call afflation.
04:40 It's a knowledge about the future. Yeah. So prophecy is essentially a product of or a form of scope.
04:51 So we receive prophecies through the astronomical world because we possess scope,
04:58 because we possess the opportunity to receive those. We have the capacity to receive those prophecies.
05:05 But also the receiving of the prophecy itself is scope, because then you can do something with that prophecy,
05:13 because then you can take that prophecy forward and progress transcendent with that prophecy.
05:19 OK, so that's why prophecy does play an important role in astronism, particularly,
05:24 because prophecy is seen as a kind of a means to either progress or regress transcendent,
05:32 depending on how it's applied by the person who's received it.
05:36 So prophecy in astronism, much like everything else in the astronauts religion,
05:42 revolves around the endeavor to see transcendent to completion.
05:47 So most astronauts prophecies are about transcendent.
05:52 They are either about what rewards transcendent will bring if it's completed or if it's embarked upon,
06:01 or what consequences will befall humanity if we do not progress with the transcendent
06:09 or even embark upon the Great Departation or the transcendental endeavor itself.
06:18 OK, so the most important prophecy in astronism is transcendent itself, which can be framed as a prophecy.
06:29 So transcendent is a revelation in astronism, but also it can be framed as a prophecy, as I just said.
06:38 And this prophecy, framing transcendent as a prophecy, often emerges in what we call the Grand World.
06:46 So the Grand World is a term, a phrase, sorry, that is used quite often in astronism.
06:53 It's regarding this kind of future vision of humanity in outer space, essentially,
07:00 and all these wonderful adventures that we're going to go on, but also the rewards that we will receive,
07:07 both physically and metaphysically.
07:12 These rewards that come from transcension, from exploring other worlds,
07:18 the knowledge we will receive, the insight into divinity that we will receive.
07:24 So the Grand World is this sort of future human civilization, essentially,
07:31 and it's a direct product of humanity's progression along the transcendental course, essentially.
07:41 So the Grand World is the embodiment of transcension, but just in the form of a kind of prophecy, really.
07:50 So the term, so the Grand World, I would say, is probably the most important prophecy in astronism
07:56 because it tells us what is going to be the future of humanity if we embark upon transcension.
08:07 So the term "prophetics" is used as the title, as the official discipline title in astronism
08:16 for anything that kind of concerns prophecy.
08:20 You may also see the phrase "analytic prophecy" or even "transcensional prophecy".
08:26 Those phrases all mean the same thing.
08:29 They just refer to prophecies about transcension or involving transcension in some way.
08:35 So prophecy does have an important role and an important function.
08:42 Okay, so let's look at some of those functions that it does have.
08:46 So certainly the most important function of prophecy in astronism is that it is a result of the dispensation of scope.
08:56 As I said just a little bit earlier, prophecy is a form of scope, in a sense.
09:01 We receive these prophecies from the astronomical world through our mastery of astronality,
09:08 through astral ecstasy, through these experiences that we can kind of get ourselves into and master,
09:15 or even by divine chosenness to receive these prophecies.
09:22 The prophecy, once we received it, once we have it in our minds, is then a brilliant scope.
09:30 That means we can then tell other people about that prophecy.
09:34 We can write the prophecy down.
09:37 We can use that prophecy to encourage people to progress with transcension,
09:43 to contribute to transcension, to progress with their own transcensions,
09:49 their own personal transcensions, which is, of course, what we refer to as astrosis.
09:55 So with increased scope and therefore a heightened receptivity in the vigival,
10:01 the aptitude for analytic prophecy rises as a result.
10:06 So the more scope we have, the more receptivity to this analytic knowledge,
10:12 this afflation that we have from the stars, the more receptive we are to that,
10:18 the more of an aptitude we will have for that analytic prophecy, for those transcensional prophecies to receive them.
10:26 So really you do, unless you have some element of chosenness, which is an important concept in astronism,
10:34 sometimes young people who haven't really had much time to develop their astronality that much,
10:42 sometimes they do receive scope, do receive prophecies. And of course, I'm an example of that.
10:49 I hadn't even thought of the idea of astronality by the time that I'd received some of my own astral ecstasies and prophecies.
11:00 So it is possible for those who have a particular chosenness to do and contribute to transcension.
11:10 But for the most part, prophecy comes as a result of really mastering one's astronality,
11:18 being receptive to the astronomical world and the knowledge it can provide us.
11:25 Of course, that knowledge ultimately comes from God, from divinity, but it comes through the astronomical world to us.
11:34 So we have to be connected to the astronomical world in order to receive that knowledge.
11:40 If we're not, then we've really kind of, there's a much less probability that we will receive that prophecy,
11:49 that we will receive that knowledge. So prophecy in astronism serves the purpose of both describing the transcension
11:57 and kind of exploring each stage of transcension as well. So it does serve that purpose of description, explanation, education.
12:09 Yeah. So prophecies that come from the astronomical world can maybe reveal.
12:15 OK, so they may have like a revelatory aspect to them.
12:19 They may reveal something new about transcension that was not known previously.
12:24 And I've always said in my writings that, yes, even though I've developed transcension hugely,
12:33 there is still so much more that we don't know about transcension.
12:37 And so there is still so much more knowledge that can be transmitted through the astronomical world to us,
12:44 receptive beings, that we can then use to progress transcension, to understand it better.
12:52 I'm not saying that my work alone is the complete revelation of transcension.
12:58 I think I mentioned this in another video. You know, transcension is a progressive revelation.
13:05 So it's constantly developing. We're constantly receiving new prophecy, new knowledge,
13:12 to help understand the revelation of transcension better.
13:16 So prophecy obviously has a really important function in describing that revelation and explaining it,
13:23 in applying it in different ways.
13:27 Astronism, particularly because it's a future-centric religion, and transcension,
13:33 particularly because it's a future-centric doctrine, means that prophecy plays a vital role in setting out the vision for transcension.
13:42 So the fact that astronism is future-centric, so what I mean by that is that, you know,
13:49 a lot of what astronism talks about is in the future. It hasn't happened yet.
13:54 Sometimes we do talk about, like, the scope of man, for example, going back to kind of prehistoric times.
14:00 So there are parts of the side derisus, the sort of astronaut narrative,
14:05 that do talk about the past and do talk about earlier times.
14:10 But actually, a majority of what is spoken about in astronism has yet to occur.
14:16 Okay, it's a future-centric religion, which I always distinguish it from Christianity in that sense.
14:22 You know, I always feel like Christianity, yes, it does have certain doctrines and elements to it that are future-centric,
14:31 that are about the future. So things like, I don't know, the second coming, for example, in certain Christian denominations.
14:38 So that's more of like a future prophecy, isn't it? But a lot of Christianity is about events of the past.
14:45 You know, the crucifixion, the ascension, etc. In astronism, the future is transcendent.
14:54 So there's this kind of emphasis placed on things that haven't even occurred yet,
15:00 because the transcendent is in the future and we need to strive towards that.
15:05 And so for that reason, prophecy plays a particularly important role in astronism,
15:10 to try to bring about that future that astronism wants to bring about. Do you know what I mean?
15:16 So I would say that Christianity is majority sort of retrospective.
15:23 It's kind of looking back, whereas astronism is majority prospective.
15:29 It's sort of looking to the future. And of course, both of those religions possess,
15:34 well, for Christianity, possess future prospective doctrines, and even astronism possesses retrospective doctrines.
15:42 But majority of the time, these two religions are looking at different directions.
15:48 And just as an example there. So because of that, prophecy plays an important role.
15:56 It sets out the vision for transcendent, as I were talking about earlier, with the grand world
16:01 and that sort of idea of what human civilization will be like once we've embarked upon transcension.
16:09 Of course, prophecy and astronism plays an important part in describing how, why, when and where transcension will take place.
16:19 And also, of course, it describes the benefits that will come for humanity as a result of transcension.
16:27 So prophecy does have a really crucial role to play in astronism and particularly in regards to transcension itself.
16:37 So without prophecy, there would be no new knowledge.
16:41 There'd be no knowledge dispensed to humanity about transcension.
16:45 A lot of my own thoughts and astral ecstasies and indreses, they were all prophetical.
16:57 They were all about the future. I didn't really know at the time what I was really talking about very much.
17:03 They were all seem very strange things, strange new ideas.
17:08 That's what made not only astronism into a religion, but it also describes the fact that no new knowledge would be able to come about
17:21 regarding transcension if prophecy did not exist or did not have a role to play in astronism.
17:31 So overall, prophecy plays a really important role in astronism.
17:35 And of course, as I've mentioned, that role is so important because of this word here on the screen, "afflation."
17:45 So as I said earlier, prophecy is believed to be dispensed directly to the human intellect through the astronomical world,
17:53 ultimately from divinity, but as a result of the human receptivity to scope.
17:59 Yeah, you have to have scope to receive this knowledge, first of all.
18:03 If we don't have scope, then we won't ever be able to receive that knowledge, receive that afflation.
18:08 And so prophecy being a form of scope is also a form of afflation.
18:14 It's also a form of knowledge, isn't it? A form of knowledge from the astronomical world.
18:19 And so prophecy in astronism is knowledge regarded as originated from a divine source beyond the cosmos
18:26 that allows sapient species to embark upon and complete transcension.
18:31 So, of course, prophecy is a form of afflation, and it's also crucial to our both embarkation and completion of the transcendental endeavor.
18:44 So this analytic knowledge is there for what carries sapient beings along the path to transcension.
18:51 You know, we take this knowledge with us. We take these prophecies with us. We hold them dear.
18:56 These are the things that kind of push us forward.
19:00 Yeah. So if we didn't have the idea of the prophecy of the grand world, for example, we wouldn't know what we're striving for.
19:08 Astronism is always looking towards the future. As I said, it's a very prospective religion.
19:15 It wants humanity to fulfill its potential in every which way, but particularly regarding transcension in the astronomical world.
19:24 And so because of that, we need to carry these prophecies with us.
19:30 They are what will motivate humanity.
19:33 They are what will inspire humanity to continue along the path to transcension.
19:40 And particularly because the path of transcension is one that is fraught with many tribulations and trials.
19:47 So, you know, we need these prophecies. We need this knowledge.
19:52 That's what's going to get us through these tough times that await us in the astronomical world.
19:58 And so there will be, as I've said before, there will be different prophesiers of transcension throughout human history and human future.
20:09 And they will receive afflation to help progress transcension along.
20:14 I see myself as one of these prophesiers. I've prophesied about transcension.
20:20 Other people in the past, if you look at parts of history, you can interpret them through an astronist or an elliptic lens.
20:28 And you can see that they're talking about transcension. An example being Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher who spoke about cosmic pluralism.
20:38 I think he was definitely leading towards the idea of transcension.
20:43 But at the time, of course, he just didn't quite have that kind of scientific knowledge that we do now to kind of understand our place in the universe better.
20:55 But I think that he had that kind of prophetical aspect to him. And there are many other examples, too.
21:01 And there will be many other examples in the future. There will be other transcensional prophets, for want of a better phrase.
21:09 And these people will bring about new knowledge about transcension to help progress transcension,
21:17 primarily because we will need new knowledge about transcension in different parts or different stages of the process.
21:25 The knowledge that I've produced about transcension and received about transcension in this era,
21:32 the sort of pre-transcension era or the pre-departation era, I should say more specifically,
21:40 that may not be relevant in another hundred or thousand years time.
21:45 There may be new transcensional knowledge that comes about by then.
21:51 Yeah. So I've always been open to that.
21:54 And I think it's really important to maintain that progressive element of transcension or the revelation of transcension, that progressive revelation.
22:05 So, as I mentioned earlier, we've got this central prophecy of the grand world,
22:11 which you will see a lot being spoken about in astronist sort of discourse and writings.
22:18 As I said earlier, the grand world is a prophecy.
22:22 It states that human beings will build a civilization among the stars that is oriented towards the completion of the transcensional endeavor.
22:31 So that's the key thing about the grand world is that it's about completing transcension.
22:38 The grand world for a civilization among the stars to embody the grand world, it has to be under the banner of transcension.
22:47 It has to be created for the purpose of transcension.
22:51 So that's something that I think I'm struggling with at the moment,
22:54 is that there is so much kind of what I call secular space exploration taking place.
23:00 And that's so important. Don't get me wrong. It is so, so important.
23:04 But I always distinguish that from the transcensional space exploration that I'm talking about,
23:11 which is conducting space exploration activities for the purpose of progressing and ultimately achieving transcension.
23:20 And sometimes I call this religious space exploration.
23:24 But really what I'm talking about ultimately is achieving this or materializing this prophecy of the grand world.
23:34 So the grand world is the manifestation of transcension in human society and is also the essence of transcension in motion, essentially.
23:44 So it's the grand world is a living civilization and it's supposed to be the embodiment of transcensional values, essentially.
23:54 So, of course, the grand world has huge side urinical effect,
23:58 not only in getting humanity to embark upon the great departure, to leave this planet, to to progress the transcension in all different ways.
24:11 That is a huge side urinical effect. You know, it's it has this sort of this function of of getting humans to be inspired about transcension,
24:22 to progress, to to strive towards it. But it also has the effect of actually advancing transcension itself as an actual civilization,
24:34 a physical future civilization. And of course, this makes changes in the side urinary side urinary economy, you know, that management of transcension.
24:44 So the grand world really is hugely important to the side urinary economy and the advancement of transcension.
24:53 So the grand world prophesies that humanity will exist in a state of will still be limited, but at a great, but with a greater abundance of scope,
25:07 we will then be able to build the grand world and go on further along the course to transcension.
25:15 So, yes, human beings will still be suffering in the grand world. We will still be limited.
25:21 Yeah, we will be less limited, though, than we are right now in the pre-departure era.
25:28 So, you know, there is that. But yes, certainly there will still be suffering in the grand world.
25:34 I sometimes refer to the grand world as a kind of semi utopia in the sense that which may be a bit of an oxymoron
25:44 in the sense that, yes, it's a utopia because we are progressing transcension.
25:50 We are living for transcension. We have built a civilized.
25:54 We will have built a civilization under the banner of transcension.
25:58 So in that sense, it's brilliant. You know, it's a utopia in that sense.
26:04 It's perfect that we are progressing along with the transcension in that regard.
26:09 So in that sense, I do see it as a utopia. But then at the same time, because of limitation,
26:16 there will still be suffering, evil and people trying to regress the transcension,
26:24 primarily because of our limitations still. So in that sense.
26:29 But those things are also still necessary as well to kind of keep us challenged
26:35 and keep us progressing along the course to transcosmization.
26:41 But ultimately, we will still be limited. So that's why I sometimes call it the semi utopian theory or a semi utopia.
26:50 It's sort of striving towards the utopia of transcosmization.
26:55 We're getting there, but we've not quite got to that full utopia yet.
26:59 So a utopia in progress, you could you could also argue that that's what it is.
27:05 So ultimately, the grand world is a means for humanity to perpetuate its condition of transcension.
27:13 So let me just explain this. So when human beings have left this planet and we start to build a civilization among the stars,
27:23 we will then have reached a condition called transcension. OK, this is different from the process of transcension.
27:32 Transcension is a condition. It's a state of being. It's a state of mind.
27:38 It's a state of perception, really. And the grand world is the actual function of the grand world,
27:47 is trying to harness that transcension, that condition, and trying to keep it there for as long as possible,
27:55 trying to perpetuate that condition for as long as possible, because we will need that condition.
28:03 We will need to stay in that condition, this sort of enlightened, transcensional state.
28:11 We will need to stay in that condition for long enough for us to uncover the secrets to transcosmization,
28:17 which is about leaving the cosmos physically, not only just metaphysically, but actually physically leaving the universe.
28:26 OK, so we need to be able to stay in that transcensia condition for long enough for us to discover how to transcosmize,
28:35 because we don't have to do that yet. I don't know how to do that.
28:39 I can only make speculation and guess. But once we're among the stars, we will have a better perspective.
28:45 But we need the grand world to kind of secure that transcensia, to secure that mentality of ours,
28:51 that mentality of our civilization, for long enough so then we can basically transcosmize,
28:59 so that we can basically escape this limited cosmic existence.
29:04 So that's the fundamental function of the grand world prophecy.
29:09 There are also, of course, other prophecies in Astronism. And these, of course, as I said, are called analytic prophecies,
29:17 because the term analytic refers to anything regarding transcension.
29:24 So the first prophecy that I want to just go through, because I've put about five prophecies here on the screen,
29:33 there probably are others too, but these are the five that I sort of was thinking about when I was creating this lecture.
29:40 I've already mentioned the first one or indicated it, intimated it earlier in this lecture, and it's called the Great Departation.
29:47 So the Great Departation or the Departation is the prophecy that when spacefaring becomes available to the masses,
29:56 there will be a great many people who leave the Earth for a life among the stars.
30:00 So the Great Departation describes basically a lot of people, maybe not the majority of human beings,
30:09 but a great many people leaving the Earth to go out and explore the cosmos, essentially.
30:21 So going out to explore other worlds, to settle other planets, to even go out independently on their own in their own starships.
30:34 And that's the Great Departation kind of condenses that down.
30:39 And so in my mind, I always envisioned the Great Departation as being all these ships kind of leaving the Earth all at once.
30:48 I don't think that's how it will take place. I think it will be a lot less kind of dramatic as that.
30:56 But certainly that kind of captures the meaning behind it.
31:00 So the Great Departation is this idea that human beings, once we sort of harness that kind of spacefaring capabilities,
31:10 once we have enough, you know, resources and an understanding of spacefaring,
31:16 there will be many people who leave the Earth for a life of spacefaring.
31:22 And that's what we call the Departation.
31:24 So the Great Departation is kind of that necessary precursor, really, to the grand world.
31:32 You know, if human beings don't leave the Earth, then how are we going to embark upon transcension?
31:38 How are we going to achieve the grand world? How are we going to create the grand world?
31:43 So the Great Departation really is that next step for humanity along the transcensional course.
31:51 OK, so second of all, the Astronopolis is, again, a kind of what I sometimes call a cosmocentric city.
32:02 So it is a prophecy that there will be a city among the stars on a particular planet, for example,
32:10 that is the kind of beacon of transcension, that is a kind of, I'm trying to think of,
32:17 the frontier, really, of transcension, you could say.
32:22 And this is what I refer to as the Astronopolis, this sort of, this transcensional city,
32:28 where it's sort of on the frontiers of human understanding of the cosmos
32:33 and the sort of frontiers of human expansion in the cosmos, should I say.
32:39 So the Astronopolis is this kind of prophesied city that will act as the sort of beacon of transcension, really.
32:49 Another prophecy in astronism is what I call the Astral Dawn.
32:53 This is the success of astronism in becoming a widespread religion and being accepted
32:59 and sort of taken on by humanity among the millions or even billions, perhaps.
33:07 So the Astral Dawn is this kind of new era, really, this kind of astronist era,
33:13 that astronism will become a widespread religion, just like Christianity and Islam,
33:19 and that because of that, transcension will be brought about,
33:24 because we need astronism to guide us along the transcensional course.
33:29 So the Astral Dawn is more about astronism as a religion
33:34 becoming a kind of widespread and accepted world human religion, really.
33:42 We then also have what I call the Ten Grams.
33:46 These are prophecies that originate from the Omnidoxy,
33:50 which was my first treatise that I wrote during the sort of founding year of astronism.
33:56 And these are ten prophecies, and they kind of detail ten sort of sequential stages
34:04 of humanity's expansion into outer space.
34:07 And they're sort of a precursor, really, to some of the more developed
34:15 transcensional philosophies that we have today, like the Great Departation,
34:21 the Grand World, for example.
34:26 They sort of preceded those other analytic philosophies.
34:32 So they're not as much about transcension per se.
34:36 They don't, if you read them in the Omnidoxy,
34:38 they're not specifically mentioning transcension as much,
34:43 because they were created around the time that transcension was emerging
34:48 as the main doctrine of astronism, but also a little bit before that, too.
34:52 So they don't always fit into that more kind of rigid understanding of transcension.
35:00 But I think that they are still useful to talk about.
35:05 They do talk about, sometimes they do talk about the Great Departation in some ways.
35:11 And you can kind of interpret them.
35:14 And you can also kind of see how I came to receive more knowledge
35:20 and understanding about the Grand World through these earlier prophecies,
35:25 like the Ten Grands.
35:28 But, yeah, so they're sort of earlier prophecies,
35:31 but they still perform an important function, I think,
35:34 in understanding the kind of progression of the transcensional revelation,
35:38 essentially.
35:40 So, fifthly, we have the Ascender, which, again, is --
35:49 actually, it's a more recent prophecy, I think, that --
35:52 and it's talking about this idea that there will be a particular astronist,
35:59 an astronist leader, who is prophesied to lead the endeavor of transcension.
36:05 There will be this great man or woman who will rise up to be the kind of --
36:13 the leader of the transcension, the leader of the astronists in the transcension.
36:19 And this person I call the Ascender.
36:22 There are different sort of conceptions of this same idea in astronism.
36:28 We see other sort of prophecies about future --
36:35 about future astronists who will lead either transcension as a whole
36:40 or some part of transcension.
36:43 And this is an example of one of those, called the Ascender prophecy,
36:47 this idea that there will be this astronist who will be born,
36:50 and they will have this sort of destiny to basically lead the transcension of humanity, okay,
36:59 or significantly progress along that course.
37:02 And, of course, the Ascender may be one person, but it could be --
37:06 you know, it could be multiple people in the future.
37:11 There may be one Ascender for one sort of particular period,
37:17 and then there may be another Ascender for a subsequent period.
37:21 So the Ascender doesn't necessarily have to just be one person.
37:25 It can be sort of a person that is -- that takes over from someone else as well.
37:35 So many of these analytic prophecies are also justified by humanity's astrogeny.
37:42 So a lot of these prophecies, particularly like the Grand World, the Great Departation,
37:49 even like Astral Dawn in some instances,
37:54 they're all connected to this idea that humanity originally came from the stars.
38:00 And this is what I refer to as astrogeny.
38:05 The belief in that is called astrogenism.
38:09 And essentially this sort of fact of human origins is then used as justification for humanity's transcension
38:20 and also some of these prophecies too.
38:23 You know, these prophecies are only -- these are created to kind of bring about this destiny of the human species to return to the stars.
38:37 So they are all kind of related to this -- well, to this other prophecy of returnism that I do speak about quite often in my writings,
38:46 this idea that humanity does have a destiny to return to the stars.
38:51 And so a lot of them are based on that.
38:55 Okay, so we also have -- so you could argue that those prophecies that I've just been speaking about,
39:03 so those analyptic prophecies are what I -- are connected to what I referred to right at the beginning of this lecture as being positive prophecies.
39:13 So these are things that, you know, if humanity kind of is receptive to transcension and wants to, you know,
39:21 embark on transcension and complete that process, then those are the good things that will happen.
39:27 But then we also have the other side, the opposite side, the negative prophecies.
39:32 And I refer to these as the degradational prophecies.
39:36 In one of my other lectures this season, I have spoke about the degradation of humanity,
39:44 and that's the important doctrine in transcension.
39:47 And, of course, this is where I'm getting that term "degradational" from.
39:51 So you may want to go look at that lecture first if you don't really know much about the degradational doctrine before you kind of continue with this video.
40:01 So just maybe, like, pause it and then go and take a look at that and then come back.
40:06 But for those of you who do have a better understanding, let's take a look at some of these kind of negative prophecies.
40:13 So these are things that are prophesied to happen if humanity does not embark upon or achieve transcension,
40:22 or averts transcension, turns away from the revelation of transcension.
40:28 So the first one is a little bit out there. It's a little bit more kind of exotheological in a way,
40:36 which we do see a little bit of exotheology in astronism, but not as much as you'd think for being a space religion,
40:44 because astronism isn't really a UFO religion per se.
40:48 But anyway, the first degradational philosophy that we're going to take a look at today is exotheia.
40:54 This is a kind of prophesied invasion of extraterrestrial beings that are superior in intelligence and technological capability than that of human beings,
41:05 and so cause the extinction of Homo sapiens.
41:09 So, of course, exotheia has been talked about in science fiction, in other religions too.
41:18 But astronism attributes this word exotheia to this idea of an alien invasion, essentially,
41:27 and that this is kind of a hostile extraterrestrial beings, extraterrestrial species,
41:35 and that they will want to use our resources for their own transcension, perhaps,
41:40 and that they will cause the extinction of humanity.
41:44 Okay, so that's one sort of terrible outcome for humanity if we don't embark upon transcension.
41:54 The degradational philosophy, of course, comes out there in the sense that, you know,
41:59 if we stay on this singular planet, if we don't advance our intelligence and our technological capability,
42:06 then we will be vulnerable to, you know, other species coming in and taking us over or even causing our extinction.
42:18 We also have another degradational prophecy called the Comet of Death.
42:23 So in the Sideresis, if you take a look at that, which is the astronist narrative, we have the Comet of Life.
42:33 As I mentioned earlier, humanity is believed to come from outer space originally, come from the stars,
42:38 and we kind of use the theory of panspermia to kind of justify that.
42:48 So we're still an evolution affirming religion, but we also affirm this idea of panspermia.
42:58 And panspermia involves sometimes this idea of a comet of life coming, crashing to Earth,
43:04 and then that's what brought the microorganisms from outer space that then eventually evolved into life,
43:12 and then, of course, human beings.
43:14 Now, the inverse of the Comet of Life, of course, is what astronists call the Comet of Death.
43:20 And this is the idea that, you know, a comet will come to Earth and crash to the Earth and cause sort of mass devastation for the human species,
43:33 and that this may or may not lead to human extinction.
43:38 Certainly it would lead to kind of much more scarce resources, and so kind of infighting among human beings.
43:45 This is what we call the crepusculus. Or it could cause, like the dinosaurs, for example, our complete extinction,
43:53 which is what we call the starfall.
43:56 OK, so there could be that comet of death.
43:59 But then we also have the Terarch, which is the sort of imminent extinction of humanity.
44:07 This is often seen as an astronomical event.
44:10 So, you know, again, like the comet of death, you could argue is a form of the Terarch.
44:16 But also could I'm also kind of broadening the idea as well to include human activity, too.
44:23 So things like a nuclear war, for example, we could destroy ourselves.
44:28 That could also be included as part of the Terarch.
44:31 And the difference between really the Terarch and the comet of death scenario is that the Terarch will definitely lead to the extinction of humanity.
44:41 OK, so to be the Terarch, it has to lead to it has to cause the extinction of humanity, which is, of course, what we call the starfall.
44:51 And again, this is this is regarded really as a retribution for humanity's indulgence in limitation.
44:59 And so, you know, it's kind of the astronomical world kind of.
45:05 In a way, acting to naturally, really, but but also acting to kind of punish humanity, really,
45:15 or that we are punishing ourselves because we have been so sort of limited thinking that we can, you know, blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons, for example.
45:26 So the Terarch has to lead to the extinction of humanity for us, for it to be called the Terarch.
45:34 But of course, at that point, you know, there will we won't even know that it is the Terarch because we won't even be here anyway.
45:40 So that's our transcension over and done with.
45:45 The point is, is that many of these degradational prophecies and there are many others.
45:50 These are just three that I picked out today.
45:53 They're based on humanity's aversion to transcension, sort of humanity's sort of indulgence in limitation and our sort of distancing away from transcension and the sort of embracement of our controversial side, our limited side.
46:09 I spoke about that in another video, the idea that in astronism we possess as human beings, as sapient beings, a scopic side, so a side of opportunity and an unlimitation, and then also a controversial side, you know, a side of limitation and and, you know, self-centeredness and anti-cosmocentrism, for example.
46:38 You know, so there is this kind of battle that is going on between these two natures of human beings and the degradational prophecies are prophecies about if the controversive side of human beings wins, essentially.
46:55 So, again, this the phrase, as you can see on the screen there, "sidericis" is one that I have mentioned already in this lecture.
47:05 And so I think it is important just to spend a little bit of time now looking at this.
47:10 So the sidericis, as I've mentioned, is the narrative that astronism weaves to kind of explain transcension.
47:21 So obviously it begins with the astrogeny of humanity, so the fact that we come from among the stars, and of course some of those things that I was just mentioning about the panspermia, the comet of life, for example, the scope of man, the enkindlement, all these kind of things.
47:41 These are all part of the sidericis. They're all part of the transcensional story.
47:46 Now, of course, prophecy, as you'll have realised by now, does play an important part in that sidericis because much of the sidericis is talking about the future.
47:58 It's talking about or speculating on the destiny of humanity among the stars.
48:05 But also other aspects of the sidericis are proto-anthropological.
48:14 So I've created that phrase "proto-anthropological" to relate to the first things in contrast to eschatology, which relates to the last of things.
48:23 So proto-anthropology refers to anything like the origins of something. So the origins of human species, the origins of life, the origins of scope, the origins of limitation, for example.
48:37 Whereas eschatology refers to some of those things I was talking about earlier, like the end of humanity, the grand world, for example, some of those things that are far in the future.
48:50 So the sidericis talks, it does talk about the future, but it also does talk quite a bit about the first things.
48:58 It kind of sets those fundamental ideas in place, those fundamental narratives.
49:07 So half of the sidericis is an explanation of the history of transcension, while the other half concerns an explanation of the future of transcension.
49:16 As I remember, as I referenced earlier, you know, quite a bit about astronism is retrospective, but a lot of it, or you could argue, you know, half of it at the very least is prospective.
49:30 OK, it's talking about the future as well. So prophecy, of course, plays a central role in the astronaut's conception of the human future in terms of the endeavor to achieve transcension.
49:40 And so prophesying what transcension is and the benefits that it will bring to humankind has been the primary theme of astronauts literature ever since astronomers was founded 10 years ago.
49:55 Yeah. So all the literature that I've produced is all about prophesying transcension.
50:00 It's all about trying to describe it, explain it, explain the benefits of it.
50:05 OK. And so the sidericis really is.
50:11 And also, as I mentioned, you know, astronauts theory has sought to interpret pre-astronauts literature through the lens of transcension.
50:19 As I mentioned earlier, there are some people in sort of pre-astronauts history that you could argue or interpret as, you know, sort of advocating for transcension, even though they didn't use that term.
50:35 And so that's what part of astronauts theory has done. It's kind of reinterpreted history through the lens of transcension.
50:43 So the sidericis itself is a prophecy of transcension. It's a prophecy that astronism urges humanity to fulfill through the use of scope bestowed to us and the mastery of our astronality.
50:56 So there is a really important relationship there between prophecy, the transcensional narrative in the form of the sidericis, and then, of course, actually embarking upon transcension itself.
51:10 There are also a lot of related terms and traditions to astronauts prophecy.
51:15 So astronauts prophecy is related to and influences astronauts common beliefs and customs, an example of which is astralism, which is the belief that a clear night sky is a good omen.
51:26 So we've got quite a lot of sort of astronauts customs and beliefs about, you know, good and bad omens, for example, as I've just mentioned there.
51:37 And all of these kind of result from or are products of astronauts prophecy, essentially.
51:46 And so this is the belief, as I said, you know, that certain things are good for transcension and certain things are bad, that they are bad omens for transcension.
51:58 Okay, so of course, we've got those different things taking place there and they're all feeding through this astronauts prophetical tradition, essentially.
52:09 We also have the term or adjective astro-vatic, which relates to astronauts prophecy or any kind of prediction practiced by astronauts.
52:20 So we see this quite a lot in, certainly in my literature, you know, quite a lot of prophetical writing, prediction writing.
52:29 So you could describe that as astro-vatic literature.
52:32 So anything related to astronauts prophecy, essentially, you can refer to as being astro-vatic.
52:39 And then we also have this idea of the person called an astronaut.
52:43 So an astronaut is a person engaged either in studying astronauts prophecy or expounding a certain astronauts prophecy.
52:50 So you could even call myself an astronaut.
52:53 Okay, it's just a more kind of specific term to relate to someone who is kind of in the process of studying astronauts prophecies or presenting their own astronauts prophecy, for example.
53:08 And then certainly, you know, as I mentioned earlier on in the lecture, transcension itself is a prophecy.
53:15 In essence, the prophecy of transcension is that humanity will achieve salvation by itself through the process of extrication, through saving ourselves, by venturing into outer space to approximate ourselves with divinity beyond the cosmic limited realm.
53:33 That is the fundamental prophecy of transcension.
53:36 And so that actually is so significant because transcension is the central doctrine of astronism.
53:44 And so transcension is itself a prophecy, which makes astronism very much a prophetical religion, really, in that sense.
53:56 So the prophecy of transcension is grounded in a promise of salvation and is thus the basis of the astronauts religion.
54:04 And prophecy therefore plays a crucial role in establishing both a basic purpose for astronism and a basic goal for the whole astronauts religion.
54:15 You know, if there wasn't this prophecy of transcension, and I think I spoke about this quite a few times now,
54:21 astronism would literally just be a philosophy of life. It wouldn't be a religion.
54:28 And I've always said this, is that, you know, the development of the transcensional doctrine, particularly as a prophecy,
54:36 as a sort of future vision and goal for human beings, has made astronism into a religion, really.
54:43 Particularly in the last six years or so, I would say.
54:51 So I would say for the first few years, you know, astronism was more of a philosophy, really.
54:58 And you can see that in some of my writings, in some of my earlier writings.
55:03 But particularly in the last few years, astronism has become much more of a traditional religion, if you will,
55:11 because of this analypso-centricity, this focus on transcension.
55:19 So the goal for astronists is to see the prophecy of transcension come true.
55:24 And so they work to ensure that it manifests in the world by spreading astronism.
55:31 And of course, astronism is regarded as the analytic guide. This is what is going to achieve transcension.
55:38 This is the belief system that has a sovereignty over transcension, that has an exclusive claim over transcension.
55:48 And we're going to see this go through.
55:51 And so, of course, this makes astronism a universal religion, because we want everyone to know about it.
55:59 It also places astronism in that same category as Christianity and Islam.
56:07 They are both universal religions, but also distinguishes it from things like Judaism, for example, which is more of an ethnic religion.
56:16 Judaism does not encourage conversion.
56:23 It's not going out to evangelize or anything like that, whereas astronism would do, because it wants everyone to know about the universe, the doctrine of transcension.
56:39 So there we have it. A good kind of understanding, hopefully, an outline of astronist prophecy.
56:48 If you've got any questions, just let me know. Of course, I'm always available to answer questions.
56:53 And I really like some of the questions that I receive over email. They're really great.
56:57 Or down in the comments below, just ask questions or give me feedback on what you think of some of this new content that is emerging.
57:06 As certainly my composition of the Astrodoxy Treatise, the second treatise of astronism, the sort of central treatise of astronism is emerging.
57:19 As always, take a look at astronism.com, cometan.org to keep up with everything I do.
57:27 Take a look at the Astronist Statement as well, which was published last year. And then also keep a lookout for any future books that are going to be published regarding astronism and all things transcension.
57:42 So thank you, everyone, for listening today. And I will see you in the next episode of A Conversation with Cometan.
57:49 Goodbye, everybody.
57:52 (MUSIC)
