• 4 years ago
What do you think WWE can do to save RETRIBUTION? Or is this just another case of a RETRIBUTION member desperately using Twitter? Let me know in the comments...
0:00 - Coming Up
0:18 - Real Reason WWE Pushing Aalyah
3:25 - WWE Ban CM Punk
8:07 - WWE Changing RETRIBUTION
9:29 - Mr Davis vs Luke Warm Luke Owen @ AEW Full Gear
WWE BAN CM Punk! WWE Changing RETRIBUTION! Aalyah Mysterio Push! | WrestleTalk News
#WWE #AalyahMysterio #CMPunk #WrestlingNews #WrestleTalk #WWERAW #AEW

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WWE BAN CM Punk! WWE Changing RETRIBUTION! Aalyah Mysterio Push and more...

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Sources used for research:
Ali wants to turn Retribution around, changes - https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/mustafa-ali-looking-turn-ship-around-112-raw
Ali fires back at fan - https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/fans-not-happy-with-wwe-dropping-the-ball-on-retribution-but-good-news-is-coming-for-them/

Real Reason for Aleyah storyline (more views)
Rey on Aalyah kissing Murphy - https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2020/11/rey-mysterio-on-aalyah-kissing-murphy-not-sure-if-she-being-676506/

Banned Thunderdome images list, CM Punk BANNED From WWE (happy birthday segway) - https://heelbynature.com/wrestling-news/wwe-news/banned-image-list-shown-during-behind-the-scenes-thunderdome-video/

No Twitch meeting (Vega said there would be) - https://www.cagesideseats.com/
