Healthgiri 2020: Need to spend more on India's healthcare system, says Aroon Purie

  • 4 years ago
Speaking at the Healthgiri Awards 2020, India Today Group Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Aroon Purie highlighted that the coronavirus pandemic has made India realise how deficient its healthcare system is and that the government needs to invest more in it.

He further said, "Coping with the coronavirus is a daunting task and that is why we have revised this year's Safarigiri Awards to Healthgiri Awards in order to award the selfless work of countless Indians who stepped up to the occasion during the crisis".
Welcoming Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, Aroon Purie said that as a Union Minister he has been hands-on with tackling the challenge of Covid-19 by formulating and executing health policies in the country.
