It's time to believe in yourself - Dare to Dream | Scaler Academy

  • 4 years ago
Want to dream big? Here's your dose of motivation!


Guess what?

You are going to be confused

You are going to make mistakes

You are going to feel you can’t do it

You are going to feel incompetent

You are going to fail

You are going to be made fun of

You are going to doubt yourself

You are going to feel like giving up

You’re going to be scared!

BUT You are not alone!

This all happens to those, who dare to dream!

And when you do not let it stop you from dreaming big

You realize it’s time to come out of your comfort zone

It’s time to not let people or rejections hold you back

It’s time to chase your dream with all that you have got!

It’s time to bring about that change.

It’s time to be a Scaler!

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