• 5 年前

睽違近一年,Dylan Jaye(鍾逸倫)終於帶來全新EP《Nights: 1AM-5AM》,重返音樂圈!好久不見的這些日子,除了在新一季的〈非正式會談〉持續亮相,他也得到越來越多的活動、商演邀請,人氣扶搖直上。延續「Nights」概念,EP收錄兩首英文歌,一首輕快、一首抒情。這位擁有美國、義大利混血的年輕才子「好酒沉甕底」,壓箱寶拿出看家本領,以自己最熟悉的母語詮釋作品,展現獨特的「倫式」風味。你,準備好接招了嗎?

〈Survive The Night〉作為「Nights」系列最終章,由於團隊格外重視,製作過程顛簸不少。除了錄音時間超過預期,在歌曲試圖營造的整體氛圍,也是一次次打掉重練。製作人Kenn說,這首歌不必唱得完美,某種程度更需要傳遞那份真實的情感。〈Survive The Night〉猶如歌名扣人心弦,Dylan以撫慰人心的口吻娓娓道出,搭配弦樂的溫潤琴聲,為這個宛若新生的夜晚,劃下完美句點。

Mymusic ►https://bit.ly/32ekHiW

《 Survive The Night 》

詞 Lyrics: Tre-Ace/ Iris Judotter/ Dylan Jaye
曲 Music: Tre-Ace/ Kenn Wu
製作公司 Production House: Oxygen Entertainment LLC (California)
製作人 Producer: Iris Judotter/ Kenn Wu
編曲 Arrangement: Kenn Wu
吉他 Guitar: Tim Galloway (Nashville)
和聲 Backing Vocals: Dylan J/ Tre-ace/ Iris Judotter
錄音師 Recording Engineer: Kenn Wu
錄音助理 Recording Assistant: Andy Maxwell
混音 Mixing Engineer: Peter Chong
混音室 Mixing Studio: Mixman Production
錄音室 Recording Studios: Abbey Road Studios (London)
母代後製混音處理錄音室 Mastering Studio: Sterling Sound (New York)
母代後製混音師 Mastering Engineer: Randy Merrill

There’s gotta be a million reasons to run away with you
But in my head are a million reasons to stay
You know I’ve traveled these miles
And I’ve crossed over all of these oceans.
I’m thinking maybe, these heartaches will keep love away.

Can we survive the night?
Can we try one last time?
It’s so hard to forgive
When it’s easier to say goodbye
Can we survive the night?

I’ve been thinking back to these
Moments where we fought the most
How did we get here and how can we make it this time?
The ghosts of our fights, they’ll linger on, oh, to the dawn.
Now tell me baby, how do we make it this time?

Can we survive the night?
Can we try one last time?
It’s so hard to forgive
When it’s easier to say goodbye
Can we survive the night?

I’m thinking maybe, these heartaches will keep love away.
Now tell me baby, will these heartaches keep love away?
