• 4 years ago
Follow A Sleep Routine. Bedtime should be a calm time. Keep your surroundings quiet and restful.
Reserve your bed for sleeping and sex, and keep the room dark, quiet, cool, and distraction-free.
Keep regular sleep hours. Ban your computer and TV from the bedroom.

Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night to wake up feeling refreshed. Sleeping too long can
lead to fragmented or shallow sleep. If you spend 9 to 10 hours in fitful sleep, try cutting back on
time in bed. In the long run, that may give you more solid sleep.

Learn to quiet your mind. Meditation is a wonderful way to
achieve a sense of calm. The best way to get hold of your
own brain is to train it to be calm. Quiet down all that extra
noise by practicing meditation and learning how to hold
your center, even in the midst of stress and disruption.

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.
Match the Frequency of the reality you want and you
cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is NOT philosophy. This is physics.” -Albert Einstein

Improve Your Health...
listen for 14-28 days for the best results...
Best Used With Headphones

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