• 5 years ago
Not Rated | 26min | Adventure, Drama, TV Series | Episode aired 1952

Steve is sent to Stockholm, Sweden, to investigate a group of European professors who go conduct worldwide lecture tours. One of them is though to be a foreign agent carrying secrets back with him or her. An informant asks Steve to retrieve his son from a boarding school there, but finds the child has disappeared.

Director: Bill Karn

Writers: Adrian Gendot, Robert Ryf

Stars: Brian Donlevy, Herb Butterfield, Maria Palmer
00:00Thanks for watching.
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00:30I hope you liked it.
00:34And as always.
00:36Thanks for watching.
00:38Please subscribe.
00:40And thanks for watching.
01:00Oh, fine, Mitchell the mastermind.
01:02So I unpacked.
01:04Better not yet.
01:05You start just down the hall.
01:08Where you end up is anybody's business, here.
01:12International lecture tours?
01:15Hey, look, my soapbox days are over.
01:17Don't worry.
01:18You won't be making any speeches,
01:19but you'll be investigating a few people who do.
01:23This is an organization of six European professors
01:28who lecture all around the world.
01:31So we have information that one of them
01:34is picking up information from contacts here
01:37and taking it back to Europe with him.
01:40Which one is it?
01:41We don't know, but Dr. Gerber does.
01:44Dr. Gerber?
01:45He's one of the professors listed here.
01:47And he's waiting just down the hall
01:50to talk with you right now.
01:52Steve, a lot of vital information
01:54leaks out of the country this way.
01:56Talk to Dr. Gerber.
01:57Find out all you can from him.
01:59Then go anywhere and do anything you have to,
02:00to smash the whole operation.
02:02Well, that's it.
02:04You've got your assignment.
02:06Good luck.
02:06Sure, I've got my assignment.
02:15A real switch.
02:1610 minutes after talking to the commissioner,
02:18I'm usually heading for the nearest airport.
02:20But here I am, just walking down the hall.
02:23I've got a strong hunch, though, that the deal's
02:25going to involve a lot more than a friendly stroll.
02:29Mr. Mitchell, as your commissioner probably told you,
02:33I am a member of International Lecture Tours.
02:36I understand you have reason to believe
02:38that one of the other members of the organization
02:40is a foreign agent?
02:42I am sure of it.
02:43Moreover, I know who this person is.
02:48I can only tell you that on one condition, Mr. Mitchell.
02:52I must have protection.
02:54That shouldn't be very hard to arrange.
02:56You're safe in this country.
02:57No, you do not understand.
02:59I am not speaking of protection for myself.
03:04My wife died last year.
03:06This your boy?
03:07Yes, my son, Kurt, 10 years old.
03:10This is the only picture I have of him.
03:11It's safer that way.
03:13He's the one you want protection for?
03:16Where is he?
03:17At a boarding school in Stockholm, Sweden.
03:20I had to leave him there.
03:21He has no other relatives.
03:23The school is run by an Englishman, Horace Wakefield.
03:26Well, we could have some member of our consulate
03:28in Stockholm pick him up.
03:29No, that is no good.
03:31The boy is registered under his mother's name,
03:33Inskoll, at the Wakefield School.
03:35No one must know his identity, know where he is,
03:37until he is absolutely safe.
03:40I see.
03:42Well, in that case, I think I'll run over to Stockholm,
03:45pick up your son, Kurt, myself.
03:47That is what I had hoped you would say, Mr. Mitchell.
03:50And when you return, you will tell me
03:52who the head of the spy ring is?
03:55Fair enough.
03:59Thank you very much, Mr. Mitchell.
04:00All right.
04:02So for a change, my assignment is simple.
04:05Just pick up a little boy in Stockholm
04:07and bring him back to the United States.
04:10I arrive late in the afternoon and go straight
04:13to the Wakefield School.
04:25Dr. Wakefield?
04:26That's correct.
04:27What may I do for you, sir?
04:28I'm Steve Mitchell from the United States.
04:30I'd like to talk with one of your students, Kurt Inskoll.
04:35Yes, I have a message for him from his father.
04:39Come in, Mr. Mitchell.
04:49Sit down, please.
05:02Well, where's Kurt?
05:05Mr. Mitchell, Kurt has disappeared.
05:10I can't find him anywhere.
05:11I'm worried sick.
05:13What happened?
05:14Well, last night a woman came to see Kurt.
05:17She said that she was his aunt.
05:19His aunt?
05:21Wait a minute.
05:21My father told me he had no other living relative.
05:23Yes, but how was I to know that?
05:25She said she was his aunt, and I had no reason to doubt her.
05:28OK, go on.
05:29Well, I sent her to his room.
05:32I believe that she left after visiting hours were over.
05:35What do you mean, you believe?
05:36You're not sure?
05:39Last night I had a splitting headache.
05:40I turned in early.
05:42Sounds like a pretty careless way to run a boarding school,
05:44Dr. Wakefield.
05:45I resent that, Mr. Mitchell.
05:47I'm usually very careful about the rules and regulations,
05:49but last night with this headache,
05:50I was, I was obliged to go to bed.
05:53Well, skip it.
05:54Then you're not sure when this woman left?
05:57I'm not sure of anything except that Kurt
05:59wasn't here this morning.
06:01Oh, great.
06:11They told me you wanted to see me, Dr. Wakefield.
06:14Yes, come in, Elsa.
06:17Elsa, this is Mr. Mitchell.
06:19How do you do?
06:21Hello, Elsa.
06:22You know, of course, that your little friend
06:24Kurt has disappeared.
06:26Now, Elsa, I want you to tell me something.
06:28Did he ever speak to you of running away?
06:32No, Dr. Wakefield.
06:33Elsa, have you any idea what could have happened
06:37or where he might be?
06:38No, sir.
06:40All right, Elsa.
06:41That's not for now.
06:43Thank you, Dr. Wakefield.
06:44Goodbye, Mr. Mitchell.
06:46Goodbye, Elsa.
06:50Have you called the police yet?
06:52No, at first we thought it might be a boy's prank.
06:54Wait a minute.
06:55What if he's been kidnapped?
06:56I think he's being held to ensure that someone
06:58will keep their mouth shut.
07:00That means he's safe for now until the kidnappers
07:02feel the pressure on them.
07:04No, doctor, I think this is something that's
07:06got to be done undercover.
07:07Don't report it yet.
07:10Wait till I see what I can find out.
07:12Very well.
07:12By the way, do you know of an outfit called
07:16International Lecture Tours?
07:18Yes, as a matter of fact, they have an office
07:19right here in Stockholm.
07:22Drossensgarten 123, I believe.
07:26Thank you, Dr. Wakefield.
07:29I'll check with you later.
07:41Hi, what can I do for you?
07:42You in charge of this lecture outfit?
07:45Well, I'm the leg man.
07:48Well, I guess you're the guy I want to talk to.
07:50My name is Mitchell.
07:51Saunders is mine.
07:52Always glad to meet anyone from the States.
07:54Sit down.
07:58So you're the leg man for this outfit.
08:00What does that involve?
08:02Well, you name it, the works.
08:04Shagging around the world in front of the wise men,
08:05scheduling lecture dates, making hotel reservations,
08:08making sure they don't run out of toothpaste.
08:10Sounds like quite a job.
08:11I imagine there are easier ways of making a living.
08:14How'd you get into this racket?
08:16Oh, I don't know, sort of stumbled into it, I guess.
08:19I was stranded here in Sweden, broke.
08:21And I read about these professors
08:22organizing a lecture tour.
08:24Also heard that they needed a nursemaid, so here I am.
08:27Saunders the nursemaid.
08:29You know, I'd like a little information
08:32about these professors.
08:37Looks pretty official.
08:39What do you want to know?
08:40How well do you know them?
08:42Well, how well can you know those birds?
08:44They live in a world of their own, you know.
08:47Where are they all now?
08:49Well, this will give you an idea of the set up at present.
08:51Over here.
08:54Uh, Stelter's in Calcutta.
08:57Utex in Copenhagen.
08:59Laborde's in Toronto.
09:00Chumlee's in Cape Town, South Africa.
09:02You keep these guys pretty well spread out, don't you?
09:05Gerber's in the United States.
09:07Yeah, I know.
09:08Isn't there anybody right here?
09:10Wait a minute.
09:12Sure, he's right here in Stockholm.
09:14I'm expecting him any minute.
09:15As a matter of fact, he just phoned.
09:17Got a beef about something.
09:19He's a regular fireball.
09:21You know, I'd kind of like to meet this Friedrich.
09:23Well, stick around.
09:24He ought to be here.
09:28He is.
09:29Oh, hello, Dr. Frederick.
09:31Sonders, what kind of a booking agent are you?
09:32Hold on. Let's keep calm.
09:33For the last time, I tell you, I must
09:35have better hotel accommodations.
09:37This room you have assigned to me, it is drafty.
09:40The plumbing is no good.
09:41Well, no, Dr. Frederick, it's awfully
09:43hard to get accommodations.
09:44Stairs over mine, all night long, clump, clump, clump,
09:48while I'm trying to work on my lecture notes.
09:51All night long, clump, clump, clump.
09:53How much of this can a man put up with?
09:55Well, that's a good question.
09:57So this is Mr. Mitchell.
09:59He's a newspaper correspondent.
10:01Oh, please, no interviews.
10:03I am busy.
10:04Sonders, why do you schedule interviews
10:06when you know I am so busy?
10:08And furthermore, why do you schedule
10:10me to lecture in Stockholm when you know I want
10:13to be in the United States?
10:15I scheduled you for Stockholm because ever
10:17since you had that quarrel with Gerber,
10:18I've done my best to keep you two as far apart as possible.
10:21Oh, that Gerber.
10:23Well, even so, you should have given me first preference
10:26as to the location.
10:28You and Dr. Gerber don't get along so well?
10:30That man is impossible.
10:32Why, the theories in his lectures,
10:34they are absolutely unsound.
10:36Look, I'm very sorry I brought the matter up.
10:39You sure there isn't any other reason for your feelings
10:42about Dr. Gerber?
10:43Of course, I am sure.
10:44Isn't it enough to have a man who goes around lecturing,
10:49who undoes all of the good that I have done?
10:52One thing more.
10:53Would you mind telling me where you were last night?
10:57Last night?
10:58Well, I was in my hotel room, working on my lecture notes.
11:04But overhead, that glomp, glomp, glomp,
11:07how could a man work?
11:09That's funny.
11:10I called you about a lecture date last night
11:12and didn't get an answer.
11:17Oh, yes, I had forgotten.
11:20I, I, I stepped out for a little while.
11:23Was he nice?
11:24Oh, she was.
11:25Now, see here, this is none of your business.
11:28Saunders, I leave you with two words.
11:31I do not like newspaper reporters,
11:34and I want you to get me better hotel accommodations.
11:43Well, now you've met Dr. Friedrich.
11:47I sure have.
11:49Well, I'll check with you later, Saunders.
11:56Well, it looks like the deal's starting to take shape.
12:00Last night, a woman visited Kurt Gerber.
12:02This morning, he's gone.
12:04Friedrich doesn't like Kurt's father,
12:06and Friedrich was out with a woman last night, yeah.
12:09On the surface, it all fits.
12:10But I've got an uneasy feeling the whole pattern
12:13could fall apart as fast as a smoke ring in a draft.
12:25Hi, this is Saunders of International Lecture Tours.
12:28I got an item I thought might interest you.
12:30Not five minutes after you left the office,
12:32Dr. Bucek walked in.
12:35Wait a minute.
12:38Bucek's supposed to be in Copenhagen.
12:40That's right.
12:41So I asked how come.
12:42What'd the good doctor have to say?
12:44Something about wanting to cancel the rest of the tour.
12:47Tired, or something like that.
12:49I see.
12:50What time'd the doctor arrive?
12:52Search me.
12:53You want the address?
12:55327 Ritter's Gotten.
12:56327 Ritter's Gotten.
12:59Thanks, Saunders.
13:01I think I'd better give Bucek the double check.
13:10I'm Steve Mitchell, a newspaper man from the United States.
13:14I'd like to see Dr. Bucek.
13:16You're looking at her.
13:19You seem surprised.
13:22I am.
13:23I thought Dr. Bucek was a man.
13:27I'm not.
13:31I'm not.
13:32I'm not.
13:32I'm not.
13:33I'm not.
13:34I'm not.
13:35I'm not.
13:36I'm not.
13:37I'm not.
13:38I'm not.
13:39Please, come in.
13:55Now, what can I do for you, Mr. Mitchell?
13:57Dr. Bucek, I understand you canceled
14:01the rest of your lectures and returned home suddenly.
14:05Why, yes.
14:07Lectures are so tiring.
14:08Sometimes I wonder why I ever started on the second.
14:11When did you arrive in Stockholm?
14:13Well, my plane landed only this morning.
14:18Mr. Mitchell, you said you are a reporter.
14:22You sure you didn't arrive last night?
14:24But of course not. I just told you.
14:25And you sure you didn't take a trip out to Dr. Wakefield's
14:28school last night?
14:30I've never heard of the place.
14:33See here, Mr. Mitchell.
14:35I'm quite sure that you're not a newspaper reporter.
14:43And I'm also quite sure that my activities
14:45are none of your business.
14:46Let's just pretend that they are my business, Dr. Bucek.
14:51Very well.
14:52In that case, why don't you just pretend
14:54that I'm telling you the truth about my arriving this morning?
14:58I see.
15:00Well, thanks for the interview.
15:08I can check up on your time of arrival, you know.
15:11Please do.
15:13When you're quite through checking up on me,
15:17why don't you pretend that you owe me
15:18an apology for your rudeness?
15:31A word with you, my friend.
15:33Who are you?
15:34Permit me.
15:35I am Oscar.
15:36I want you to meet my friend, Olaf.
15:39I don't see any...
15:44What's this all about?
15:45You made a mistake when you bothered the young lady.
15:48Dr. Bucek?
15:50Now it will be necessary for the three of us
15:52to take a nice ride.
15:54A shark ride, I suppose.
15:56For me and Olaf.
15:59A shark ride, I suppose.
16:00For me and Olaf, yes.
16:02But for you it will be such a long ride
16:04that I doubt whether you will ever come back.
17:43Well, hello, Mitchell.
17:47Hey, what happened to you?
17:50You look like you've been dragged through a knothole.
17:52That's the understatement of the week, Saunders.
17:54Hey, look, have you got a picture
17:56of your beautiful Dr. Buchek around?
18:00Oh, sure.
18:01I can let you have one of the publicity stills
18:02we get in the newspapers.
18:04There, that do?
18:07That'll do fine.
18:09She made a big hit with you, huh?
18:11Yeah, a big hit.
18:13Somehow or other, I'm going to return the compliment.
18:17Oh, Mitchell, I'm glad you came.
18:19Something's happened that you should know about.
18:21What is it, Dr. Wakefield?
18:22Well, you remember that woman that came here
18:24the night before last, posing as Kurt's aunt?
18:26Yes, the night Kurt disappeared.
18:27What about it?
18:28She returned to my school again this morning.
18:31Less than an hour ago.
18:32I was out of my office at the time,
18:33but my secretary told me that she was here
18:35and she was inquiring about Kurt again.
18:37Wait a minute.
18:38That means they don't have Kurt.
18:40Who do you mean by that?
18:41Well, I don't know.
18:42I don't know.
18:43That means they don't have Kurt.
18:45Who do you mean by they?
18:47I think I know who one of them is.
18:49A woman.
18:50Here, take a look at that.
18:52Her name is Bucek.
18:53And what about her?
18:55Isn't that the woman that was inquiring about Kurt?
18:58I've never seen this woman before in my life.
19:01You sure of that?
19:04Oh, great.
19:06My case blows up in my face.
19:08I still don't know where Kurt is.
19:17You were expecting Dr. Friedrich, I see.
19:19Yes, we're old friends.
19:21He comes here for chess and tea.
19:24I see.
19:27It's your move, I believe.
19:30No, gentlemen.
19:31It's my move, I believe.
19:42I'm sorry.
19:43I'm sorry.
19:44I'm sorry.
19:45I'm sorry.
19:46I'm sorry.
19:47I'm sorry.
19:48I'm sorry.
19:49I'm sorry.
19:50I'm sorry.
19:51I'm sorry.
19:52I'm sorry.
19:53I'm sorry.
19:54I'm sorry.
19:55I'm sorry.
19:56I'm sorry.
19:57I'm sorry.
19:58I'm sorry.
19:59I'm sorry.
20:00I'm sorry.
20:01I'm sorry.
20:02I'm sorry.
20:03I'm sorry.
20:04I'm sorry.
20:05I'm sorry.
20:06I'm sorry.
20:07I'm sorry.
20:08I'm sorry.
20:09I'm sorry.
20:10I'm sorry.
20:11I'm sorry.
20:12I'm sorry.
20:13I'm sorry.
20:14I'm sorry.
20:15I'm sorry.
20:16I'm sorry.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:18I'm sorry.
20:19I'm sorry.
20:20I'm sorry.
20:21I'm sorry.
20:22I'm sorry.
20:23I'm sorry.
20:24I'm sorry.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:26I'm sorry.
20:27I'm sorry.
20:28I'm sorry.
20:29I'm sorry.
20:30I'm sorry.
20:31I'm sorry.
20:32I'm sorry.
20:33I'm sorry.
20:34I'm sorry.
20:35I'm sorry.
20:36I'm sorry.
20:37I'm sorry.
20:38I'm sorry.
20:39I'm sorry.
20:40I'm sorry.
20:41I'm sorry.
20:42I'm sorry.
20:43I'm sorry.
20:44I'm sorry.
20:45I'm sorry.
20:46I'm sorry.
20:47I'm sorry.
20:48I'm sorry.
20:49I'm sorry.
20:50I'm sorry.
20:51I'm sorry.
20:52I'm sorry.
20:53I'm sorry.
20:54I'm sorry.
20:55I'm sorry.
20:56I'm sorry.
20:57I'm sorry.
20:58I'm sorry.
20:59I'm sorry.
21:00I'm sorry.
21:01I'm sorry.
21:02I'm sorry.
21:03I'm sorry.
21:04I'm sorry.
21:05I'm sorry.
21:06I'm sorry.
21:07I'm sorry.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:09I'm sorry.
21:10I'm sorry.
21:11I'm sorry.
21:12I'm sorry.
21:13I'm sorry.
21:14I'm sorry.
21:15I'm sorry.
21:16I'm sorry.
21:17I'm sorry.
21:18I'm sorry.
21:19I'm sorry.
21:20I'm sorry.
21:21I'm sorry.
21:22I'm sorry.
21:23I'm sorry.
21:24I'm sorry.
21:25I'm sorry.
21:26I'm sorry.
21:27I'm sorry.
21:28I'm sorry.
21:29I'm sorry.
21:30I'm sorry.
21:31I'm sorry.
21:32I'm sorry.
21:33I'm sorry.
21:34I'm sorry.
21:35I'm sorry.
21:36I'm sorry.
21:37I'm sorry.
21:39What happened, Kurt?
21:40A lady came to see me at school.
21:43She said she was a friend of my father's.
21:45But I knew she was lying, so I asked her to wait outside
21:49my room while I packed.
21:51And as soon as I was alone, I climbed out the window
21:54and ran away.
21:56You must be getting tired of those sandwiches.
21:59My girlfriend, Elsa, has been bringing them to me.
22:02How did you happen to pick this deserted barn to hide in?
22:06I, oh, I knew it was the right place
22:08as soon as I saw this manger.
22:13I read about a little boy in the manger once.
22:19Well, I guess you couldn't have picked a better place.
22:22All right.
22:23Come on, Kurt.
22:25Wait a minute.
22:26Oh, great.
22:27Oscar and, well, what do you know?
22:31I find out who my boy is in this deal when it's too late.
22:36It is never too late.
22:38It will be if I don't come up with an idea quick.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:10I'm sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:16I'm sorry.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:19I'm sorry.
23:20I'm sorry.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:22I'm sorry.
23:23I'm sorry.
23:24I'm sorry.
23:25I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:27I'm sorry.
23:28I'm sorry.
23:29I'm sorry.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:31I'm sorry.
23:32I'm sorry.
23:33I'm sorry.
23:34I'm sorry.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:36I'm sorry.
23:37I'm sorry.
23:38I'm sorry.
23:39I'm sorry.
23:40I'm sorry.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:43I'm sorry.
23:44I'm sorry.
23:45I'm sorry.
23:46I'm sorry.
23:47I'm sorry.
23:48I'm sorry.
23:49I'm sorry.
23:50I'm sorry.
23:51I'm sorry.
23:52I'm sorry.
23:59No, Rita!
24:07It wasn't intentional!
24:09I beat her unknowingly.
24:11Yes, that's why I gave her to you, …
24:12… in favor of Steve Gibbons.
24:15I won't forget your forgiveness, Steve!
24:17I forgive you indeed.
24:19Did we get Ni standpoint?
24:22Mr. Mitchell!
24:23Come in, Whitefield.
24:23Elsa told me to come here.
24:27Put him on ice.
24:30Is it all over, Mr. Mitchell?
24:32It will be as soon as they pick up
24:34Saunders' girl at the office.
24:37I have been praying something would happen to deliver us.
24:40It happened.
24:42Well, I sort of made it happen, Curt.
24:45Did you?
24:50I prayed for a bolt of lightning, Mr. Mitchell.
24:54Guess you could call that wire flash a bolt of lightning,
24:58but it was man-made lightning, Curt.
25:01Was it?
25:02How did you happen to think of it?
25:04Well, it just popped in my mind.
25:07You see?
25:11Yeah, I see.
25:13I'm the last man in the world to argue the point, too, Curt.
25:17Come on.
25:18You're going home to your father.
