• 5 years ago
Not Rated | 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, TV Series | Episode aired 22 September 1959

A seemingly normal family is hiding a terrible secret: their son has the features of a deformed, fish-like monster. A somewhat mysterious hypnotist with strange powers claims that he can help them, and in their desperation they enlist his aid.

Director: John Newland

Writers: Merwin Gerard, Lawrence B. Marcus, Michael Plant

Stars: Augusta Dabney, David Lewis, Suzanne Lloyd
00:00The amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record.
00:07You may believe it or not, but the real people who lived this story, they believe it.
00:14They know.
00:15They took that one step beyond.
00:27The curtains on the window are always drawn.
00:31Inside the main house tonight is quite an occasion.
00:34In the year the Parrish family has lived in Boston, this is the first time anyone outside
00:39the immediate family has been invited to the house.
00:43What if Danny read the story about the servants leaving just this morning?
00:46Well, goodness, Anna, why shouldn't he?
00:48It would hardly enter his head that we've never had servants here.
00:52We're all so good at telling lies, aren't we?
00:55Well, at least they are lies that hurt no one.
00:58You'll be free of me very soon.
01:00You'll be married and in New York with Danny.
01:03Mama, to have somewhere that's really, really home after all these years of moving one place
01:09to another, I'm getting frightened.
01:10Mama, did I tell you what Danny said to me?
01:15He said he wanted six children.
01:18Of course, I just sat there and stammered and blushed.
01:22What's that?
01:23It's nothing.
01:24It's a recipe.
01:25You know, Danny even has names for them.
01:26Michael, and Eric, and David.
01:27Margaret, we'll have the Beaujolais with dinner.
01:28Yes, Papa.
01:29Oh, darling, you better run along upstairs and get ready.
01:30Danny seems to be the kind who never lays.
01:31Not a second.
01:32Life must run like clockwork.
01:33That's why I love him.
01:34And I love you too, Mama.
01:35And I love you too, Papa.
01:36Oh, tonight is going to be wonderful.
01:37I can't wait.
01:38I can't wait.
01:39I can't wait.
01:40I can't wait.
01:41I can't wait.
01:42I can't wait.
01:43I can't wait.
01:44I can't wait.
01:45I can't wait.
01:46I can't wait.
01:47I can't wait.
01:48I can't wait.
01:51There seems to be someone in the garden.
01:53George, go and see what's happened.
01:55You know what has happened.
01:57Mama, please.
01:59Don't wait.
02:02No one can see into that room.
02:04Wash your hands.
02:05That will help.
02:06Wash your hands.
02:08Dad, don't see that.
02:11Don't see what?
02:12It will help.
02:13Wincester, tears or nothing, nothing at all will help her.
02:16hands. Wash my head. Well that was the way I hate you I hate you I.
02:33Want to come inside.
02:46You. Tell me what
02:59a Danny there's nothing for you to be afraid of I'd heard stories about. But I didn't
03:07believe. And then just now. I saw for myself.
03:14Sitting in a red velvet chair. That's what was so horrible.
03:22And I read the chair with a high back. Reading a book. For all the world I got
03:31a human being. Oh. What I saw didn't belong inside a house.
03:38What I saw. Belonged in the sea. You're very young.
03:45I hope you will have the compassion to understand Mama no he has to know.
03:54He is my son he's Anna's brother. And his brother Danny up it happened
04:02before he was born. He was born that way Danny it is
04:07a disease that is not contagious nor hereditary Danny what what what Mama says
04:14is true and I can't walk by what Mama says is true all the doctors are just not
04:18for God what Mama says is true all the doctors are just not hereditary.
04:35Give him time to think. If he really loves you he will come back no no no he won't
04:43you saw the way he looked at me he was looking at our babies and the babies I'll
04:47never have a good day. I hate him and I wish he were.
05:12George I. I think I was
05:18sent out away some place. Some place
05:25pleasant it's Jason who must be sent away George not again not now yes now. How
05:32long can you be selfish. Each time we've had to move whenever I've had to look for
05:38a new job you know what I think it's been for him. He'd be happy away from us
05:45but there are hospitals that would take him. You don't mean. My son to my
05:53wife. For the love of God have some pity for the boy.
06:00I don't think he feels locked up in the room I have told you one hundred times I
06:03will not let him go and that's all we finish the argument hasn't it Margaret but
06:08not tonight no not tonight. He will hear you.
06:13You can not ask me to give up my life.
06:20At last you said it Margaret. He is your whole life. Me.
06:29Jason. You've no love left for the rest of us. He needs me more.
06:37More. Margaret.
06:44I mean what I say. If you don't agree with me now if you don't agree with me this
06:50moment to send Jason away then I shall leave you.
07:24Part I'm Edward Brown. It was very kind of you to see who could resist such a
07:31letter. I'm surprised by them you can fight these intimacies to a stranger. As
07:37a stranger you could be of no help to me Dr Brown but I'm let's be clear on this
07:42point I am no longer a doctor my name has been officially struck from the British
07:47Medical Association I'm not interested in that all I care about is your knowledge
07:53and your talent Dr Brown.
07:55And. To do.
08:11I remember hearing of a few such cases as your son's other doctors have told me that
08:17almost every hundred years. Child is born with
08:21a deflection. Jason says that he has read a theory that all mankind evolved from
08:29the sea the cradle of life. Jason says that perhaps the seed of our beginnings is
08:38still with us. God's way of reminding us that. We have not come as far as we would
08:45like to think. The cradle of life. Jason sounds remarkable boy.
08:54But why have you come to me. I read of your lecture lecture
09:00lecture and the papers turned at
09:02a riot the police had to be called here this is what interested me. The during began
09:08when Brown made claims that his so-called mind force could be efficacious in the
09:13treatment I read the account I read it. Particularly ailments of unknown origin
09:21that's why I came back to Brown. Please will you be honest with me
09:29have you been. There have been
09:34a few cures on many many.
09:37Faces. What is this.
09:44Mine for mother if I could explain it satisfactory I would hardly be in
09:50a present position. All I can tell you is that I seem to have developed
09:56a kind of power but it is I cannot tell you I'm not the first there have been others
10:03I think perhaps Dr Mesmer was the first. Power sounds. Supernatural.
10:12And that would frighten you. I want my son to be well.
10:18The means do not concern me. When you
10:25dine with us tonight and see Jason but do I look in such bad need of
10:30a meal. I'm in such bad need of help. I'm sorry
10:39I thought perhaps another chance of success was vital to you.
10:46But I don't believe either one of us could stand another failure.
10:54I haven't had a roast like that more months and I can't say I know that you hear
10:59that. Dr Brown was complimenting you on your cooking.
11:06Mama. Papa wrote that he'd seen Danny in New York it was just by accident on
11:12the street. They didn't even speak. Danny crossed the street.
11:21What can be worse than the loss of love. Except perhaps the loss of belief that it
11:26can happen again. If you have finished your coffee doctor.
11:34I will take you to see Jason.
11:43You remember at dinner I'm talking about my life in England. What are my beliefs I
11:48was made to look a fool many people turned their backs on me including someone I
11:52love most dearly. But now I'm glad it happened. Now I know there was no real
11:58love between us. Someone who loves you will not desert you no matter how severe
12:04the test. Do you believe that. I don't know.
12:11Perhaps I could help you to believe. Come last come and sit down.
12:23I perhaps I could help you to believe. About your
12:30permission to play a game of. You have.
12:38You know I want to be
12:39a friend. Give me your.
12:53Picture gaze on a point of light in your ring.
13:00Start. Never take your eyes from it. I want you to
13:06imagine that I tied a balloon to your wrist. Imagine that your hand has no weight
13:12in it. The balloon is pulling it into the air. Your hand has no weight in it it can
13:19float in the air like a feather. The balloon is talking up up up.
13:26Up. Now as your hand rises higher it will come toward your face keep
13:36staring at that one point of light. Keep staring at it as your hand comes toward your
13:43face. You'll be coming more and more sleepy. The poor eyes
13:50ache for sleep. But you can't close them until your hand touches your face only
13:57then will you sleep.
14:20It's easy with someone so eager to escape.
14:27Here. Only me. What sort of sleep is this where
14:34is she I warned you somewhere beyond our understanding.
14:41Remember what I told you about the power of the mind has over the body.
14:50Now you are even more deeply asleep. You have nothing but my voice.
14:58Yesterday you had an accident in the kitchen you scalded the back of your hand with
15:02boiling water. The skin is still raw and sensitive from the burn. Touch the back of
15:08her hand.
15:09You. Go on.
15:21The burn is healed the pain is all gone. In fact you have no feeling in your hand
15:28whatsoever. The nerves are all dead the hand is normal.
15:34Of your pin.
15:39It will not be.
16:03Now the hand is as it was as if the burn had never been.
16:09I know. This and carefully to me. When you wake up you'll be as happy as you were
16:18before Danny went away you will not forget him you will only forget the pain of his
16:23going away. You will feel the hurt no more. When I count three you will open your
16:31eyes and be wide awake feeling happier and more rested than you ever have in your
16:36life. One. Two. Three.
16:53What happened. I was listening to the doctor and then I.
16:59Thought. Oh I'm sorry you must think I'm terribly rude I'd be
17:07a deal healthier if we all took a bit of
17:09a nap after dinner. Mrs Parish if you'd be so good as to let me have the key to
17:14Jason's room.
17:15And. Of course.
17:23Doctor. I think if if anyone can help Jason it's you.
17:39Shouldn't I come with you said he was expecting me.
17:56There's. Edward Brown.
18:15But. My name is Edward Brown.
18:22Your mother's kind enough to still call me Dr Brown but then I expect you've heard
18:28that story. Jason.
18:34I feel very much an outcast to you remember that.
18:37I need your cooperation if I'm to be
18:44a. Member this. Will be dealing with the unknown.
18:52How long it will take and to what end I know no more than.
18:58Maybe. Even dangerous. What is worse
19:04futile. Jason I failed many times.
19:11The decision must be yours.
19:13And. Good.
19:32Let's waste no more time. Jason.
19:38Give me your hands.
20:02Not even on Christmas Eve. I think I must have been insane to let that doctor
20:07talk me into this. Doctor Brown I wonder if he ever was
20:13not even on Christmas Eve am I allowed to see my own son. He could be dead for
20:18all I know that's silly. Do you know the last time that I saw him it was
20:24September the second and Dr Brown since that moment has had nothing to say at all
20:30that is not true why only last week last week what did he say last week seemed
20:35very hopeful and why doesn't he let me see. Must trust him.
20:42I don't I don't. Think it's all some kind of
20:46a whole. Thing isn't any different there isn't any change at all.
20:53Well there's one thing that's changed. I've lost.
20:59Jason isn't mine anymore. That's it.
21:05What's upsetting you with it Mama.
21:27Need you so much. Hello Margaret.
21:36I'm glad you're home. You're in time for Christmas.
21:42Let me take your hat and coat. George I am glad you're home and not just because
21:48it's Christmas. I've been so foolish. Margaret did you actually
21:55think our son could be cured by this charlatan's black magic. Dr Brown
22:01isn't a charlatan but why you only have to meet him to see that meet him I want
22:05him out of this house right now. Where is it. But Papa get him.
22:21I was just. I know.
22:28Margaret I brought someone with me he's waiting outside.
22:33Why. He's from a hospital in New York. Margaret listen to me I've seen
22:38the place. Never again never again Margaret we'll go down there together you can see
22:42it for yourself. I have seen those places I know I would rather have Jason dead
22:48first. All the papers have been signed.
22:55There's nothing you can do.
22:56No. There's nothing you can do.
23:13Something I can do.
23:15You will never take him. Never.
23:24I would rather see him dead. There is something that I can do.
23:35It was Jason's wish to wait till Christmas.
23:45Despite his triumph Dr. Edward Brown didn't live to see his mind force
23:51recognized as a powerful weapon against disease and pain. Only recently has
23:56hypnosis been officially admitted to the operating theater or to the office of
24:00the psychiatrist. Today we accept hypnosis as fact. Perhaps tomorrow
24:08telepathy may be fact.
