Destroy the EU

  • 4 years ago
The EU is an imperialist organization, exploiting the southern and eastern nations for labor in the neoliberal agenda which depends on the expansion of capitalism and an ever-growing pool of laborers to extort and enslave. The few in control, the European Commission, are wolves in sheep’s clothing, always plotting and scheming on how to grow their empire and consolidate power to themselves, they rape the workers of the fruits of their labor and take it back for themselves. The few in power seek to dissolve the sovereignty and individuality of their members and people, to turn them into puppets, slaves to serve the rich and powerful against their will. those members who do standup, who do listen to the woes of their people, who take a stand against the injustices and exploitations, who seek to stop the agenda by the tyrannical neo-liberals are berated and slurred, called dictators and traitors to democracy and freedom, and threatened with embargos, sanctions, and other consequences, the message is clear, fall in line or we will make you and your people suffer. The EU must be destroyed, the power must be given back to the people, for the people to make their own decisions and create their own destiny, no more should they endure under the oppression of the EU, take back your power and free yourselves from the chains of colonialism.
