• 5 years ago
MANY decades ago, family was regarded as the bedrock of the society, but today the reverse is the case. The falling standard of the family system has contributed to the breakdown of societal norms and values, and increased social vices among the youths. This present trend has made people to ask questions on the state of the family.
The decadence in the family today, according to sociologists, is traceable to poverty, inadequate income, insufficient basic social services, migration and urbanisation. Concern over the apparent failure of the family has prompted religious institutions, non-governmental organisations, in collaboration with the United Nations to dedicate some days to the family. In Nigeria, many churches dedicate special days to celebrate Mothers and Fathers, in order to remind them of their roles in the family and also create awareness on issues relating to the family. The UN, on its part, has set aside May 15, of every year as the International Day of the Family. According to the UN, the day is set aside to seek knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes that affect families.
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