30 Days KETO - Keto Diet Transformation & Review

  • 4 years ago
Day 30 out of 60 on Standard Dietary KETO . So far I feel great!

Honestly I didn't think my results would be this good but I'm leaner, eating a lot of calories, dropped 10lbs AND I'm working out 1/2 as much. I think KETO gets bad reviews (Much like other diets) because people do them wrong and/or they don't give them their full effort.

I have the same amount of strength, my daily energy is the same and I feel no different working out. This is probably due to me already being fat adapted from years of targeted keto ( my 100lb weight loss).

From my experience it all comes down to a few key things:
-Eating enough fat
-Ingesting enough salt
-Having high quality fats
-Multiple servings of veggies
-Weigh, measuring, and tracking EVERYTHING
-Reading every
