The WHO depopulation plan (shorter version)

  • 4 years ago
This shortened video shows how viruses and bacteria proteins are created inside your body, by your own body and are not contagious.
The only way to get foreign human bacteria or viruses inside your body is by injection.
The patented Corona virus vaccine, will indeed have toxic human/animal tissue in it.

The damage of 60 Ghz millimeter radiation waves creates the same protein/nucleic acid response in your body as the tests are looking for, diagnosing the corona virus.

With 5G towers switched on, dissidents and undesired parts of populations, can be assassinated, blaming the corona virus as being the killer.

Before we will figure out that the corona virus doesn’t exist, except in the patented lab created vaccine, most of us will probably go willingly into quarantine camp, if they are targeted as a dissident protester, by those behind agenda 21.

05.08 min. Dana Ashlie explains how the 60 Ghz millimeter frequency of 5G is making the electrons around the 2 atoms of the oxygen molecule, spin, so they will not be able to be absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood.
Symptoms of the corona virus point to shortage of oxygen, while diagnosed to have an ammonia, which is known to fill the lungs with liquid, instead of the dry coughs that are being reported.

Although 26.000 scientists opposed this technology in a petition, Wuhan has 5G covered in every corner of the city since October last year and since December vaccinations were mandatory.
Like the US, China has made these particular millimeter waves unlicensed in order to release it all over the country. Just like 2.4 Ghz which has been unlicensed and used in micro waves, WiFi routers, cordless phones and even baby monitors.

The Diamond Princess cruise ship, which had an outbreak of corona, was never in Wuhan or other infected areas but does have her own millimeter wave network to receive internet wherever it goes.

Could, Big Pharma and Microsoft teaming up in combining vaccinations with implantable micro chips, have to do with Bill Gates funding the Pirbright institute that owns the patent to the corona virus, if the symptoms of the corona virus are really 60 millimeter wave damage?

22.53 min. Nutritional Doctor Argenes Vanderplanet explains a virus is a protein waste product in solvent solution and a flu is a solvent detoxification. A cold is a normally a bacterial detoxification, where microbes eat waste material of damaged tissue.
If the human body gets poisoned by food additives or other chemicals that kill the bacteria, the body starts creating a virus which acts like a solvent to get rid of all the garbage that has formed.
When the temperature is right, certain viruses come up and clean the body as a solvent.
Sometimes yearly, sometimes every 20 year, depending on the conditions of the body and the type of body part that needs to be cleansed.

Explanations how pandemics like the Spanish flu, swine flu but also Aids, have caused many victims by injecting the man-made virus and how it was made.


