America Couldn't Handle China's Methods to Defeat COVID-19, Experts Say

  • 4 years ago
America Couldn't Handle
China's Methods to Defeat
COVID-19, Experts Say Chinese officials and public health experts
say that even if President Donald Trump would
enact strict testing and lockdowns, it would not be enough to stop the spread of
COVID-19 throughout the United States. Local authorities went door-to-door for
health checks in Wuhan, China, in February, forcing residents with symptoms to isolate in makeshift hospitals and temporary quarantine shelters. Huiyao Wang, a senior adviser to
China's government, spoke to 'USA Today'
about the country's preventative measures. Huiyao Wang,
via 'USA Today' Huiyao Wang,
via 'USA Today' President Trump said he expects U.S. cases of
COVID-19 to peak "around Easter." As of Tuesday, the coronavirus has infected
almost 190,000 people in the U.S.,
including more than 4,000 deaths.