• 5 years ago
Happy Art Review (HAR) is my mini series.

Apparently YT removed my video because degenerates are born naked from doing sex-stuff. That is too hardcore for YT. R-rated movies of gun violence is totally fun. Society and their priorities, haha

I am the first to coin the term Coomer Artist to define the genre of coom art to differentiate between "porn artists" those who acts in pornography films and "Coomer artist" those who draws erotic/porngraphic/pinups types of digital/traditional art.

Truth to be told, I am considering the path of becoming a coomer artist myself. It is really good money even thought it might be a taint on the legacy. However, everyone have to do what they need to do to get by.

Art review is just about art, not about your life choices, no judgement.

I decided to share my own list of top 20 Best Coomer Artist of 2020. I reviewed around 50+ artist. I have no filters so I am just going to age restrict this video.

Please don''t be upset over 1 thicc boy's opinions, it is not the absolute. It is okay to disagree.

I will share with you what I learnt and what I think.
For Collaboration?
DM instagram @tbho
Alternatively, email me at HBN1.ART@gmail.com

If you got any cool ideas, do share and comment down below.

Feel free to tell me what you think and feel! If you want to collaborate or podcast, etc.
