A Hard Decision by Westley Thomas | BookVenture Publishing | Book Trailer

  • 4 years ago
William and Zera were childhood sweethearts who got married after high school. That’s where the joy in their lives ended! William was off to fight in Vietnam, in service to his country that asked thousands of young men to give up their lifestyles to become soldiers. Like so many other families, William and Zera’s lives were uprooted and changed forever. Torn apart by the war, they tried to hold on as best they could. When news came to Zera of William’s death, nothing could repair the pain she felt. Time seems to heal all wounds and soon Zera met Steve. Although she felt uneasy about it, Zera began dating Steve and they were married. Many years passed before Zera got the shock of her life. One day, there was a phone call, then a visit. When Zera opened her door, of course who should be standing there but William! Zera couldn’t believe it. Neither could Zera’s current husband, Steve, who actually served with William in the war. Zera was forced to make “a hard decision.” Who to continue her life with? Could you make such a choice? So, who does Zera choose? And what shocking conclusion does the author keep hidden until the very end? The book is a tribute to the spirit and strength of every human being and what makes people do the things they do. There is something with which every reader will be able to identify. The book combines love, war, loss, family, friendship, death and all of the elements of daily life that anyone could humanly experience.

Westley Thomas, a native New Yorker, was born in the Bronx and raised on Staten Island. After High School in 1965, he joined the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Vietnam 1966-1968. On April 22, 1967 Corporal W. Thomas received a Letter of Appreciation from Commanding General, L.B. Robertshaw for serving as a member of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing’s Contingency Reaction Force. The Force had responded immediately on 24 December 1966, to an airplane crash in a populated village In the Hoa Vang District Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam. 120 Vietnamese Nationals were killed and 20 wounded. The Force provided assistance to the survivors and extinguished the blaze during conditions involving great individual risk. The letter was awarded for professionalism, devotion to duty, and courage. Mr. Thomas received his Sergeant promotion while still in Vietnam. In 1969 he was Honorably Discharged as a Sergeant (E-5). In 1975 he joined the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves 6th Communication Battalion, Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, until1977. Mr. Thomas’ service at the Yard and to our country is memorialized on BLDG 92’s Tribute Wall.
