Correct Your Technique

  • 4 years ago
Take a look at some common mistakes in the following exercises: Glute Bridge, suspended close grip rows, front plank & bicep curls
❌ GLUTE BRIDGE MISTAKE: Overarching lower back (excessive anterior tilt of pelvis) at the top of the bridge position. By pushing the hips up too high the lower back becomes compromised, placing extra stress on it. Elite Ladies tip: your optimum body position would be to have a neutral or a slight posterior pelvic tilt (this can help engage the glutes more)
❌ SUSPENDED CLOSE ROW MISTAKES: Hips dropping too low at the bottom of the row and the wrists turning at the top of the row. Allowing the hips to drop places extra stress on the lower back and disengages the working muscles. Also bending or turning the wrists at the top of of the movement places unnecessary stress on the wrist joint. Elite Ladies tip: Try to keep the hips up, neutral spine and pause for a second as you pull at the top of the row, keeping your wrists straight
❌ FRONT PLANK MISTAKE: Hips too high (butt in the air). An incorrect body position could be due to poor core strength or lack of body awareness. Elite Ladies tip: Try to keep your back in a neutral spine position, core fully engaged and try to imagine that you are pulling your elbows towards your toes, this should help to to engage your core
❌ BICEP CURL MISTAKE: Lack of control, using extra momentum and having poor time under tension. Tempo is very important when it comes to exercise; it ensures we are engaging the targeted muscle with good control and can help us alter the intensity of an exercise too. When we move too fast it means we are not fully in control and the risk of injury can be higher. To prevent swinging try to engage your core as much as possible. Elite Ladies tip: the most important thing about lifting weights is your technique, if the weight is too heavy and you don’t have good form and control reduce it until you master the movement.