
  • 4 years ago
yoga school in rishikesh
It’s happy to share my experience of Id of scientific studies which I collected in India for the west to identify with all of you and it’s all about to how yoga can make a distance from disease and help you recover.

1. Improves your flexibility
It plays a main role in flexibility and gives good health benefits. But if you stay with it, you will notice a gradual loosening and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will be possible. You may also notice that the mother and mother begin to disappear. I. Tendon tightness can flatten the lumbar spine and caused the pain in the back..

2. Builds muscle strength
If muscles are good then they can do good more than they look like. Yoga helps us to protect from arthritis and back pain. From yoga, you can make the strength of the muscle as well as the flexibility. For example, if you go to the gym and lift the weight, it can only make your muscles strong but can’t give the facility to your muscle.

3. Perfects your posture
Our head is a big round ball and it is very heavy. When the head is balanced over the spine, it takes less support from the backbone. When we move it some forward all strain comes to those muscles.

Maintaining a big head tends forward for eight or 12 hours a day, and it can make you tired

. A weak posture can create the problems in the neck , back and other parts of the body.

4. Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown

Every time you practice yoga, your joints stay active. It only receives fresh food when the liquid is shrinking and new supplies can be absorbed. Without the adequate provision, the discoloured areas of cartilage can eventually wear off.

5. Protects your spine
Shock absorber between vertebrae that can compress or expand the nerves which are further called spinal disks and the process is called crave moment. A good asana that will practise can plenty of forwarding bends and twists.

6. Betters your bone health
It is well documented that physical exercise strengthens bones and helps prevent fragility. Most of the yoga positions are used to lift your own weight. And some, like the bitch facing downward and facing upward, help to strengthen the arm bones, which are particularly susceptible to fragility fractures. Yoga's ability to reduce stress cortisol levels can help maintain calcium in the bones.

7. Increases your blood flow
It makes the blood good flow. Yoga also provides more oxygen to the cells, which work better as a result. Haemoglobin and red blood cells are also can increase by yoga. The blood that makes platelets less sticky and lowers the level of proteins that promote blood clotting.

8. Drains your lymphs and boosts immunity
By doing Yoga you can increase the immunity and the drains of lymphs. Immunity of the body plays a good role to make the body healthy so indirectly Yoga makes you healthy in the ways. By doing yoga a viscous liquid in immune cells. and more


