What is Some Secret to Success You've had with Affiliate Marketing?

Kevin Whitsitt

by Kevin Whitsitt

Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is?


Hello, today I'm going to answer the question what is some secret to success you've had with affiliate marketing. Sure hard work, loving what you do and patience all help a lot with affiliate marketing.

Honestly, my number 1 answer would be to get help from the right people. Hard work alone is just not the answer. I know because I worked really, really hard when I first got started and I made no money.

If I didn't get the right help, I would still probably be making no money with this business.

It's almost like the story of Roy Krock and Mcdonalds. Did you watch the movie? He was selling milk shake machines and barely making any money.

Than he noticed a burger place in L.A. Ordering tons of milkshake machines. What did he do? Yea, he asked for help.

He asked what the hell they were doing. Of course, the brothers were all proud, so they spilled the beans. Then Roy Krock rode on the coattails of the brothers and made lots of money.

The saying “if it's too good to be true, it usually isn't.” To me that is being a cynic. The problem with being a cynic is you can be wrong.

Roy Krock was skeptical. These brothers are doing this much business, let me look at what they are doing.

Wow, they really did figure something out. He could have been like “oh, that is bullshit there business isn't doing that good, I'm not going to look at what they are doing.

I'm just going to continue selling milkshake machines making no money. There really are easier ways to do things and if you disagree, just look airplanes.

Who would of thought that someone could of figured out a way to travel from the U.S. To London in 5 hours and 13 minutes in the sky. That was the record, so far.

It used to be that sailing a ship would take 1 to 2 months to cross the Atlantic. A steam boat took it down to just 15 days. The airplane even less.

The real secret to any business is you don't have to figure it out all on your own. Even Warren Buffet didn't do this. No, he learned from Ben Graham, how to invest and just took action.

Learn from the best, take action and that is all you have to do. Enough about me, what is some secret to success you have had with affiliate marketing? Please share in the comments.

Also, one of the most valuable skills you can learn in affiliate marketing is how to promote offers to your list. There is only 1 person I recommend for this because he is very good. If you want to know who this person is just click on the link below or go to http://www.trustthelink.com/. Bye for now.