How can I be a Good Affiliate Marketer as a Student Without Destroying My Studies?

  • 4 years ago
Click on the link below to discover the #1 way to promote affiliate offers.

Hello, how can someone be a good affiliate marketer as a student without destroying their studies. The short answer is to be disciplined with your time.

We all have 24 hours in the day. This whole idea of studying and working and not sleeping is complete bullshit. My sleep is my number 1 priority actually, more so than anything else.

You could sit down and come up with a written plan. How much of my day to commit to your school and studies. Then how much of your day you will commit to affiliate marketing.

Also, don't forget about yourself and fun time. All work and no play is not good.

Maybe you only have 2 hour every day to commit to affiliate marketing. If so, that is ok.

The cool thing about being busy is you actually get more done in the time you allow it. You want something done, ask a busy person right?

Those 2 hours of time, will be very productive. As long as you focus on income producing activities. What works for me is I work until a certain time and then I'm off.

Yea, I watch Netflix, play video games or my guitar and escape. Sometimes in the middle of the day I go surfing.

I honestly have to force myself to stop working. Income producing activities are anything that can produce income for my business.

This is tricky because somethings just work better than others. Creating a TikTok video around my niche and putting in targeting hashtags and submitting it, is an income producing activity.

Manually talking to someone on Facebook regarding the niche I'm in is another income producting activity.

Creating the perfect YouTube thumbnail is not an income producing activity because it doesn't produce income.

Learning about affiliate marketing is a gray area. What do you think? Is learning about affiliate marketing an income producing activity?

Please share in the comments?

The number 1 income producing activity I feel is promoting offers your list. This is why I'm a big believer in learning how to do this right.

If you don't know how to promote offers, you will make no money. Working and making no money sucks ok.

If you want to learn how to do this the right way I recommend clicking the link at the bottom or going to

Bye for now.