What Skills Should I Have Before I Start my Career in Affiliate Marketing?

Kevin Whitsitt

by Kevin Whitsitt

Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is?


Hey, today I want to talk about what skills should I have before I start my career in affiliate marketing. I've been doing affiliate marketing for many years and have made so many mistakes.

If I had to pick my biggest mistake it would have to do with my ego. I thought it was mostly common sense and I could figure things out on my own.

I was too big to ask for help. This led to me making not a lot of money for a very long time because I was doing so many things wrong.

The number 1 skill is to humble yourself to realizing you don't know that much. This leads you to learning and finding people who are better than you.

The second skill is I would say is to take action. On the flip side there are some people who are always learning and learning. If you don't use what you learned then it doesn't mean anything.

If you take no action then you will take no results. If you are worried about looking stupid or what your friends will think, I recommend purposely looking at stupid as you can be.

Once you do that then you face your fear and you realize it's no big deal.

The third skill I'm going to choose is just sticking to it and not quiting. I recently read the book “Shut Up and Listen” about the Houston Rockets owner and the last chapter he said was the number 1 skill to have is keep punching.

Don't quit. There is a difference between delusion and persistence but generally people quit things way too early.

The path of success is usually never straight, you may have to change your strategy at times, but not quitting is a good thing. My YouTube channel before this one, I kept making videos with No views then I hit the tipping point and started getting millions of views as 1 example.

One tip that really helped me think long term is to focus on the little success. Every post, video, article podcast episode I celebrate. Every-time I invite someone to look at what I have I celebrate.

I focus on the action, celebrate each step and the results will take care of themselves.

The 4th skill I would pick is to know your numbers. Knowing your numbers is not just a good skill to have in affiliate marketing, but in life.

If I had debt I would want to know everything about the debt. Some people are embarrassed about it and don't want to look at it. Escape from their problems with video games, drugs, TV, Sports or whatever.

I remember I took a marketing course a long time ago with selling products over the phone and Internet. They had a section on prospecting, closing and one was the missing pieces. The missing pieces was all about the numbers because once you realize it's all about math that you can keep doing what works.

This also has do with marketing. Some things just work better than others. Like I just started making videos for TikTok and my numbers are really good. This means I should put more