సహజంగా ప్రెగ్నన్సీ రావాలంటే ఈ జాగ్రత్తలు తప్పనిసరి | Get Quick Pregnancy Naturally | Telugu

  • 4 years ago
In this video we are going to discuss on tips and instructions for quick pregnancy.
Why pregnancy getting delayed? and to get quick pregnancy what we need to do? In recent times, people are getting married later in age. But ideally 20 to 28 age is the best age to conceive and in this also 24 to 26 age is the right time. Because we are following two children for family in India. So if you plan for a baby at 24 and with two years gap you can plan for second baby at 26 or 27 age
this is called perfect family plan. Why pregnancy becomes difficult after 30, Of course 30 is the age, and after 30, Ovaries become dull and quick pregnancy may not happen and if conceived, leads to many problems to both mother and the baby.

Best thing is to plan marriage and career rather than pregnancy planning new generation need to think about this. Studies and career need to go simultaneously. So to plan a healthy baby at right time the tips for early pregnancy is to get married at right age. Now a days couples are postponing pregnancy even after marriage. Postpone.. postpone.. because of higher studies and going abroad
and thinking about to settle. All things do exist but after all these, when you plan for pregnancy, you do have lot of problems which makes you to consult doctors in hospitals so right age is 24 to 26 for women and men. 30 plus age is not a big problem for men egg quality will be reduced with age so 24 to 26 is the right age for women to get married.

You need to plan pregnancy with periods. Check if u have irregular periods, if exists, take early treatment and look if any problems like irregular periods and check if male or female has a problem, do not delay, take early treatment. Healthy habits play an important role in pregnancy having food and sleep on time and habits like smoking and drinking may delay the pregnancy. These habits reduce the sperm count and its better to be far away from these bad habits. And also wife and husband are not spending enough time and to start the procedure as part of their pregnancy plan. And they feel it as hurdles because of work stress, night shifts and going to other work places.

You need to take control on all these and plan to get pregnancy in natural ways this is what I can suggest you as a doctor. Spend together and plan for a baby with emotional bond. With this bond, hormonal and egg release will be good if u know the time of egg release and with the suggestions of doctor, plan your time to spend together and if you face any difficulties in intercourse, if u feel any burning or itching sensations with small corrections, you can solve it. No requirement of big treatments, if you plan your treatment early.

When we study this topic in depth, different problems arise PCOD for women and low sperm count for men, these all become worse with age. Treat problems early, now a days PCOD happening at 16 age by treating them early and planning pregnancy will give you a healthy baby without any infertility treatments
