No difference between Census and NPR, claims Kishan Reddy

  • 5 years ago
n Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy claimed that there is no much difference between the Census exercise and the National Population Register (NPR) and the Centre has decided to conduct the Census Exercise from 2021. Addressing the media here on Monday, he said preparations are already underway to carry out the Census and NPR together.

He said some people are making different statements that they would not implement it in some States. Some others are saying they would decide its implementation after deciding on the cabinet.

But, "The Census exercise falls under the Union list -69 of the constitution, backed by the 1948 Census Act and 1990 Census Rules. No one can say that he would not implement and even the government officials given the responsibility cannot reject the census duties," he added.

He said that the housing Census will be carried ahead in 2020 ahead of the population enumeration which will be taken up in 2021. The housing census will be held from Apil to September 2020 and the population enumeration will be taken up from February 9 to 28, 2021, he added. Unlike earlier, Kishan Reddy said the Census exercise will be carried out across the country in both the digital and paper mode.

The Union minister said, "Training for the staff at state and district levels has been completed and the offices of Registrar general and Directorate have been started in 28 States and 5 Union Territories in the country.

The data collection could be collected through a mobile application. Where there is no mobile connectivity, the staff can use a paper schedule to collect the data. Similarly, we are also considering allowing the individual citizens to update their details online as part of introducing self enumeration. That apart, a Census Web Portal (CWP) is launched for collection and monitoring of data collection by the field staff, he said.
