• 5 years ago


What a pleasure to dance with that many tangueras that all seem to connect and let my movement move their legs and switch roles as well.

What can it be that makes us move ourselves and disconnect from the movement of the leader, while we would prefer to melt together?

1 Is it the music that makes me move?
2 Is it to avoid bumping into others that are approaching?
3 Is it the others threatening to bump into us if we don't move along with the flow?
4 Is it our wish to achieve the same quality of dance like we achieved last time?
5 Or is it simply because lessons teach us to perceive any movement of the leader, as a proposal to move ourselves?

For me, it's usually a mix of several but never the last one.
The most probable reason that I move myself, is usually that I want to help my leader to move me, while I know I probably achieve the opposite doing so.

What about you? What makes you move yourself while you would prefer to be moved by the leader in order to melt together, forming 1 body on 4 legs?

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