• 5 years ago
A lady avoiding eye contact, seems to be afraid to dance with me.
When our eyes meet I decide to invite her and she seems to be willing to give it a try.

But then, tired of explaining that I can't lead if my partner is moving around by herself,
I ask her if she wants me to follow her.

She says she's waiting for me to lead her.
Annoyed, I tell her that I need her connection for that, not her moving to the music.

Angrily we look each other in the eyes. At the point that we're about to quit, she promises to give it a try.

I know from experience that this will not be easy.
Specially for her, so I decide to be as subtle as possible.
And guess what!

We started with a cold distant embrace but eventually she melts together with me, resting her head on my cheek.

Although I feel pleased,
it makes me worry about these few young leaders that have the courage to be different.

How will they ever be accepted without a 20+ years of experience?
In order to lead her, using the connection she provides, instead of proposing a step and follow her?

As teaching that, will only take one lesson and will not provide teachers with and life long income…

Sharing the free pleasures of life without depending on money.



