• 6 years ago
美탄핵조사 증인들 "트럼프 '우크라 통화' 부적절•이례적"

New testimonies are driving U.S. President Donald Trump further into a corner.
Four witnesses have appeared in the third public hearing of the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry against Trump.
For more on this and other news from around the world, let's turn to our Kim Da-mi.
Da-mi, walk us through the latest testimonies. What did the witnesses have to say?
Connyoung, let's start with Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, who described Trump's July 25 call as a "shock" and the "worst fear."
In the second week of public hearings on Tuesday, Vindman clarified that it was inappropriate for the President to demand a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen and political opponent.
"I was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation, it was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma, it would be interpreted as a partisan play."
The White House National Security Council's top Ukraine expert then added that Trump's request would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermining U.S. national security and advancing Russia's strategic objectives in the region.
Vindman added that "character attacks" against public servants testifying in the impeachment inquiry were "reprehensible," urging Americans to be "better than personal attacks."
Jennier Williams, an aide to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, further strengthened Vindman's testimony that Trump's July 25 call was "unusual" because "it involved discussion of what appeared to be a domestic political matter."
Kurt Volker, former Special Envoy to Ukraine, made it clear that he didn't any take any part in any effort to urge Ukraine to investigate Trump's political rival Joe Biden.
Unlike in previous hearings, President Trump said he watched the testimony this time, but still expressed anger and resentment.
"All these people are talking about --- they heard a conversation of a conversation of another conversation that was had by the president. What's going on is a disgrace and it's an embarrassment to our nation."
The White House further added they've "learned nothing new in Tuesday's illegitimate impeachment proceedings."


