Zombie Shopping Spree | Left 4 Dead 2

  • 5 years ago
After braving the zombie hordes in the hotel and streets, the Four Survivors (Ellis, Coach, Rochelle, and Nick) make their way into the mall after gathering the necessary supplies and ammunition from the safe zone. Knowing full well how many people visit the mall on occasion before the apocalypse, Ellis and the others prepared for the large hordes that awaited them inside. Coach gave a small prayer to the Lord before they set out into the mall.

Having to go down one of the escalators, the survivors encounter a wailing undead woman, referred to as a witch. Once they began their assault against her, Ellis decided to stand behind the others as he aimed his weapon against the witch, and they all fired upon her, bringing her down after an insane amount of bullets shot her down. He did not want to get knocked down like he did when facing a previous witch in the streets.

Making their way through the side hallways, presumably, the places former mall workers were allowed to go through, an emergency alarm went off after the survivors opened of the double doors, and the loud sounds pulled a large swarm of the zombies, as they had to make their way up to shut the alarm off. Inevitably, Nick and Ellis suffered the most from braving the hordes, getting knocked down repeatedly.

In the end, the survivors made it to the atrium, encountering posters regarding Jimmy Gibbs and they see a race car in the middle of the atrium area. They concoct a plan to gather the randomly placed gallons of gasoline throughout the place and fill up the car to escape the zombies. It did not take too long, with coordination from the survivors to get all the gasoline before starting to fill up the car, despite the zombie hordes coming from all directions. Once they got all the gasoline and began to fill it up, and the swarms did not end, with Ellis having to be guarded by Nick, Rochelle, and Coach. After the car was filled up, the survivors went into the car and drove out the atrium, breaking down the front doors and escaping the place for good.

More information about the Dead Center Campaign
3rd Level - Mall: https://left4dead.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Center_-_3/4:_Mall
4th Level - Atrium: https://left4dead.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Center_-_4/4:_Atrium

More information about Left 4 Dead 2
Official Game Page: http://www.l4d.com/game.html
Valve: https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/550/Left_4_Dead_2/

Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/acalburn
Gab: https://gab.com/ACalburn
Minds: https://www.minds.com/calburn

Video: https://youtu.be/WpRv2xGhdPk
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcXXn8MRC3PHLh26RXiLpNlD7Azs8PJvp

Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4NzkL5X4xueq/

Intro Music Credit:
"Hour Upon Hour" by Revolt Production Music

Outro Music Credit:
"Who Will Save Us Now" by David Chappell
