Online Sales

  • 5 years ago - Make more sales!
Hi, my name is Carol Zurita, an expert in Marketing and Branding.
Only eight years ago I wasn't an expert tho. I moved to China, running away from an unhappy life. Once there, I was homeless for a couple of months, dragging my luggage around the city looking for a job, a home, and stability. I didn't know anything about the culture, cost of living, nor their language.
I spent all these years trying, reading, learning, failing, and trying again.
Self-education took me from being homeless to becoming the first Latin American received the award of the top 100 leaders in Marketing and Advertisement by MadCon Dubai 2019.
I am here to help you achieve your financial goals. All these eight years of learning and experiences are confined in a five-week course. All the steps mentioned in my class are the steps I took to make me a great professional. It is your turn now!
Email me to the addresses below and I will get you a 50% discount to the course.
Take action now!