• 5 years ago - This video contains a legitimate test of the platform with a decent amount of bitcoin. The service is used to increase bitcoin profit quickly, easily, and return back to bitcoin wallet payout address within 30 minutes. You can earn anywhere from 10% and 100% of your deposit amount. The site claims to work its magic with their "trading bots" on top bitcoin exchange networks. The bots trade over and over with your BTC deposit amount while the groups communicate across the biggest bitcoin exchanges regarding current price differences within each bitcoin exchange, and attempt to buy low and sell high. This gets repeated over and over to make you profit on your deposit amount until 30 minutes time has passed. Afterwards the bots will deliver your deposit back to the platform where you will then find out how much profit you made on your btc deposit, and finally bitcoin payout, which consists of your profit and original deposit amount. Check out this video of the whole thing in action, and it really works! Just don't bother trying to use the service again within the same 30 days of your last use as that will get you permanently banned. - Bitcoin Price Mining Trade-Bot System at