• 6 years ago
Passed | 1h 6min | Comedy, Music, Western | 8 February 1952 (USA)

Made during the period when Clayton Moore had been replaced on the Lone Ranger television series by John Hart, but actually appears to have been made during the dawn of the sound era because of the excessive amounts of stock footage culled from earlier westerns made by producer Edward Finney, who never let much film from his productions be used only once, which accounts for some Monogram stock with Tex Ritter and Tris Coffin. Story concerns the efforts of Buffalo Bill to protect the Indian's land from a gang who want to get the gold buried there. The outlaws disguise themselves as Indians and raid and plunder the settlers in order to blame the tribe.

Director: Bernard B. Ray

Writers: Sam Neuman, Nat Tanchuck

Stars: Clayton Moore, Slim Andrews, Charles Harvey

00:01:18In that vast expanse of rich country,
00:01:21west of the Mississippi to the Pacific,
00:01:24the American Indian ruled supreme.
00:01:27That is, until the coming of the white man.
00:01:31They came in wagons and on foot,
00:01:34with all their whirly possessions.
00:01:36These people, the pioneers of our golden west.
00:01:41Time and distance were so great
00:01:43as they plotted on to their destination,
00:01:45that often with the dawn came the cry of new life.
00:01:50As each day neared the end,
00:01:52there were many tired and toil-worn feet.
00:01:56The circle camp was set up for the coming night
00:01:58in hope of rest and protection
00:02:00from the dangers that lurked in this new land.
00:02:03So far from the home they had left behind.
00:02:08All this happened before the eyes of the red man.
00:02:12The American Indian saw a new people
00:02:15entering the lands he had known as his own.
00:02:18Some were friendly.
00:02:20Some were hostile.
00:02:22And some moved on.
00:02:25Another morning.
00:02:27Each day brought new hardships and toil.
00:02:30A burden that would have crushed weaker spirits.
00:02:33But for some there was no morning.
00:02:36Their journey ended before their destination was reached.
00:02:40All who ventured west encountered the hazards of sickness,
00:02:43violence, hunger, and thirst.
00:02:46Only the stronger, with saddened hearts, moved on.
00:02:51Others perished,
00:02:53leaving no history of their passing.
00:02:56The only evidence of their fate is what the buzzards left.
00:03:00As the west developed,
00:03:02the cavalry often came to the rescue of the distressed,
00:03:05restoring peace where there was neither law nor order.
00:03:09Soldiers and scouts such as Daniel Boone,
00:03:11Lewis and Clark, Pike, Crockett,
00:03:14Fremont, Jed Carson, Custer,
00:03:17these men made the journey of our pioneers less hazardous.
00:03:21The trailblazers of the west were these pioneers
00:03:24who helped make our country what it is today.
00:03:32Soldiers and scouts.
00:03:34Men and women who dreamed of a better world in which to live.
00:03:39The scouts protected the migration of livestock
00:03:42where it was most needed.
00:03:46A friend both to the white man and Indian,
00:03:50one of the foremost scouts was William Cody,
00:03:53better known as Buffalo Bill.
00:03:58That's gum it, Bill.
00:03:59I'm telling you for the last time,
00:04:01the first chance I get, I'm through.
00:04:03I'm through, I tell you.
00:04:15There's your chance, Cactus.
00:04:22Well, now, Bill, don't be too hasty.
00:04:25Besides, I don't think that wagon train's going in my direction.
00:04:28Direction or no direction,
00:04:30you still make a good nursemaid to a calf.
00:04:33Well, Bill, I didn't mind fighting Indians with you.
00:04:35I didn't mind crossing the great divide.
00:04:37But when it comes to being a nursemaid to a darned orphaned calf,
00:04:40I'm going to draw the line.
00:04:42Maybe you look like the motherly type.
00:04:45Hey, you forgot to burp it.
00:04:47Oh, Bill.
00:04:49Look, Indians.
00:04:55They're going to attack the wagon train.
00:04:56Let's get to our horses.
00:05:19Let's get to our horses.
00:05:49Let's get to our horses.
00:06:19Let's get to our horses.
00:06:49Watch yourself, Bill.
00:07:00What is it?
00:07:01Females, nothing but females.
00:07:04This must be a Merriam train.
00:07:35Let's go.
00:07:44Let's go.
00:08:04That's pretty good shooting for a female, ma'am.
00:08:26Well, ain't no doubt about you.
00:08:36Critter as big as you couldn't be a woman.
00:08:38You think I am too big, Ma?
00:08:41What do you want?
00:08:42Skin and bones?
00:08:43You are nothing but a skinny man.
00:08:46Ha, you.
00:08:47What a man.
00:08:51That woman is a woman.
00:08:53That woman is a woman.
00:09:00Maria's our cook.
00:09:01She's been with us for years.
00:09:02And there's a better shot than most of us.
00:09:04I can understand Maria wearing a dress,
00:09:06but this is the first time I've ever seen soldiers in skirts.
00:09:09My name is Bill Cody.
00:09:11Buffalo Bill.
00:09:12Well, this is a pleasure.
00:09:13I'm Lieutenant Brian in charge of the post at Fort Randall.
00:09:16I guess you're wondering about our little masquerade.
00:09:19The settlers here about looked to us for protection.
00:09:21There have been four wagon train attacks in the past two weeks.
00:09:24We thought we'd give those Sioux something that looked like easy picking.
00:09:28Lieutenant, the Sioux signed a peace treaty with us.
00:09:30I was there when White Cloud and the other chiefs agreed to the truce.
00:09:33Yes, I know.
00:09:34But you can see how they keep their treaty.
00:09:36I don't know.
00:09:37There's something strange about this attack.
00:09:39What do you mean?
00:09:41Look out there.
00:09:43Notice anything?
00:09:45No dead or wounded Indians.
00:09:47In all my years as an Indian fighter,
00:09:48I've never seen redskins pick up their wounded and dead.
00:09:51Neither have I.
00:09:53Sir, we're ready to move.
00:09:57We'd be proud to have you accompany us to Fort Randall.
00:10:00Thanks, Lieutenant, but we have a herd of cattle to deliver to White Cloud in no time.
00:10:03Cattle for White Cloud?
00:10:06You see, the treaty calls for the government to deliver these cattle to the Indians.
00:10:09That means trouble.
00:10:10Oh, what do you mean?
00:10:12You'll have to drive them through Fort Randall.
00:10:14Folks there feel that the Sioux should be run out of this country, not fed.
00:10:17Till I receive orders to the contrary,
00:10:19White Cloud gets these cattle.
00:10:21I'll see you in town, Lieutenant.
00:10:23Jack, let's go.
00:10:48Sokie, that was a trap down there.
00:10:50I thought you knew what you were doing.
00:10:52I had it straight on the other wagon trains.
00:10:54You think if I knew they were dressed up like women, I'd stick my neck out?
00:10:56You're supposed to know.
00:10:57That's why I'm paying you.
00:10:58Who were those men that rode in to help the wagons?
00:11:00I recognized one of them.
00:11:02Buffalo Bill.
00:11:03He's bringing in a treaty cattle.
00:11:05If he ever gets them to White Cloud, we'll never get the Indians off the land.
00:11:08You want me and the boys to stop him?
00:11:11I've got a better idea.
00:11:13Where's Running Deer?
00:11:15He left with the other Indians right after the attack.
00:11:17The good citizens won't like the idea of cattle being given to Indians who are massacring wagon trains.
00:11:23As soon as your men finish dressing, get into town and spread the news.
00:11:45I guess the lieutenant was right.
00:11:54Let's ride in and see what it's all about.
00:12:08You folks are going to have to move aside.
00:12:10I've got to herd a cattle coming through.
00:12:12You're mistaken, Mr. Buffalo Bill.
00:12:14You're not going to deliver any cattle to those bloodthirsty Indians.
00:12:19Go back and tell the boys to stop the herd.
00:12:25I'm sorry to disagree with you, ma'am.
00:12:27But it's my job to see that our treaty with White Cloud is fulfilled.
00:12:30Well, then why doesn't White Cloud live up to it?
00:12:32His Indians have been attacking white men.
00:12:34Only last week, my father was wounded and barely got away with his life.
00:12:38There's no proof there were White Cloud's brave.
00:12:40Our father's wounds are proof enough.
00:12:42Anybody can tell they were Sioux.
00:12:45I've never seen Sioux fight the way they did today.
00:12:48It's just not Indian style.
00:12:50Now, please clear the way.
00:12:52Those cattle have to go through.
00:12:54They'll have to go through these first.
00:13:07I thought they were tough.
00:13:09Get in there!
00:13:16Come on!
00:13:17Come on!
00:13:26What's the matter with you?
00:13:39Didn't your ma tell you it ain't polite to point?
00:13:55That's it!
00:13:56That's it now!
00:13:57Get him!
00:14:08Hold it, Blake!
00:14:11All right, everybody, disperse.
00:14:13Go about your business.
00:14:16You forget, Blake, this town is under martial law.
00:14:18Martial law?
00:14:19All you and your fancy blue legs have done is ride around and look pretty.
00:14:23That's very in detail, but Corporal Small this morning didn't look so pretty.
00:14:27Further bloodshed won't solve any problems.
00:14:30We'll reach a peaceful decision.
00:14:33All right, Lieutenant, we know you've got a job to do,
00:14:35but if your method fails, we'll try ours.
00:14:40I know you've got your orders, Bill,
00:14:42but there's no denying the fact that you trust these redskins a lot more than I do.
00:14:45I know them a lot better than you do.
00:14:47That's true.
00:14:48But I can't sit idly by while attacks happen every day.
00:14:51Before you take any action, Lieutenant, let me go and see White Cloud.
00:14:55If I find the Sioux really is causing this trouble, I'm with you all the way.
00:14:59All right, that's fair enough.
00:15:01Let the cattle stay here until you prove that the Sioux are innocent.
00:15:05All right.
00:15:06We'll bed the cattle down outside of town.
00:15:08You give me back my stone!
00:15:09Get out of here, kid!
00:15:16What's going on here?
00:15:19Him take my yellow stone!
00:15:21I want him back!
00:15:22You got that stone?
00:15:24No, I threw it away a long time ago.
00:15:28Hey, Cactus, let me have your harmonica.
00:15:30Come on.
00:15:32Pinfeathers, how would you like this?
00:15:34Hey, that's my harmonica, Bill!
00:15:39Neat old light!
00:15:41What did you expect to come out, Yankee Doodle?
00:15:43Okay, Bill, you and Cactus can get cleaned up at the post.
00:15:46Thanks, Lieutenant.
00:15:52I have nothing further to say to you as long as you're in that uniform.
00:15:57I can't understand you.
00:15:59When we first became engaged, you were proud of my uniform.
00:16:02That was before I learned the full meanings of the words army wife.
00:16:07I don't want to sit home each time you go out in patrol and wonder whether or not you're coming back alive.
00:16:12I'm a soldier.
00:16:13It's my job.
00:16:14Father offered you a job as wagon master last month, but you had to rejoin the cavalry,
00:16:20just exactly like Corporal Smalls.
00:16:23Did you see his widow this morning?
00:16:25I did.
00:16:27I had to break the news to her.
00:16:29Can't you just picture somebody breaking the news to me about you?
00:16:35Goodbye, Lieutenant.
00:16:42If Buffalo Bill and that partner of his get to White Cloud, they may learn that Yellowstone is gold.
00:16:47I don't see how.
00:16:48Even the Sioux don't know that there's gold on their land.
00:16:50They don't know now, but if that treaty's fulfilled, sooner or later somebody's going to find out.
00:16:55I think we'd better talk to Running Deer.
00:16:58You contact him and meet me at the hideout.
00:17:02Two birds with one stone.
00:17:04And not Yellow either.
00:17:07If Buffalo Bill and Cactus are ambushed by Redskins,
00:17:10it proves to the people here in town that the only good Indians are dead Indians.
00:17:22Sure good grub.
00:17:24I'll saddle the horses while you finish eating, Cactus.
00:17:26I'll help you, Bill.
00:17:31You eat a moot, playful grub.
00:17:33Well, to tell you the truth, the more I sell the meats very much,
00:17:37I never could stand my own cooking.
00:17:39But when I run on the vittles like this, I just can't stop.
00:17:43If a gal could cook like this, I'd marry her in a minute.
00:17:46I'd go get him.
00:17:47Wait a minute.
00:17:48You mean to say the gal that cooks this food ain't married yet?
00:17:51No, but she'd want him, husband.
00:17:53Oh, she does, huh?
00:17:55Well, son, is she pretty?
00:17:58You know, is she nice-looking?
00:18:00Nice-looking? Eesh-da-what?
00:18:03What's that mean?
00:18:04Eyes that shine like stars.
00:18:06Oh, eyes that shine like stars.
00:18:09Pats and hota.
00:18:10What's pats and hota?
00:18:12Skin like frosted honey.
00:18:14Ooh, skin like frosted honey.
00:18:17Kunta seita.
00:18:18There you go again. Now, what does that mean?
00:18:20Lips like a crushed strawberry.
00:18:23Crushed strawberry?
00:18:25Why, she sounds good enough to eat.
00:18:27Why don't you go fetch her, son?
00:18:28You betcha.
00:18:40I think we should be back in a couple of days.
00:18:42Do you want some of my troopers to go with you?
00:18:44No, I'll just take Cactus with me.
00:18:46I'm sorry, Bill, but you'll have to go alone.
00:18:49What do you mean?
00:18:50I'm fixin' to marry and settle down.
00:18:52Oh, eyes that shine like stars.
00:18:55Skin like frosted honey.
00:18:58And lips that...
00:18:59You like my cooking, no?
00:19:01Your cooking?
00:19:03Pins ever say you like marry with me?
00:19:05Well, uh...
00:19:07If you say good, I'll make a good wife.
00:19:09You settle down. I have many muchachos.
00:19:12Well, I'll tell you the truth, ma'am.
00:19:14I'm just a little young to settle down.
00:19:16Hey, Bill, what are we waiting for?
00:19:18Don't we have to go see White Cloud?
00:19:27He probably won't stop running till he reaches Ogallala Springs.
00:19:31Good luck, Bill.
00:19:35Him come back.
00:19:36You get me at...
00:19:38My stomach.
00:19:39Oh, si.
00:19:48Here they come.
00:20:19We were to meet again at the sign of the full moon.
00:20:22Why do you stand for running, dear, today?
00:20:24This couldn't wait.
00:20:25All right, speak.
00:20:26There's a herd of treaty cattle outside of Fort Randall.
00:20:29They're to be given to your people if White Cloud can prove that the Sioux haven't been attacking wagon trains.
00:20:34Who goes to White Cloud for this proof?
00:20:36Buffalo Bill.
00:20:38I know him.
00:20:40The white man who brought the promised paper to the Sioux.
00:20:44And if he don't reach White Cloud with that paper, it'll be worthless.
00:20:51It's true.
00:21:15Hey, Bill.
00:21:17How about sending up some folk signals to White Cloud to sort of let him know we're coming?
00:21:22You know, I'm not anxious for these trigger-happy Indians to see us and figure we're sneaking up on them.
00:21:28All right, Jack. This will make you feel better.
00:21:30Well, the way I figure it is, it's sort of polite to knock before entering,
00:21:33especially when you don't know how you're going to be received.
00:21:36You better get some breakfast.
00:21:38All right.
00:22:12Let's try our luck.
00:22:34I sure hope all them Braves know how to read this smoke, Doc.
00:22:38There it is.
00:22:40White Cloud welcomes us and knows we're coming.
00:22:43Now, Bill, are you sure that's what they said?
00:22:47That's what they said, Jack.
00:22:49Well, I ain't had no learning, but when the smoke all clears away, and maybe your scalp with it,
00:22:54there ain't going to be no right and left to prove that they said welcome.
00:23:51I knew it. I knew it all the time.
00:23:54You and your smoke signals, Bill.
00:23:56I thought that first puff was a little shaky.
00:24:08You no good bunch of thieving homecats.
00:24:10Blake was right. You can't trust the Varmints, Bill.
00:24:14Two arrow, all right.
00:24:16There aren't too many. Just a few.
00:24:21Hey, Bill, you better count again.
00:24:23Oh, to think I could have got married and settled down.
00:24:26Well, so long, Bill. It's been good to know you.
00:24:29I don't understand it. White Cloud has never broken his word before.
00:24:33Come on.
00:24:50White Cloud!
00:24:55That's funny. Looks like our welcome team is leaving us, Bill.
00:25:02That's White Cloud himself.
00:25:05Bring back the faceless one!
00:25:23My scalp feels a lot better.
00:25:26Looks like you'll have plenty of time to settle down now, Cactus.
00:25:28Yeah, sure does.
00:25:31Me settle down?
00:25:32Oh, no, Bill.
00:25:46Greetings, White Cloud.
00:25:48White Cloud greets his brothers.
00:25:51Your smoke talk welcomed us.
00:25:53Yet we are attacked by a Sioux.
00:25:56The ones who attacked you have lost faith with us.
00:26:00Return to the tipi of the Sioux in peace, my brothers.
00:26:03Lead on.
00:26:29The smoke of peace is sweet, White Cloud.
00:26:32Yet the Indians have been attacking White Man's wagon train.
00:26:35White Cloud gives word.
00:26:38He's brave not to paint faces, since he placed a mark on promised paper.
00:26:43Where are cattle?
00:26:45The people at Fort Randall do not know, White Cloud.
00:26:48They have asked me to get proof that it were not the Sioux.
00:26:57White men at Fort Randall fear a shadow.
00:27:01The three before you, and others like them, broke my word.
00:27:05You take them to your people.
00:27:07They have broken White Cloud's word.
00:27:10Let them face White Cloud's justice.
00:27:12In the tipis of your fathers, they will be wailing for the dead tonight.
00:27:23White Cloud beats the drums of death too soon.
00:27:26Every Sioux brave has the right to speak.
00:27:34Before the mantle of death covers you, speak so all may hear.
00:27:40I am not a coyote who cries when he is trapped.
00:27:43I will not speak with my hands bound.
00:27:46Give them their hands.
00:27:55Why do my people turn their face from me?
00:27:58I am not their enemy.
00:28:00There is the enemy.
00:28:03His people have driven the buffalo away.
00:28:06And now he comes with White Man's cattle to soften the belly of the Sioux and take away the strength of our hearts.
00:28:12The world of the buffalo is gone.
00:28:15We have fought the White Man long enough.
00:28:18The war past is not our answer.
00:28:20We are not squaws.
00:28:22This is the land of the Sioux.
00:28:24Our fathers and their fathers' fathers fought for it long before the White Man came.
00:28:29It is better that we die on a war past than sit here like squaws begging for food.
00:28:35We are not beggars.
00:28:37The White Man came to us with promised papers and asked for peace.
00:28:42He who eats of the White Man's meat becomes his dog.
00:28:48As long as breath runs in my body, I shall fight the White Man.
00:28:55If there are other braves among you who wish to fight with me, I welcome you.
00:29:00If there are none, I'll fight alone.
00:29:04Your days of fighting are finished, Running Deer.
00:29:09You have broken my word and you must die.
00:29:13Running Deer is a warrior.
00:29:15It is not fitting that he be put to death.
00:29:18I ask that he be permitted to live.
00:29:20I will not owe my life to a White Man.
00:29:24I know your code, Running Deer.
00:29:33Fight for your life.
00:29:45The End
00:30:15© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:30:48I will not owe my life to a White Man.
00:30:51You are a brave warrior, Running Deer.
00:30:54I will not take your life.
00:31:06Beat the drums of death!
00:31:36Why did you inflict the wound of mourning on yourself, White Father?
00:31:39Running Deer, my son, is dead.
00:31:45♫ ♫ ♫
00:32:15♫ ♫
00:32:24♫ ♫
00:32:35So the great peacemaker's back, scalping off.
00:32:54Keep quiet, Stokey.
00:32:55We've been waiting for you to get back.
00:32:57Did you see White Cloud?
00:33:00I'm absolutely certain he had no hand in attacking the wagon train.
00:33:02That's interesting.
00:33:03Have you got any proof?
00:33:04Well, the fact that we're here speaks for itself.
00:33:08Then he had no trouble seeing White Cloud.
00:33:10None at all.
00:33:11The two were living up to their end of the treaty.
00:33:15With ours, the Indian who shot that arrow is dead, condemned by his own tribe for violating
00:33:23the treaty.
00:33:24It was Running Deer, White Cloud's own son.
00:33:29I'm delivering the cattle in the morning.
00:33:32Well, it looks like we're going to have peace at last.
00:33:35I think this calls for a celebration.
00:33:38And everybody, bring your women, folks.
00:33:49What are we celebrating?
00:33:51Losing that gold?
00:33:55Losing some cattle.
00:34:01Oh, Susanna, don't you cry for me.
00:34:11I came from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.
00:34:22Oh, Susanna, don't you cry for me.
00:34:26I came from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.
00:34:35Quiet, quiet.
00:34:37Folks, we're going to hear from the Broom Brothers, Ray, Lee, and Joe.
00:34:41On a very popular number, Pop Goes the Weasel.
00:35:57Here's the treat we've all been waiting for.
00:35:59Janet is going to sing about her beau and herself.
00:36:02On the Old Panhandle Trail.
00:38:41With the help of your troops, we should be able to move the cattle faster.
00:38:43We should be able to move the cattle faster.
00:38:45White clouds...
00:38:48White clouds can wait.
00:38:49I think there's more pressing business at hand.
00:38:51What did you say, Bill?
00:38:52Come on, Lieutenant.
00:38:57Walter, a pretty young lady like you shouldn't be sitting alone.
00:38:59Well, will you join me, Mr. Carty?
00:39:01Thanks, but how about Lieutenant Bryant?
00:39:04He's available.
00:39:14It's no use, George.
00:39:16We've been all through this before.
00:39:19Janet, your objections are no longer valid.
00:39:21The Indians are peaceful.
00:39:23But for how long?
00:39:24Until the next outbreak?
00:39:26No, George.
00:39:28I won't marry a soldier.
00:39:30You'd make a beautiful office this way.
00:40:00Don't be mad at this man, Lieutenant.
00:40:03Those cattle can be anywhere.
00:40:04They've had all night to disappear.
00:40:06Well, there ain't no tracks to follow here, Bill.
00:40:08This clay is as hard as a rock.
00:40:10We'll have to search anyway, Cactus.
00:40:12Maybe there'll be some tracks further on.
00:40:14I'll take this body back to the post, Bill.
00:40:16All right, Lieutenant.
00:40:26Sergeant, help me with this body.
00:40:37Those cattle can be anywhere.
00:40:39Maybe there'll be some tracks further on.
00:40:42I'll take this body back to the post, Bill.
00:40:44All right, Sergeant.
00:40:45Help me with this body.
00:40:46All right, Sergeant.
00:40:47Help me with this body.
00:40:48All right, Sergeant.
00:40:49Help me with this body.
00:40:50All right, Sergeant.
00:40:51Help me with this body.
00:40:52All right, Sergeant.
00:40:53Help me with this body.
00:40:54All right, Sergeant.
00:40:55Help me with this body.
00:40:56All right, Sergeant.
00:40:57Help me with this body.
00:40:58All right, Sergeant.
00:40:59Help me with this body.
00:41:00All right, Sergeant.
00:41:01Help me with this body.
00:41:02All right, Sergeant.
00:41:03Help me with this body.
00:41:04All right, Sergeant.
00:41:05Help me with this body.
00:41:06All right, Sergeant.
00:41:07Help me with this body.
00:41:08All right, Sergeant.
00:41:09Help me with this body.
00:41:10All right, Sergeant.
00:41:11Help me with this body.
00:41:12All right, Sergeant.
00:41:13Help me with this body.
00:41:14All right, Sergeant.
00:41:15Help me with this body.
00:41:16All right, Sergeant.
00:41:17Help me with this body.
00:41:18All right, Sergeant.
00:41:19Help me with this body.
00:41:20All right, Sergeant.
00:41:21Help me with this body.
00:41:22All right, Sergeant.
00:41:23Help me with this body.
00:41:24All right, Sergeant.
00:41:25Help me with this body.
00:41:26All right, Sergeant.
00:41:27Help me with this body.
00:41:28All right, Sergeant.
00:41:29Help me with this body.
00:41:30All right, Sergeant.
00:41:31Help me with this body.
00:41:32All right, Sergeant.
00:41:33Help me with this body.
00:41:34All right, Sergeant.
00:41:35Help me with this body.
00:41:36All right, Sergeant.
00:41:37Help me with this body.
00:41:38All right, Sergeant.
00:41:39Help me with this body.
00:41:40All right, Sergeant.
00:41:41Help me with this body.
00:41:42All right, Sergeant.
00:41:43Help me with this body.
00:41:44All right, Sergeant.
00:41:45Help me with this body.
00:41:46All right, Sergeant.
00:41:47Help me with this body.
00:41:48All right, Sergeant.
00:41:49Help me with this body.
00:41:50All right, Sergeant.
00:41:51Help me with this body.
00:41:52All right, Sergeant.
00:41:53Help me with this body.
00:41:54All right, Sergeant.
00:41:55Help me with this body.
00:41:56All right, Sergeant.
00:41:57Help me with this body.
00:41:58All right, Sergeant.
00:41:59Help me with this body.
00:42:00All right, Sergeant.
00:42:01Help me with this body.
00:42:02All right, Sergeant.
00:42:03Help me with this body.
00:42:04All right, Sergeant.
00:42:05Help me with this body.
00:42:06All right, Sergeant.
00:42:07Help me with this body.
00:42:08All right, Sergeant.
00:42:09All right, Sergeant.
00:42:13Help me with this body.
00:42:14All right, Sergeant.
00:42:15Help me with this body.
00:42:16All right, Sergeant.
00:42:17Help me with this body.
00:42:23Neil, come in.
00:42:23Neil, Neil, Matthew.
00:42:26Neil, wake him, Neil.
00:42:28También, Wait.
00:42:32Why are you standing there?
00:42:33Say the word.
00:42:34Hold on.
00:42:35Your eye on the crowd. Don't let anyone shoot.
00:42:50We greet you in peace, old red brother. Why does your lance split the earth in anger?
00:43:02White cloud, place his mark on promise paper of great white father. For many moons we live in peace, but white man left his promise on paper.
00:43:13I have come to keep the promises.
00:43:15For five moons we wait. Buffalo now gone. Grass brown. My people starve. You not speak with two tongues before. You come, but we not see cattle.
00:43:30They are gone, white cloud. In the night they ran to the four winds. I have asked the singing wire to tell the great white father about this.
00:43:39Choose not eight words. Our children cry. Brave go lean. We not wait much longer. When third sun hides face behind mountain and you not bring cattle, I take back my mark from promise paper.
00:43:58If this happens, white cloud, much blood will be spilled.
00:44:02It will be blood of white man. My braves will ride with spirit of my son running deer. We will drive white man from our land. We will burn his houses and dust will cover the white man's sign.
00:44:18You must give me time, white cloud. Another herd of cattle will be here soon. You must not take back your mark from the paper of promise. Remove the lance, old brother, and let the earth show no sign.
00:44:30This is my word. When first star shines at end of third sun and my people still hungry, the Sioux will ride.
00:44:42I, white cloud, have spoken.
00:44:50That shot may yet cost us our lives.
00:45:11What do you suggest we do?
00:45:13There's only one thing we can do. Fill our end of the treaty.
00:45:17What do you got on your mind, Bill?
00:45:19That buffalo herd we saw four days ago. We can get wagons from Walker. If we're lucky, we can bring back plenty of buffalo meat. Come on, Cactus.
00:45:46Get that Indian and onions followed. Stay out of sight and let me know when they start to come back.
00:45:53Let's get the men together. We're going to play Indian again.
00:46:15Still hungry, Bill. Think I'll get some more grub. Gotta put some fat on me, you know. Maria said I was all skin and bones.
00:46:22Well, you're still sweet on Maria, eh?
00:46:24Aw, Bill.
00:46:29Pinfeather, what are you doing here?
00:46:32Meeding grub.
00:46:33I can see that. She ain't here, is she?
00:46:37No. She's sending me to check them up on you.
00:46:40Well, the next time you see her, you tell her I already checked them down on her. I'm going to get some more grub.
00:47:09I'm going to get some more grub.
00:47:39I'm going to get some more grub.
00:48:09I sure hope we have enough buffalo meat to satisfy White Cloud until the next herd of cattle get here.
00:48:24Where are you figuring on making camp, Bill?
00:48:26We're not stopping. We may be too late as it is.
00:48:29Get the horse.
00:48:30Up you go, Pinfeather.
00:48:45Make our way, Joe.
00:49:02Sue, let's tell them about the buffalo.
00:49:13Hey, that fellow just appeared in a hurry. You sure that was a Sioux?
00:49:17They're the hoof prints.
00:49:23It wasn't a Sioux, Cactus. It was a white man. Indians don't shoe their horses.
00:49:32What do you suppose white men would be posing as Indians for?
00:49:35I don't know, Cactus.
00:49:36The Indians who attacked Lieutenant Brian's wagon train certainly didn't act like Indians.
00:49:40Let's get out of here.
00:49:51This is my word.
00:49:54When first star shines at end of third sun, and my people still hungry, the Sioux will rise.
00:50:05Tell the tribes of our nation White Cloud summons them.
00:50:09Let our brothers know White Cloud's lance has split the earth.
00:50:14He has taken back his mark from promised paper.
00:50:18From this time on, Sioux and white men are no longer at peace.
00:51:51Start tracking!
00:51:52Yes, sir!
00:52:30Go, Sabine!
00:52:50A running death.
00:52:52Sioux don't usually do this unless they capture somebody on their land.
00:52:55I wonder what he was doing there.
00:52:57Yeah, but Bill, that's only when they're on the warpath.
00:52:59The sun has gone down three times. White Cloud usually keeps his word.
00:53:03We'd better look through his pockets. There might be some identification.
00:53:11Him Yellowstone. Same as Stokey take from me.
00:53:15Are you sure?
00:53:16Sure me sure. Me find him in old Galala Canyon.
00:53:19That's only a few miles from White Cloud's camp.
00:53:22Stokey and Blake.
00:53:24Did Stokey know where you found the Yellowstone?
00:53:26Sure, me tell him. But he no give him back the stone.
00:53:30There's your answer for the Indian masquerade.
00:53:33See that this man is buried.
00:53:35Tell Simpkins to locate Lieutenant Brian and his patrol.
00:53:38I'm going to see White Cloud.
00:53:46Cover up my mustache.
00:54:07The Buffalo wagons are on their way back.
00:54:09Where'd you leave them?
00:54:10Over in the Stake Plains.
00:54:11They ought to be at Rimrock Canyon in 24 hours.
00:54:13Good, we'll meet them there. Come on, let's hurry.
00:54:43Greetings, White Cloud.
00:54:44The killer of Buffalo not welcome in land of the Sioux.
00:54:48I come in peace to counsel with White Cloud.
00:54:51There is no peace.
00:54:53Your long hair will hang in my teepee.
00:54:56I am a blood brother to the Sioux.
00:54:58I have the right to speak.
00:55:00You cover yourself with mantle of our law.
00:55:04You shall speak as did Running Deer.
00:55:07You'll be punished as a Sioux, not white man.
00:55:11My heart is not afraid of White Cloud's justice.
00:55:14He is bitter because his people go hungry.
00:55:17From beyond those hills, I am bringing six wagons filled with buffalo meat.
00:55:21Once you said you were bringing cattle.
00:55:24We never see them.
00:55:25Evil white men stampeded the cattle because they wanted the Sioux driven from their land.
00:55:30All white men are enemies.
00:55:32No, White Cloud.
00:55:34Only those who have learned there is much gold on your land.
00:55:37We never see it.
00:55:39The sun has gone down twice since the Sioux caught a white man and punished him with a dragging death.
00:55:44That is so.
00:55:46I took this from his body.
00:55:52The Sioux does not carve the earth for gold.
00:55:59The white man Blake wants this gold.
00:56:01His men dress as Sioux to attack the wagons.
00:56:04I have seen the tracks of one who watched us.
00:56:07If they attack and stop us from bringing you the buffalo meat, no man will trust White Cloud.
00:56:14The great white father will send an army of blue shirts to drive the Sioux from his land forever.
00:56:19If this is so, why isn't this man punished?
00:56:23White man law protects him until we can prove his evil.
00:56:26White man's law is nothing to the Sioux.
00:56:29Give us Blake.
00:56:31I'm sure Blake and his men will attack the wagons.
00:56:34White Cloud and his braids can move like shadows.
00:56:37We need but few.
00:56:39Your skin is still white.
00:56:41Your wagon may be the jaws of a trap.
00:56:44I have spoken.
00:56:47Lower the drum of death.
00:56:56Quotation it.
00:57:04Quotation it.
00:57:06Quotation it.
00:57:29If I not return, let earth run red with white man's blood.
00:57:37Quotation it.
00:57:48Well, Bill, I see you've still got yourself.
00:57:51Is that mean White Cloud going to help us?
00:57:53I don't know, Cactus. We just have to keep our powder dry.
00:58:07They ought to be here by now.
00:58:09Make sure you get them all. I don't want any witnesses.
00:58:36There they come. Get them all.
00:59:06Get them all.
00:59:36Get them all.
01:00:06Get them all.
01:00:36Get them all.
01:01:06Get them all.
01:01:37Get them all.
01:01:39Get them all.
01:01:41Get them all.
01:01:43Get them all.
01:01:45Get them all.
01:01:47Get them all.
01:01:49Get them all.
01:01:51Get them all.
01:01:53Get them all.
01:01:55Get them all.
01:01:57Get them all.
01:01:59Get them all.
01:02:01Get them all.
01:02:03Get them all.
01:02:05Get them all.
01:02:07Get them all.
01:02:09Get them all.
01:02:11Get them all.
01:02:13Get them all.
01:02:15Get them all.
01:02:17Get them all.
01:02:19Get them all.
01:02:21Get them all.
01:02:23Get them all.
01:02:25Get them all.
01:02:27Get them all.
01:02:29Get them all.
01:02:31Get them all.
01:02:33Get them all.
01:02:35Get them all.
01:02:37Get them all.
01:02:39Get them all.
01:02:41Get them all.
01:02:43Get them all.
01:02:45Get them all.
01:02:47Get them all.
01:02:49Get them all.
01:02:51Get them all.
01:02:53Get them all.
01:02:55Get them all.
01:02:57Get them all.
01:02:59Get them all.
01:03:01Get them all.
01:03:31Get them all.
01:03:33Get them all.
01:03:35Get them all.
01:03:37Get them all.
01:03:39Get them all.
01:03:51William Cody, this honor belongs to you.
01:03:54My brother, once more, we bring forth the promised paper.
01:04:03It is good, from this time on, the lands of White Cloud shall never split the earth in
01:04:12The Sioux and white man shall live in peace.
01:04:23May I ask you to stay for the wedding, Bill?
01:04:24Sorry, I can't, Lieutenant.
01:04:25But orders are orders.
01:04:27I didn't know what.
01:04:28Maybe now you set it down.
01:04:31Cactus, we're ready to go.
01:04:32Hey, Bill, wait for me.
01:04:33I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:34I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:35I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:36I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:37I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:38I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:39I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:40I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:04:41I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
01:05:08I'm afraid you're going to be back for a long time.
