Online Data Analysis with R For Free

  • 5 years ago
[Read] This guide is ideal if you?re a professional, manager, or student who wants practical knowledge of analyzing data, without having to get a PhD in statistics. It?s also good for people who have a PhD in statistics, but may not know how to write programs that apply statistical methods to real data.Discover how to apply the R language to data analysis through active learning and hands-on demonstration. You?ll learn how to use R libraries that useful and reliable for data analysis, and how they can save you time and stress.Learn from a PhD-level statistician who develops and leads R coursesStart analyzing data with R, rather than absorb academic statistics conceptsRun more powerful analyses and make better-looking graphsSpend less time coding, with ggplot2, plyr, reshape2, and lubridateLearn how to make decisions during a data analysis For Online
