• 6 years ago
This burlesque group uses performance art to send political messages and celebrate queer feminism.
“Sexy looks different for every person,” explained founder Una Osato.

bRass, known as brown radical ass burlesque, is a queer, colored dance group dedicated to celebrating bodies, feminism, and women. In a time where women's rights, bodies, and lifestyles are still highly criticized, this group of women decided to take a stand through dance.

“We’re here, we’re political, our bodies are political and we celebrate that,” Osato explained. “We have a perspective and believe in a world where everyone can be free and celebrate their body.”

The group does a monthly show called “Compost Bin,” in which they incorporate the week’s news and social issues and incorporate it into their art. Osato hopes audiences leave the shows feeling inspired to be a little freer in their bodies. She also hopes that the group can one day tour around the world and share their work with audiences everywhere.

“Art speaks to people. It moves our souls. It crosses borders, it crosses all these constructions in the world that have been imposed on us,” she explained. “We use our art to say something that matters to us in the world.”

This video, "How bRass Burlesque is Taking the Power Back for Queer Women of Color", first appeared on


