• 7 years ago
Betty Friedan: Writer and activist She's the one that organized the Women's strike for equality in 1970.
"Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves." Betty Friedan
Coretta Scott King: Fought for Civil Rights She fought for women's right to equality. She also helped to found the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966.
"If American women increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children." Coretta Scott King
Tarana Burke: Creator of the #MeToo movement She created the movement before it became viral in 2017. She's an outspoken activist and leader for victims of sexual assault and harassment.
"We need to be inundating these children with the idea that consent is the way of life. Yes, you do have to ask to touch somebody." Tarana Burke
Emma Watson: Actress and activist She started the #HeforShe movement. She is trying to define what it's like to be a feminist today.
"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong." Emma Watson
