Ocasio-Cortez: GOP Wants To Go Back To Times 'When Women Needed Permission Slips From Men'

  • 5 years ago
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed the GOP on Friday.

Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Republicans in a tweet Friday.
"The GOP wants to send us back: Back towards injustice, Back to the denial of science, Back to the times when women needed permission slips from men, Back to racism - But we won't go back," she tweeted. "We will move forward. Forward to the dignity of all people & protection of our planet."
She made the comment while sharing a video of Senator Lindsey Graham denying that a recent Trump rally chant of "send her back" directed at Somali-born Rep. Ilhan Omar was racist. 
"A Somali refugee embracing Trump would not have been asked to go back," Graham said. "If you're a racist, you want everyone from Somalia to go back 'cause they're black or they're Muslim. That's not what this is about to me." 
Amid backlash over the chant, Trump has claimed he tried to stop it.
However, as CBS News notes: "The video tells a different story. The president stands in silence for nearly 15 seconds, looking around the arena. When Mr. Trump resumed his speech, he made no mention of the chant, which started after he attacked Rep. Ilhan Omar."


