• hace 6 años
Bs. As .: The commander-in-chief of the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier General Omar Domingo Graffigna attends the act of homage to General Manuel Belgrano, in front of the mausoleum that keeps his remains in the atrium of the Santo Domingo convent, on the occasion of fulfilling the 167th anniversary of the Battle of Tucuman. The Minister of Culture and Education, Dr. Juan Rafael Llerena Amadeo; the commander of aerial operations, Brigadier Mayor Jesus Orlando Cappellini; the representatives of the commanders in chief of the Army, general of health Emilio Garcia Perez and of the Navy, Rear Admiral I.M. Oscar Abriata; the presidents of the Belgranian institute, Professor Aníbal Luzuriaga and of the National Institute of San Martín, General of Division (re) Joaquín Aguilar Pinedo; the mayor of the city of Buenos Aires, commodore (re) Ricardo Fistolera; the head of the infantry regiment 3 that bears the name of the hero, Lieutenant Colonel Faustino Svencionis; delegations of senior officers, chiefs and officers of the three armed forces and special guests. (Magnetic / Ambient sound)
Reference: So expressed in part of his speech the commander in chief of the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier General Omar Domingo Graffigna: - "The war" continues the enemy will change tactics and terrain, again and again appear to be in combat retreat , to reappear in the remote places. He tried to infiltrate the classrooms and the universities, in the intermediate organizations, in all the fields of the Nation's life that they used again as a basis for their campaign of extermination and submission. "(On Thursday, September 27, at three days after the speech, a group of subversive criminals committed a serious attack at the home of the Secretary of Coordination and Economic Programming, Dr. Guillermo Walter Klein, his wife and four of their youngest children)
Date: 9/24/1979
Duration: 27 seconds
Film code: A-08336

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